People who want reparations for black Americans are thieves and lazy


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
It’s pure insanity. 1 million white people were enslaved by black Africans. Black Africans enslaved millions of people throughout the years. Therefore there is no logic behind the reparations argument. We are all descendants of slaves.

Take a look at the eight minute mark roughly of the video above. Somebody calls into C-SPAN and asks a Democrat congressman if they will “support a black agenda”, including reparations. What in the world is a black agenda? What is a white agenda? imagine for a moment somebody calling into cspan saying I’m a white person and “I was traumatized by the fact that we had a black president in Obama give me $1 million. I was traumatized by the sight of white slaves in Africa give me $1 million. I was traumatized by millions of poor white Americans throughout history give me $1 million.”

I truly believe that most American whites and blacks are against the reparations. It is an evil argument. It is also a form of theft and laziness. The idea that some American can sincerely believe that he or she is entitled to a large sum of money because of their skin color makes them a thief. Makes them completely lazy. Go and get a job Is the message to those folks sure do have a problem with black people.

Turn the page or get some counseling.

I’m against reparations too but dude...get a life.
It’s pure insanity. 1 million white people were enslaved by black Africans. Black Africans enslaved millions of people throughout the years. Therefore there is no logic behind the reparations argument. We are all descendants of slaves.

Take a look at the eight minute mark roughly of the video above. Somebody calls into C-SPAN and asks a Democrat congressman if they will “support a black agenda”, including reparations. What in the world is a black agenda? What is a white agenda? imagine for a moment somebody calling into cspan saying I’m a white person and “I was traumatized by the fact that we had a black president in Obama give me $1 million. I was traumatized by the sight of white slaves in Africa give me $1 million. I was traumatized by millions of poor white Americans throughout history give me $1 million.”

I truly believe that most American whites and blacks are against the reparations. It is an evil argument. It is also a form of theft and laziness. The idea that some American can sincerely believe that he or she is entitled to a large sum of money because of their skin color makes them a thief. Makes them completely lazy. Go and get a job Is the message to those folks
Even without all your race tripes, reparations are stupid.
Very appropriate.

Your whataboutism, CSPAN anecdote, and false analysis doesn't make reparations any more or less stupid.
Non response.

Quote Some of the points I made and respond to them. All you’re doing is calling people names without providing any substance.
Non response.

Quote Some of the points I made and respond to them. All you’re doing is calling people names without providing any substance.
I did. Did you miss it? It was a pretty short post.

Whataboutism...1 million white people were enslaved by black Africans. Black Africans enslaved millions of people throughout the years.

CSPAN anecdote...Somebody calls into C-SPAN and asks a Democrat congressman if they will “support a black agenda”, including reparations.

False analysis...The idea that some American can sincerely believe that he or she is entitled to a large sum of money because of their skin color makes them a thief.

I try to be careful about name calling because of the sensitive nature of many posters here...certainly a standard that is often not reciprocated. Can you tell me what name I called you so that I can identify my lapse and apologize?
1 million white people were enslaved by black Africans.
Most all of that occurred before there was a USA. I think we sent warships over in our first oversea adventure to stop them from taking Americans.

I want repartitions! I don't know how many slaves my family had to give up but.......I'll accept compensation for them, with interest.

Just kidding. But to date it is the only way reparation were done. The slave owners were paid.
I did. Did you miss it? It was a pretty short post.

Whataboutism...1 million white people were enslaved by black Africans. Black Africans enslaved millions of people throughout the years.

CSPAN anecdote...Somebody calls into C-SPAN and asks a Democrat congressman if they will “support a black agenda”, including reparations.

False analysis...The idea that some American can sincerely believe that he or she is entitled to a large sum of money because of their skin color makes them a thief.

I try to be careful about name calling because of the sensitive nature of many posters here...certainly a standard that is often not reciprocated. Can you tell me what name I called you so that I can identify my lapse and apologize?
“Even without all your race tripes”

Well, we agree that reparations are stupid. But you did make the comment above.

Well, you can’t call people racist or insinuate that they are racist without proof . I would not label you as a racist even if you said you supported BLM if you said whites are born privileged yes then you can be called a racist. I’m also careful about my wording and engage in factual posting as opposed to propaganda. I said that people who want reparations are lazy and thieves…. I didn’t say blacks are lazy or thieves. So that behavior by you is uncalled for. But this is part of the left-wing tactics accusing people of thought crimes ie telling them how they think. This is not the American way my friend.

I’ve noticed the same attitude from some of the supporters of Israel, calling people anti-Semitic for not supporting Israeli government policy. This is poor behavior and it is not part of the civilized world.

