POLL: Do you WANT to heal our divisions?

Do you WANT to see our divisions healed?

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Some people say our divisions are not that big a deal, that we've seen them before. Personally I don't think that's true. One thing that concerns me the most is the amount of people who don't seem to WANT our divisions healed. It seems they'd rather have some kind of final, winner-take-all war, thinking the other side can somehow be eliminated.

Do you want to see our divisions healed? It would certainly require communication with people who disagree with you, and you would have to bend somewhat, regardless of where you stand politically.

Fuck a leftist
I’ve watched a number of Trump rallies and you’re so off base that it verges on comedy. He neither spreads venom nor hate. It’s hard to take you seriously when you’re so disconnected from reality, tbh.
He's such an honorable dude, amirite?
He's such an honorable dude, amirite?
A real statesman, amirite?
Their answer would be "yes". You could show them tons of video to the contrary, and they'd still say it. And/or deflect and project onto Biden.

This is the alternate universe.
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The fact of the matter is, division helps the duopoly. Fear mongering is what fuels their campaigning - indeed, it's all they have. They will push back against anything that undermines their power - most especially anything that "heals" our divisions.
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Trump and MAGA didn't crash the economy. The democrat governors who shut down their states, restricted people from going to work and earn livings crashed the economy. It's an easy case to prove since every city and state that didn't take draconian measures to "contain" Covid did far better economically than those that did.
You would need too add population density, How less populated areas would stand a better chance,
Unless it held a high population of extremists wanting Every one to get Covid as many People did.
The fact of the matter is, division helps the duopoly. Fear mongering is what fuels their campaigning - indeed, it's all they have. They will push back against anything that undermines their power - most especially anything that "heals" our divisions.
Aren't you also fear-mongering about the duopoly? You're not unbiased here, you want the power they have. You covet it. Instead of engaging in their same tactics why don't one you fucking cowards just state what you stand for and let people decide if they want to rock with you?
Aren't you also fear-mongering about the duopoly?
I don't think so. It's just a sober observation. The results speak for themselves. Biden vs Trump? Seriously? If that's the best the system can come up with, the system is fucked.
You're not unbiased here, you want the power they have. You covet it.
No, I don't. Not sure how you dreamt that up.
Instead of engaging in their same tactics why don't one you fucking cowards just state what you stand for and let people decide if they want to rock with you?
Because that won't work as long as people are dedicated to "strategic voting". If people are voting for bad candidates on purpose, a good candidate is just wasting their time. We either need to wise up as voters, or implement ranked choice voting, or any other reform that does away with the spoiler effect, lesser-of-two-evils and the fear-mongering of the hysterical partisans.
I don't think so. It's just a sober observation.
Then do it without the hysterical hyperbole. Why should I want to vote with you? What about your platform is supposed to be appealing to me?
The results speak for themselves. Biden vs Trump? Seriously? If that's the best the system can come up with, the system is fucked.
What do you imagine the results are saying other than you can't even do better than these fucking guys? :dunno: :laugh:
No, I don't. Not sure how you dreamt that up.

Because that won't work as long as people are dedicated to "strategic voting". If people are voting for bad candidates on purpose, a good candidate is just wasting their time. We either need to wise up as voters, or implement ranked choice voting, or any other reform that does away with the spoiler effect, lesser-of-two-evils and the fear-mongering of the hysterical partisans.
I still don't hear you telling me what the fuck you stand for and why it would appeal to me.
Then do it without the hysterical hyperbole.
Quote the hysterical hyperbole. I'm not calling anyone "evil". All I'm saying is that voting for bad candidates on purpose isn't exactly working. We should try something different.
Why should I want to vote with you?
I'm NOT asking you to, dipshit. Pay attention.
What about your platform is supposed to be appealing to me?
I don't have a platform. I'm just asking people to stop falling for the lesser-of-two-evils idiocy. If you think both major candidates are bad, for fuck's sake - don't vote for them
I still don't hear you telling me what the fuck you stand for and why it would appeal to me.
Yep. That would be because I'm not saying that. That's why you're not hearing it. Imagine that.
Quote the hysterical hyperbole. I'm not calling anyone "evil". All I'm saying is that voting for bad candidates on purpose isn't exactly working. We should try something different.
Like voting for a better candidate? Then who is that and what are their policies?
I'm asking you to, dipshit. Pay attention.
Who gives a shit if you're asking hombre? I'm asking why I should care. Sell me on your guy being the better candidate and your policies being the better policies.
I don't have a platform. I'm just asking people to stop falling for the lesser-of-two-evils idiocy. If you think both major candidate are bad, for fuck's sake - don't vote for them
You say you're not using hyperbole and that you're not calling anyone evil but then what the fuck is this? :dunno:

