People who hate themselves end up in Hell


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024
If you hate yourself, you will end up in Hell. Jesus was against hating anyone, which includes yourself.

Well, many people have self-destructive tendencies. I used to, until I got back into the Church I was "raised in" I put quotes on that because I wasn't exactly raised a devout Catholic, but anyhow--

When young, I was outside the Church and -- Did I ever PAY for it! If I had listened to everything the Church teaches, my life and the lives of others would have been vastly different, as in Better. But foolish me, I didn't listen to such authorities when young. I thought I knew better. (That's one of the bad things about being young.)

So I won't go into great details about just HOW I was ... shall we say: not too kind to myself, but I wasn't. And then I look around and see how others are same - or worse. It is a great tragedy to be against yourself. But when you have a parent who seems to be (is) against you, that happens.

So yeh, you can hate yourself all the way to Hell.

I ask that you please not do this. Jesus can fix any problem you have. But you have to let Him. Say No to the devil who despises you and wants you in eternal misery (Jesus calls it eternal punishment.. Mt 25:31)

If you don't want to turn to Jesus, maybe you could just say to yourself: "I have to stop doing [whatever] because it is not good for me.
Post this nonsense in the Religion forum.
Why, don't most people believe in Hell?

oh, and thanks for informing us as to what you think is nonsense. You must be a liberal... dump a few words and then expect.. What?

you expect someone to think you are an awesome and sagacious and erudite person?

ha ha... that's funny.

also, a nerve must have been struck.
If you hate yourself, you will end up in Hell. Jesus was against hating anyone, which includes yourself.

Well, many people have self-destructive tendencies. I used to, until I got back into the Church I was "raised in" I put quotes on that because I wasn't exactly raised a devout Catholic, but anyhow--

When young, I was outside the Church and -- Did I ever PAY for it! If I had listened to everything the Church teaches, my life and the lives of others would have been vastly different, as in Better. But foolish me, I didn't listen to such authorities when young. I thought I knew better. (That's one of the bad things about being young.)

So I won't go into great details about just HOW I was ... shall we say: not too kind to myself, but I wasn't. And then I look around and see how others are same - or worse. It is a great tragedy to be against yourself. But when you have a parent who seems to be (is) against you, that happens.

So yeh, you can hate yourself all the way to Hell.

I ask that you please not do this. Jesus can fix any problem you have. But you have to let Him. Say No to the devil who despises you and wants you in eternal misery (Jesus calls it eternal punishment.. Mt 25:31)

If you don't want to turn to Jesus, maybe you could just say to yourself: "I have to stop doing [whatever] because it is not good for me.

And the fuck are YOU to fucking decide who does and does go to fucking hell?
well, here's a suggestion, oh sagacious and erudite one:

You may want to actually SAY something?

It's just a suggestion. Then people could ... you know.. respond to what you've said instead of (as you seem to think) ascertaining your thoughts from afar, telepathically. That doesn't work well with most folks
Religion is only about Control and Fear, across the three main Abrahamic Cults .
That is bad enough .

But then the OP promotes further fear by using the idea of Hell, something that in modern terms Augustine dredged up from his nasty little mind .

Get some Wiki down you , OP:-
"The Christian doctrine of hell derives from passages in the New Testament. The English word hell does not appear in the Greek New Testament; instead one of three words is used: the Greek words Tartarus or Hades, or the Hebrew word Gehinnom.

In the Septuagint and New Testament, the authors used the Greek term Hades for the Hebrew Sheol, but often with Jewish rather than Greek concepts in mind. In the Jewish concept of Sheol, such as expressed in Ecclesiastes,[53] Sheol or Hades is a place where there is no activity. However, since Augustine, some [which?] Christians have believed that the souls of those who die either rest peacefully, in the case of Christians, or are afflicted, in the case of the damned, after death until the resurrection. [54"
Religion is only about Control and Fear, across the three main Abrahamic Cults .
That is bad enough .

But then the OP promotes further fear by using the idea of Hell, something that in modern terms Augustine dredged up from his nasty little mind .

Get some Wiki down you :-
"The Christian doctrine of hell derives from passages in the New Testament. The English word hell does not appear in the Greek New Testament; instead one of three words is used: the Greek words Tartarus or Hades, or the Hebrew word Gehinnom.

In the Septuagint and New Testament, the authors used the Greek term Hades for the Hebrew Sheol, but often with Jewish rather than Greek concepts in mind. In the Jewish concept of Sheol, such as expressed in Ecclesiastes,[53] Sheol or Hades is a place where there is no activity. However, since Augustine, some [which?] Christians have believed that the souls of those who die either rest peacefully, in the case of Christians, or are afflicted, in the case of the damned, after death until the resurrection.[54
I WOULD try to figure out what you are saying with all that gibberish about Greek and Hebrew and etc... but the thing is, I dont have to study this anymore.

Why, you may ask

Glad you asked. It's because I already know there is a Hell. And I know it is "icky" and I know it lasts forever.

So how do I know that, u may ask?

Glad you asked. I know that because I have been there, many times.. not the actual burning Hell that lasts forever, but Hell as in: living with people (but no longer) who do not love Jesus. THAT is Hell.

