Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: How much more wrong could the Hostile Arab Palestinians be?
※→ et al,

Israel Faces Defeat: Palestinian Ex-Negotiator Diana Buttu Explains​

"No way Israel will be victorious."

Sometimes you just have to laugh at these poor ignorant Arab Palestinian fools. I've not seen many people more deserving of scorn and pity in my lifetime.


Most Respectfully,

Which Way Forward for Palestine Movement? Leaders & Activists to Converge in Detroit​


LIES LIES LIES: Kyle SNAPS At Disgusting Protester SMEARS | The Kyle Kulinski Show​


Gaza On My Mind غزّة علي بالي - A Freeform Engagement with All Things Gaza - Featuring: Lowkey, N…​


Jewish student at Cambridge University gives MEE a tour of the Cambridge Encampment for Gaza​


How has the war on Gaza changed the narrative among young people? | The Stream​


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