I don't think Biden is evil. I think he's a bit of an inarticulate dope but better than the other guy and certainly better than your nothing. Why the fuck would I vote for nothing?
Yep. That would be because I'm not saying that. That's why you're not hearing. Imagine that.
And you're not hearing what I'm saying but you Libertarians stay confused why no one fuck's with you when you give them nothing. :laugh:
Like voting for a better candidate? Then who is that and what are their policies?
Don't dodge. You accused me of hysterical hyperbole. Quote it. Or were you just lying?
Sell me on your guy being the better candidate and your policies being the better policies.
You're really just not getting it. Sorry. I don't how to dumb it down to your level. Don't vote for bad candidates on purpose. That's really all there is to it. I'm not here to tell you who to vote for. Just asking you to stop doing the stupid thing. It's not working.
"I don't have a platform. I'm just asking people to stop falling for the lesser-of-two-evils idiocy. If you think both major candidate are bad, for fuck's sake - don't vote for them"

You say you're not using hyperbole and that you're not calling anyone evil but then what the fuck is this?
It's an earnest plea to wake people up. Where's the hysteria and hyperbole?? Do you know the meaning of those words?
I don't think Biden is evil. I think he's a bit of an inarticulate dope but better than the other guy and certainly better than your nothing. Why the fuck would I vote for nothing?
If you think Biden is great, or even "good" - vote for him. I'm talking to the majority of the rest of us, who know better. Who know that both candidates suck, but plan to vote for one of them anyway. These are the people we need to wake up.
And you're not hearing what I'm saying but you Libertarians stay confused why no one fuck's with you when you give them nothing. :laugh:
I'm not a Libertarian, not anymore. The party has jumped the shark. But I still support libertarian politics when I can.
Don't dodge. You accused me of hysterical hyperbole. Quote it. Or were you just lying?
Fucking Christ you sensitive bitches take things so personally. I don't care that much guy. You said in the same post we're voting for the lesser of two evils right? That's not hyperbole? You meant that literally then? :dunno:
You're really just not getting it. Sorry. I don't how to dumb it down to your level. Don't vote for bad candidates on purpose. That's really all there is to it. I'm not here to tell you who to vote for. Just asking you to stop doing the stupid thing. It's not working.
Bad in comparison to what? You argue like bad is some objective measurement or that by me not voting for either is some objective good. I'm not convinced. Your argument so far is undefined at best and hyperbolic bullshit at its most emotional.
It's an earnest plea to wake people up. Where's the hysteria and hyperbole?? Do you know the meaning of those words?
The hyperbole is where you liken me to sleeping beauty and yourself the puckered prince I'm supposed to trust who's kiss will save me for reasons. It was a thin plot even as a Disney cartoon.
If you think Biden is great, or even "good" - vote for him. I'm talking to the majority of the rest of us, who know better. Who know both candidates suck, but plan to vote for one of them anyway.
That's just your salty description of people who don't want to follow you into political nihilism. Black eyeliner and the emo shit really isn't my thing.
I'm not a Libertarian, not anymore. The party has jumped the shark. But I still support libertarian politics when I can.
Which are what? Scratch a libertarian and you get a different flavor.

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