Part 435 of ChiCom Flu Incompetence


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Keep in mind we’ve known for over two centuries about viruses and their transmission from person to person.

But here well into the 21st century all things are new once again.

First no masks.

Then masks.

Then double masks.

Then triple, quadruple, why can you still breath you don’t have enough masks on.

Now we are told almost a year after they were widely available that rapid testing will save countless lives.
Calls grow for US to rely on rapid tests to fight pandemic;
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And notice too that 'they' keep talking about the treatments that are being developed as we speak to save lives of those infected...YET....if and when you go into hospital with alleged don't get those treatments. The hospital says....'we don't have access to that treatment' or 'you don't fit the time frame to get that treatment'. oh i'm SURE there are treatments.. But the government doesn't want you to get it. And the medical profession has become so politicized that they will let their patients die rather than go against the politicians giving these orders.
It is criminal. In this country we used to have a system for enacting criminal we have criminals enacting laws.
There are treatments that would have saved lives and would to this day. HYDROXYCHLORQUINE that NOW the AMA says...oh oops, this would have been useful'. Go ask your doctor this, 'if i get covid would you give me a script for hcq?"
'oh no', he says,'it is too controversial'. controversial for whom? Controversial for HIM because HE, the doctor, will be put out of business.

Go ahead. Give it a shot. See what you get.
weatherman2020 said:
we've know about virus transmission for 2 centuries

they want us to believe what is up is down. and to be fair...there are a lot of lefties who will believe what they're told.
There are treatments that would have saved lives and would to this day. HYDROXYCHLORQUINE that NOW the AMA says...oh oops, this would have been useful'. Go ask your doctor this, 'if i get covid would you give me a script for hcq?"
'oh no', he says,'it is too controversial'. controversial for whom? Controversial for HIM because HE, the doctor, will be put out of business.

Go ahead. Give it a shot. See what you get.
HCQ is one of the most widely used and successful drugs over the last 40 years and the Left squashed it's use. That absolutely led to terrible infections and deaths of thousands. All because President Trump recommended it in a speech. This country has totally lost it.
MarathonMike said:
HCQ is one of the most widely used and successful drugs over the last 40 years

More than 40 Mike. It was used as often as aspirin in Vietnam by our guys.
According to the Mayo Clinic, hydroxychloroquine is not recommended as a treatment for COVID-19. It does not prevent infection with the virus that causes COVID-19, and it has been shown to lead to serious heart problems in some people. Clinical trials have also shown that hydroxychloroquine did not effectively treat COVID-19 1. The World Health Organization also does not recommend hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19, based on findings from 30 trials with more than 10,000 COVID-19 patients 2. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration allowed emergency use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to treat COVID-19 in March 2020, but later warned healthcare professionals against using hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to treat COVID-19 unless people were in the hospital or a clinical trial. The FDA found heart problems at a higher rate among people taking these medicines compared with those who didn’t take them. In June 2020, the FDA ended the emergency use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine for treatment of COVID-19 1.

In summary, hydroxychloroquine was not found to be effective in treating COVID-19 and is not recommended as a treatment by the Mayo Clinic, the World Health Organization, or the U.S. Food and Drug Administration 12.

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