So yeh, maybe I will re-read that stuff you posted just to learn some Hebrew and Greek (assuming you are n't lying---)but NOTHING will deter me from accepting the idea of .. eternal separation from God and all that is good--- the rightful punishment for those who hate God... meaning Hate him forever, as in NO repentance whatsoever until death, hate Him enough to sin against him all their lives
We've been through this before. Many times. People don't go to hell because of one particular sin. The bible says that there is only ONE sin that is unforgivable, ALL other sins can be forgiven.

According to the bible, those who go to eternal separation from God are those whose names are not in the Book of Life. Which is basically a list of all who are saved.
Get some Wiki down you , OP:-
"The Christian doctrine of hell derives from passages in the New Testament. The English word hell does not appear in the Greek New Testament; instead one
The Word Hell is in the Catholic Bible and others. Also, Jesus did not speak Greek.

Hell is mentioned as "eternal punishment" in Mt 25:31 (and others)
We've been through this before. Many times. People don't go to hell because of one particular sin. The bible says that there is only ONE sin that is unforgivable, ALL other sins can be forgiven.

According to the bible, those who go to eternal separation from God are those whose names are not in the Book of Life. Which is basically a list of all who are saved.
Rejecting Christ is the only unforgivable sin, if you reject Him until death
well, here's a suggestion, oh sagacious and erudite one:

You may want to actually SAY something?

It's just a suggestion. Then people could ... you know.. respond to what you've said instead of (as you seem to think) ascertaining your thoughts from afar, telepathically. That doesn't work well with most folks
Necessary inference.
I WOULD try to figure out what you are saying with all that gibberish about Greek and Hebrew and etc... but the thing is, I dont have to study this anymore.

Why, you may ask

Glad you asked. It's because I already know there is a Hell. And I know it is "icky" and I know it lasts forever.

So how do I know that, u may ask?

Glad you asked. I know that because I have been there, many times.. not the actual burning Hell that lasts forever, but Hell as in: living with people (but no longer) who do not love Jesus. THAT is Hell.

So yeh, maybe I will re-read that stuff you posted just to learn some Hebrew and Greek (assuming you are n't lying---)but NOTHING will deter me from accepting the idea of .. eternal separation from God and all that is good--- the rightful punishment for those who hate God... meaning Hate him forever, as in NO repentance whatsoever until death, hate Him enough to sin against him all their lives
Negativist Nazarene

Isn't your Heaven good enough that you wouldn't have to invent Hell as a scare-story alternative? Or is avoiding Hell the most important part of Christian doctrine? It's like if you don't win a marathon, the officials will chop your legs off.

If faith weren't based on fright, just missing out on Heaven would be enough incentive to do right.
Negativist Nazarene

Isn't your Heaven good enough that you wouldn't have to invent Hell as a scare-story alternative?
I can't respond because you start out with a false premise.

a straw man

I didn't invent Hell. The Church didn't invent it. Jesus spoke of Hell. I hear he spoke more about Hell than Heaven.. haven't counted up the psgs, though
I remember when I was in the 5th grade and this girl used to always say, "I hate myself!" I listened to her but I am a positive thinker so I tried to tell her that she was special just like everyone else. I never could get her to stop saying, "I hate myself" I don't know what became of her.
If you hate yourself, you will end up in Hell. Jesus was against hating anyone, which includes yourself.

Well, many people have self-destructive tendencies. I used to, until I got back into the Church I was "raised in" I put quotes on that because I wasn't exactly raised a devout Catholic, but anyhow--

When young, I was outside the Church and -- Did I ever PAY for it! If I had listened to everything the Church teaches, my life and the lives of others would have been vastly different, as in Better. But foolish me, I didn't listen to such authorities when young. I thought I knew better. (That's one of the bad things about being young.)

So I won't go into great details about just HOW I was ... shall we say: not too kind to myself, but I wasn't. And then I look around and see how others are same - or worse. It is a great tragedy to be against yourself. But when you have a parent who seems to be (is) against you, that happens.

So yeh, you can hate yourself all the way to Hell.

I ask that you please not do this. Jesus can fix any problem you have. But you have to let Him. Say No to the devil who despises you and wants you in eternal misery (Jesus calls it eternal punishment.. Mt 25:31)

If you don't want to turn to Jesus, maybe you could just say to yourself: "I have to stop doing [whatever] because it is not good for me.
Hell must be a very gay and woke place.
I WOULD try to figure out what you are saying with all that gibberish about Greek and Hebrew and etc... but the thing is, I dont have to study this anymore.

Why, you may ask

Glad you asked. It's because I already know there is a Hell. And I know it is "icky" and I know it lasts forever.

So how do I know that, u may ask?

Glad you asked. I know that because I have been there, many times.. not the actual burning Hell that lasts forever, but Hell as in: living with people (but no longer) who do not love Jesus. THAT is Hell.

So yeh, maybe I will re-read that stuff you posted just to learn some Hebrew and Greek (assuming you are n't lying---)but NOTHING will deter me from accepting the idea of .. eternal separation from God and all that is good--- the rightful punishment for those who hate God... meaning Hate him forever, as in NO repentance whatsoever until death, hate Him enough to sin against him all their lives

The Post clearly states the source .

Your personal experiences are of no possible interest. Anybody with a fertile imagination can invent almost anything.

Your Cultist language tells us how Cognitively Rigid you are , so I hope you can learn fast in your next few incarnations to get away from this unenlightened mumbo jumbo you presently love.
Whilst I trust I am at Level 5 , it is clear you are making hard work of Level 3 .
Work harder and talk less nonsense .

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