Poll: Most Voters Believe Democrats ‘Engaged in Lawfare’ in Trump Trials


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016


Most Voters Believe Democrats

‘Engaged in Lawfare’ in Trump Trials

29 Apr. 2024 ~~ By Nick Gilbertson

Most voters think Democrats are “using the government and legal system in biased ways to” politically damage former President Donald Trump, according to a Harvard-Harris poll.
The poll, published Monday, asked 1,961 registered voter respondents:
Do you think the legal prosecutions of Donald Trump are fair and unrelated to politics, or do you think the Democrats today are engaged in lawfare — a campaign using the government and the legal system in biased ways to take out political opponents?
A majority of 57 percent said they believe Democrats are engaged in “lawfare” against Trump, while 43 percent believe the prosecutions are both fair and apolitical.
Of Republicans, 83 percent think the legal system and government are being used to damage Trump politically, while 31 percent of Democrats and 57 percent of independents feel the same. Conversely, 69 percent of Democrats, 17 percent of Republicans, and 43 percent of independents believe the trials are fair and unrelated to politics.

Those numbers are actually remarkable when you consider that the usual state-affiliated propaganda media constantly push the legitimacy of the cases -- in their unquestioning, "serious" manner.They would never have Alan Dershowitz on to deflate their show-trial journalism, for example.
Apparently, the neutral sounding term of Lawfare is the new way of describing Neo-Marxist Political Persecution.
Had they indected and prosecuted Hillary for obstruction of justice and her illegal handling of the classified material I’d say they aren’t engaged in lawfare (persecution). Same with Biden who getting a pass because he’s senile.
Democrat Neo-Marxists will never recognize any fault or criminal act by their party. The end always justify the means. It's a repeat of the Stalin or Putin trials against their enemies..
Those numbers are actually remarkable when you consider that the usual state-affiliated propaganda media constantly push the legitimacy of the cases -- in their unquestioning, "serious" manner.They would never have Alan Dershowitz on to deflate their show-trial journalism, for example.
Apparently, the neutral sounding term of Lawfare is the new way of describing Neo-Marxist Political Persecution.
Had they indected and prosecuted Hillary for obstruction of justice and her illegal handling of the classified material I’d say they aren’t engaged in lawfare (persecution). Same with Biden who getting a pass because he’s senile.
Democrat Neo-Marxists will never recognize any fault or criminal act by their party. The end always justify the means. It's a repeat of the Stalin or Putin trials against their enemies..

People stopped caring what Dershowitz had to say after he was found to be a frequent flyer to Lolita Island.

Long term, this trial is not looking good for Trump. When he is convicted, people will have to honestly ask themselves, "Do we want a convicted felon in the White House?"

And the sensible answer is, "No!"
But here's the thing: There are a significant number of voters who say that they would NEVER vote for someone who is a convicted felon...even if his exoneration one appeal were very likely.

And that is what is driving it, just as it drove Madam Pelosi to "impeach" Trump after he was out of office. They wanted to prevent him from ever running again. Now they want to use manipulation of the law to prevent him from winning, even though every single case is bullshit.
But here's the thing: There are a significant number of voters who say that they would NEVER vote for someone who is a convicted felon...even if his exoneration one appeal were very likely.

And that is what is driving it, just as it drove Madam Pelosi to "impeach" Trump after he was out of office. They wanted to prevent him from ever running again. Now they want to use manipulation of the law to prevent him from winning, even though every single case is bullshit.
You guys impeached Clinton over a blow job. You don't get to complain anymore.
People stopped caring what Dershowitz had to say after he was found to be a frequent flyer to Lolita Island.

Long term, this trial is not looking good for Trump. When he is convicted, people will have to honestly ask themselves, "Do we want a convicted felon in the White House?"

And the sensible answer is, "No!"
But many people are perfectly happy to have unconvicted felons in the White House, indeed, populating much of the federal government.
But many people are perfectly happy to have unconvicted felons in the White House, indeed, populating much of the federal government.
well, when your whole accusation of "wrongdoing" was based on a guy who turned out to be a Russian Operative, it kind of deflates your accusations.

Funny, we haven't heard much about Biden's "Crimes" since Smirnov was outed as someone who worked for Russia.
well, when your whole accusation of "wrongdoing" was based on a guy who turned out to be a Russian Operative, it kind of deflates your accusations.

Funny, we haven't heard much about Biden's "Crimes" since Smirnov was outed as someone who worked for Russia.
Are you one of those guys who believe Russia stole Hillary's election in 2016?

The unconvicted felon in the White House I was referring to was Bill Clinton and his rape of Juanita Broaddrick back when he was AG running for Governor in Arkansas.
Are you one of those guys who believe Russia stole Hillary's election in 2016?