“CNN anecdote” well no this is how a significant portion of left-wing Democrats and BLM supporters think. They believe in racist ideals that white folks are privileged, including homeless whites. They believe in racist ideology such as reparations for blacks and America where they never talk about the fact that there were millions of white slaves throughout history. they cannot just have it their own way. This isn’t how life works. People cannot make one demand while ignoring the plight of other people throughout history …in other words demanding that blacks of today get reparations because of the actions of whites or the perceived actions of white people from decades ago during Jim Crow or centuries of grow during slavery …. In fact, a lot of whites even in the Jim Crow era were working alongside blacks…. in the 1920s black workers at Ford motor Company made a little bit more money per hour compared to white workers.

It is obvious a part of the left-wing platform is to engage in the idea that white folks are privileged, the whole “400 years a slave” argument, supporting BLM, the me two movement these are all core parts of the left-wing. It is an embarrassment. It is a self hatred of American history That is very dangerous. Part of that danger would be BLM leaders say “looting is a form of reparations” and that when people steal it is somehow something that they are entitled to. Or when we have the rampaging violent BLM riots, political leaders “saying those people are frustrated.”

What you say is what aboutism is is a very valid and straightforward argument. The idea of reparations is evil and it is insane. We all descend from slaves that’s not what about us and that is a critical fact to the point of conversation. When somebody complains that black shd get reparations today and they think that they have the ability to completely ignore the fact that slavery was a worldwide issue well They are clearly engaging in propaganda.

I respect you right to free speech. But you certainly at the very least insinuated that I was racist by your comment of racist tropes, which is completely uncalled for. You can’t do that and expect to be treated in a polite manner or for people to act like it’s normal to be called a racist. I know I don’t think about different black people. I respect everyone and treat everyone equally. Any insinuation therefore that I am a racist is nonsense.
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Democrats gaslight blacks with the promise of reparations every election.

Blacks need to wake up. Democrats are their enemy.

Democrats are America's enemy.
It’s pure insanity. 1 million white people were enslaved by black Africans. Black Africans enslaved millions of people throughout the years. Therefore there is no logic behind the reparations argument. We are all descendants of slaves. Take a look at the eight minute mark roughly of the video above. Somebody calls into C-SPAN and asks a Democrat congressman if they will “support a black agenda”, including reparations. What in the world is a black agenda? What is a white agenda? imagine for a moment somebody calling into cspan saying I’m a white person and “I was traumatized by the fact that we had a black president in Obama give me $1 million. I was traumatized by the sight of white slaves in Africa give me $1 million. I was traumatized by millions of poor white Americans throughout history give me $1 million.” I truly believe that most American whites and blacks are against the reparations. It is an evil argument. It is also a form of theft and laziness. The idea that some American can sincerely believe that he or she is entitled to a large sum of money because of their skin color makes them a thief. Makes them completely lazy. Go and get a job Is the message to those folks
Democrats gaslight blacks with the promise of reparations every election. Blacks need to wake up. Democrats are their enemy. Democrats are America's enemy.
You must be some white man in a state of denial.? After all those years, of forced free slave labor, and with the Rape, murder, and castration of Black men and women.??!!$$ And to think that black peoples labor made the foundation of the United States of America.!!? Which is now the richest, or one of the richest countries on the entire Earth.?!!$$$ Let me know what you have been smoking, white man. Slavery reparations now,!!?ASAP !!$$$
You must be some white man in a state of denial.? After all those years, of forced free slave labor, and with the Rape, murder, and castration of Black men and women.??!!$$ And to think that black peoples labor made the foundation of the United States of America.!!? Which is now the richest, or one of the richest countries on the entire Earth.?!!$$$ Let me know what you have been smoking, white man. Slavery reparations now,!!?ASAP !!$$$
White slaves went through the same problems in Africa. Right now in this country, there are tons of white men who get denied home loans, who get denied their promotion. There is actually systemic racism against white Christian men in America. Everybody knows it the major universities, companies and sports organizations all have hiring quotas for minorities. It is completely insane therefore That some Americans are still complaining about racism against blacks.

So the reparations argument is total nonsense meant to weaken people and make them feel bad about their ancestors.

Do you notice what’s going on here? My original post may no criticism of blacks in general. Yet you’re using this term white man in a derogatory manner. I’ll criticize BLM supporters whether they’re white or black. But I’m not criticizing somebody simply because they’re white or black.
You must be some white man in a state of denial.? After all those years, of forced free slave labor, and with the Rape, murder, and castration of Black men and women.??!!$$ And to think that black peoples labor made the foundation of the United States of America.!!? Which is now the richest, or one of the richest countries on the entire Earth.?!!$$$ Let me know what you have been smoking, white man. Slavery reparations now,!!?ASAP !!$$$
turn on ESPNU see some multi millionaire black complaining about white people. It is disgusting. That is exactly what Sage steele a former anchor at ESPN and a black lady said about the workplace at ESPN.

