Playing Devil's Advocate


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
Hopefully this will help those Zionists to understand what happened & why.

For over 75 years Palestinians have suffered from Israel's abusive trearment of peace offerings, land concessions, water, food & fuel supplies & saving Palestinian lives in Israeli hospitals. And all we Palestinians wanted was self determination free from Israel. Yet Israel goes on determined to wipe out Hamas who loves us Palestinians dearly.

And then we are shocked at the USA response under Joe Biden who us Pali supporters voted for overwhelmingly & he allows Israel to continue its retaliation. What a traitor he has been to us allowing Israel to continue just because Hamas did what it had to do to wake up you Zionists.

Rest assured here in the USA we will continue our protests all over the country for peace & love & win in the end by voting in our next election to dump Biden & re-elect Donald Trump or any other republican to please us. Take that you Zionists.
Perhaps you are giving the devil more than his due MJB12741. Nitzsche said" When you stare into the abyss, the abyss looks back."
You gloss over much of the history of this region. Egypt in particular has attacked Israel multiple times and from their inception they needed to be on constant alert in their own homes. They are surrounded by enemies for the love of G-d and even a deal one makes with some of thesen enemies isn't trustworty. It is a complicated issue that is for sure and both sides need to remove their extremists if peace is ever possible. One fact you can be sure of, if the military power were reversed, Israel would be experiencing October 7ths on a weekly or even daily basis.
Hopefully this will help those Zionists to understand what happened & why.

For over 75 years Palestinians have suffered from Israel's abusive trearment of peace offerings, land concessions, water, food & fuel supplies & saving Palestinian lives in Israeli hospitals. And all we Palestinians wanted was self determination free from Israel. Yet Israel goes on determined to wipe out Hamas who loves us Palestinians dearly.

And then we are shocked at the USA response under Joe Biden who us Pali supporters voted for overwhelmingly & he allows Israel to continue its retaliation. What a traitor he has been to us allowing Israel to continue just because Hamas did what it had to do to wake up you Zionists.

Rest assured here in the USA we will continue our protests all over the country for peace & love & win in the end by voting in our next election to dump Biden & re-elect Donald Trump or any other republican to please us. Take that you Zionists.
Palestinians are what liberals call, a "construct" back in the day they were Muslim Arabs and Palestine was carved out of what is modern day Muslim controlled Syria.
Perhaps you are giving the devil more than his due MJB12741. Nitzsche said" When you stare into the abyss, the abyss looks back."
How strange Nitzche would target Zarathustra of all people to try to convey his beliefs.
Both good & evil existed by God's wll since the time of creation by Ahura Mazda. Spenta Mainyu, Angra Mainyu & man is given freedom of choice to choose between them. I for one would side with Zarathustra over Nitzche as a non Mazdayasnan ashavant.
The more the Pali supporters in the USA continue their protests with hatred & violence for our coutry the more the USA supports Israel. Keep up the good work Pali supporters.
Palestinians are what liberals call, a "construct" back in the day they were Muslim Arabs and Palestine was carved out of what is modern day Muslim controlled Syria.

The Greeks called it Syria -palestine in 500 BC.
Got news for you. All of today's history has evolved from that of antiquity.
Palestinians are what liberals call, a "construct" back in the day they were Muslim Arabs and Palestine was carved out of what is modern day Muslim controlled Syria.

It was called Syria -palestine in 500 BC because it was a province of Syria.

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