The unconvicted felon in the White House I was referring to was Bill Clinton and his rape of Juanita Broaddrick back when he was AG running for Governor in Arkansas.
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies determined the Russians interfered in our election. The only question is, was Trump a conspirator or just a useful idiot?

Okay, let's look at the "rape" of Juanita Broderick.

By the time anyone heard about it, the statute of limitations expired.

But that's just an excuse. So, let's look at the "evidence."

Broderick filed TWO affidavits saying that nothing happened between her and Clinton.

After the supposed "rape", Broderick continued to show up to Clinton events and accepted an appointment to a state board on retirement housing.

She never told her husband at the time.

She could not name the date it happened or the room number it happened in.
There was no record of either her or Clinton EVER having been at that hotel.
You guys impeached Clinton over a blow job. You don't get to complain anymore.
Hmm..., why did you leave out the fact that Clinton also sexually assaulted Kathleen Willey in the W.H.., or the rape of Juanita Broaddrick?
Hmm..., why did you leave out the fact that Clinton also sexually assaulted Kathleen Willey in the W.H.., or the rape of Juanita Broaddrick?

1) Kathleen Willey is a liar. Clinton had receipts that she kept hitting him up for a job a year after her husband's suicide.
2) Juanita Broderick is a liar. She filed to affidavits claiming Clinton never touched her before she changed her story.
3) Neither of these incidents were part of the impeachment process.
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies determined the Russians interfered in our election.
That's a retarded lie. I would love to see the analysis from the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, or the National Reconnaissance Office, or the Coast Guard Intelligence, or Office of Naval Intelligence, etc.

It was 3 agencies. The FBI, the CIA, and the NSA. The FBI and CIA were both in on the "Russia Collusion" hoax. The NSA was wishy-washy, but gave it a "moderate" confidence.

The ODNI is not an Intelligence Agency. It does no collection and analysis of it's own. It is a repository and consumer of intelligence from the agencies that comprise the IC.
The only question is, was Trump a conspirator or just a useful idiot?
The idiots were people like you who couldn't see through an obvious Clinton political hit job.

Yeah, the DNC server was hacked. That's what you get when you keep it in Clinton's bathroom, and give out your passwords to phishing emails... :cuckoo:
That's a retarded lie. I would love to see the analysis from the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, or the National Reconnaissance Office, or the Coast Guard Intelligence, or Office of Naval Intelligence, etc.

It was 3 agencies. The FBI, the CIA, and the NSA. The FBI and CIA were both in on the "Russia Collusion" hoax. The NSA was wishy-washy, but gave it a "moderate" confidence.

The ODNI is not an Intelligence Agency. It does no collection and analysis of it's own. It is a repository and consumer of intelligence from the agencies that comprise the IC.

Um, here's the thing, Durham spent five years trying to prove the "Hoax". At the end of the day, all he got was one guy admitting he altered one line on a warrant application that had been previously approved twice.

Wait, wait, I know, Durham was part of the "Deep State", too!

The idiots were people like you who couldn't see through an obvious Clinton political hit job.

No, because if it was a Clinton hit job, we'd have heard about it before the election. We didn't hear about it until AFTER the election.

Yeah, the DNC server was hacked. That's what you get when you keep it in Clinton's bathroom, and give out your passwords to phishing emails...

I'm not sure what your point here is. I'm sure that a lot of things have been "hacked".

The Pentagon, intelligence agencies, nuclear labs and Fortune 500 companies use software that was found to have been compromised by Russian hackers. The sweep of stolen data is still being assessed.

The scope of a hacking engineered by one of Russia’s premier intelligence agencies became clearer on Monday, when some Trump administration officials acknowledged that other federal agencies — the State Department, the Department of Homeland Security and parts of the Pentagon — had been compromised. Investigators were struggling to determine the extent to which the military, intelligence community and nuclear laboratories were affected by the highly sophisticated attack.

United States officials did not detect the attack until recent weeks, and then only when a private cybersecurity firm, FireEye, alerted American intelligence that the hackers had evaded layers of defenses.
Um, here's the thing, Durham spent five years trying to prove the "Hoax". At the end of the day, all he got was one guy admitting he altered one line on a warrant application that had been previously approved twice.

Wait, wait, I know, Durham was part of the "Deep State", too!


Yes, the CIA said Page was an asset, the FBI "altered" it by inserting the word "not" after was...

Innocent mistake...

Read the Horowitz Report.

"Nevertheless, we found that members of the Crossfire Hurricane team failed to meet the basic obligation to ensure that the Carter Page FISA applications were "scrupulously accurate." We identified significant inaccuracies and omissions in each of the four applications-7 in the first FISA application and a total of 17 by the final renewal application. For example, the Crossfire Hurricane team obtained information from Steele's Primary Sub-source in January 2017 that raised significant questions about the reliability of the Steele reporting that was used in the Carter Page FISA applications. But members of the Crossfire Hurricane team failed to share the information with the Department, and it was therefore omitted from the second and third renewal applications.