And that’s why my friend I took a break from America for four months living in Cambodia and Thailand, where there is no BLM thank God. I never see BLM people there and it’s such a breath of fresh air. If you truly think America is so bad for blacks then leave the country or take a break from it like I did.

It seems like both of us are critical of the USA, but for different reasons. That should tell both of us that the politicians don’t care about us. You know the number one concern is cost-of-living, which is astronomical under Joe Biden. All this race nonsense has been created by the media. Most Americans black or white are good people. The problem is the media and Hollywood.
Truth is that blacks have been getting trillions of dollars in reparations the last 60 years in the form of welfare and phony affirmative action jobs. Enough is enough.
“Even without all your race tripes”

Well, we agree that reparations are stupid. But you did make the comment above.

Well, you can’t call people racist or insinuate that they are racist without proof . I would not label you as a racist even if you said you supported BLM if you said whites are born privileged yes then you can be called a racist. I’m also careful about my wording and engage in factual posting as opposed to propaganda. I said that people who want reparations are lazy and thieves…. I didn’t say blacks are lazy or thieves. So that behavior by you is uncalled for. But this is part of the left-wing tactics accusing people of thought crimes ie telling them how they think. This is not the American way my friend.

Your example is misplaced.

What you said was...

The idea that some American can sincerely believe that he or she is entitled to a large sum of money because of their skin color makes them a thief.

The "tripe" being that they feel they are entitled to money because of their skin color. In reality it is they feel entitled because their ancestors were slaves in America. They were abused, denied equal rights and sold as cattle for decades.

Even with all the sensitivity training that is mandated all over it still can be difficult to have spirited debate without offending someone. I apologize if my use of the words "race tripe" offended you. Please note however that I did not say 'racist', I said "race".

My example above just meant I thought your statement above (bold) was nonsense and it involved race. Not that you were were racist.

I’ve noticed the same attitude from some of the supporters of Israel, calling people anti-Semitic for not supporting Israeli government policy. This is poor behavior and it is not part of the civilized world.

I am not here to talk about Israel.

“CNN anecdote” well no this is how a significant portion of left-wing Democrats and BLM supporters think. They believe in racist ideals that white folks are privileged, including homeless whites. They believe in racist ideology such as reparations for blacks and America where they never talk about the fact that there were millions of white slaves throughout history. they cannot just have it their own way. This isn’t how life works. People cannot make one demand while ignoring the plight of other people throughout history …in other words demanding that blacks of today get reparations because of the actions of whites or the perceived actions of white people from decades ago during Jim Crow or centuries of grow during slavery …. In fact, a lot of whites even in the Jim Crow era were working alongside blacks…. in the 1920s black workers at Ford motor Company made a little bit more money per hour compared to white workers.

What you think left wing Democrats think is irrelevant.

Your cherry picked examples attempting to marginalize what slaves endured is interesting but still not relevant considering I don't support reparations.

It is obvious a part of the left-wing platform is to engage in the idea that white folks are privileged, the whole “400 years a slave” argument, supporting BLM, the me two movement these are all core parts of the left-wing. It is an embarrassment. It is a self hatred of American history That is very dangerous. Part of that danger would be BLM leaders say “looting is a form of reparations” and that when people steal it is somehow something that they are entitled to. Or when we have the rampaging violent BLM riots, political leaders “saying those people are frustrated.”

I don't know much about BLM and I don't care.

Despite its irrelevance, very few people support your a tiny fraction. I think more people think the government has lizard people but I don't have that data so can't be sure.

What you say is what aboutism is is a very valid and straightforward argument. The idea of reparations is evil and it is insane. We all descend from slaves that’s not what about us and that is a critical fact to the point of conversation. When somebody complains that black shd get reparations today and they think that they have the ability to completely ignore the fact that slavery was a worldwide issue well They are clearly engaging in propaganda.

I agree...for different reasons, but I agree.

I respect you right to free speech. But you certainly at the very least insinuated that I was racist by your comment of racist tropes, which is completely uncalled for. You can’t do that and expect to be treated in a polite manner or for people to act like it’s normal to be called a racist. I know I don’t think about different black people. I respect everyone and treat everyone equally. Any insinuation therefore that I am a racist is nonsense.
Yeah, I am sorry it appeared that way. As stated above, I apologize for that miscommunication. It is never my intention to insult least since the new year. (Turned a new leaf).
How about reparations for the millions of white victims of affirmative action.? Most of them are still alive in contrast to the long-dead victims of slavery.

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