All of the applications also omitted information the FBI had obtained from another U.S. government agency detailing its prior relationship with Page, including that Page had been approved as an operational contact for the other agency from 2008 to 2013, and that Page had provided information to the other agency concerning his prior contacts with certain Russian intelligence officers, one of which overlapped with facts asserted in the FISA application."
No, because if it was a Clinton hit job, we'd have heard about it before the election. We didn't hear about it until AFTER the election.
It was already being leaked before the election. Slate and the NYT had published pieces about the Trump Tower meeting and the Alfa Bank hoaxes. The left was full of Trump-Putin "bromance" talk.

The "17 Intelligence agencies" claim came from Hillary during the campaign, and the ODNI released a statement about Russian hacking in October.

When Buzzfeed published the Steele Dossier in January I recognized it immediately as a Clinton smear piece. It was so transparent. The FBI was fully aware of that, and still went ahead with the Crossfire Hurricane and Mueller sham investigations.

SO BULLSHIT! You guys do nothing but tell lies, and repeat them over and over again. Nothing you say can ever be taken seriously.

Yes, the CIA said Page was an asset, the FBI "altered" it by inserting the word "not" after was...

Innocent mistake...

Read the Horowitz Report.

Yawn, why bother? It was a lot of Monday Morning Quarterbacking.

"Nevertheless, we found that members of the Crossfire Hurricane team failed to meet the basic obligation to ensure that the Carter Page FISA applications were "scrupulously accurate." We identified significant inaccuracies and omissions in each of the four applications-7 in the first FISA application and a total of 17 by the final renewal application. For example, the Crossfire Hurricane team obtained information from Steele's Primary Sub-source in January 2017 that raised significant questions about the reliability of the Steele reporting that was used in the Carter Page FISA applications. But members of the Crossfire Hurricane team failed to share the information with the Department, and it was therefore omitted from the second and third renewal applications.

Hey, guy, if your boss puts you on a Performance Improvement Plan tomorrow, how many "mistakes" or "Inaccuracies" is he going to find in your work?


Most Voters Believe Democrats

‘Engaged in Lawfare’ in Trump Trials

29 Apr. 2024 ~~ By Nick Gilbertson

Most voters think Democrats are “using the government and legal system in biased ways to” politically damage former President Donald Trump, according to a Harvard-Harris poll.
The poll, published Monday, asked 1,961 registered voter respondents:
Do you think the legal prosecutions of Donald Trump are fair and unrelated to politics, or do you think the Democrats today are engaged in lawfare — a campaign using the government and the legal system in biased ways to take out political opponents?
A majority of 57 percent said they believe Democrats are engaged in “lawfare” against Trump, while 43 percent believe the prosecutions are both fair and apolitical.
Of Republicans, 83 percent think the legal system and government are being used to damage Trump politically, while 31 percent of Democrats and 57 percent of independents feel the same. Conversely, 69 percent of Democrats, 17 percent of Republicans, and 43 percent of independents believe the trials are fair and unrelated to politics.

Those numbers are actually remarkable when you consider that the usual state-affiliated propaganda media constantly push the legitimacy of the cases -- in their unquestioning, "serious" manner.They would never have Alan Dershowitz on to deflate their show-trial journalism, for example.
Apparently, the neutral sounding term of Lawfare is the new way of describing Neo-Marxist Political Persecution.
Had they indected and prosecuted Hillary for obstruction of justice and her illegal handling of the classified material I’d say they aren’t engaged in lawfare (persecution). Same with Biden who getting a pass because he’s senile.
Democrat Neo-Marxists will never recognize any fault or criminal act by their party. The end always justify the means. It's a repeat of the Stalin or Putin trials against their enemies..

Trump is responsible for his actions.
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies determined the Russians interfered in our election. The only question is, was Trump a conspirator or just a useful idiot?

Okay, let's look at the "rape" of Juanita Broderick.

By the time anyone heard about it, the statute of limitations expired.

But that's just an excuse. So, let's look at the "evidence."

Broderick filed TWO affidavits saying that nothing happened between her and Clinton.

After the supposed "rape", Broderick continued to show up to Clinton events and accepted an appointment to a state board on retirement housing.

She never told her husband at the time.

She could not name the date it happened or the room number it happened in.
There was no record of either her or Clinton EVER having been at that hotel.
17 intelligence agencies? 17 pathological liars? Why do you believe known liars?

Do you recall, or have you excluded from your conscious memory that 50 some odd intelligence "experts" declared in writing that Hunter's laptop was a Russian plant? It turns out it was not, but actually belonged to The Big Guy's son.

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