Newt Gingrich : don't telegraph military moves ahead of time.


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands

i disagree with this particular statement by mr Gingrich (who is backed in this view by other Republicans of course), based on the fact that in order to be that shining city of light on the hill, we have to be willing to stick our necks out (Biden has done that by keeping troops stationed in the Iranian region), and smart enough to strike back with just-enough force ("the 2020s Democrat Military Doctrine") to send a chill down the spine of a government like Iran's.

and if we want to be able to stay a volunteer-only force, we need to pay close attention to how strong our grip on that moral highground is at any given time.
with anti-Israel demonstrations on the rise, pooling from anti-western sentiments and with pictures of Palestinian kids injured in combat zones now rampant throughout western societies (and not just on weekends, we got that stuff going on week round over here in my Amsterdam's Dam Square, which is also one of the places where we honor the men and women who died for this country in the past),
you can EXPECT the militant side of that story to come out sooner or later, on another Oct 7th or even 9/11 scale.
yes, that's a relative pin-prick in casualty numbers compared to what we'll have to do to them in return.

but the Israelis had to live under the threat of constant terrorism, and their kung fu manuals were so horrific to read through that frankly i just had to discard them. biting through the jugular vanes in the neck of a bombpack carrying suicide terrorist?
coz that's the Muslim's militant side in full swing folks.
and they're gearing up, to chemical warfare and drones and nukes, but God-knows what else as well.

so the fight against Muslim terrorism, against Iranian proxy warfare, MUST BE FOUGHT on all fronts[1] at the same time, pretty much all the time.

[1] from social media, forums and real-world Mosques-Attendees monitoring and other State-Oversight (read:intelligence services oversight) of Religious groups all the way to what we now see happening courtesy of US Forces in the Iranian region.
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What they are doing in response for three US soldiers being murdered by Biden/Obama's pals (Iran), is to con you into thinking they just did something massive, which I can assure you they have not!

Essentially, Biden is bombing the desert, and nothing of consequence is there, nothing at all, except of course the near total gullibility of the ridiculously stupid American people, specifically his fascist democrat base of support.... :wink:
It would not be a surprise to have an Iranian terror cell here act up. After all Muslims did say they were putting together a 10/7 type attack here.

I'd laugh.
What they are doing in response for three US soldiers being murdered by Biden/Obama's pals (Iran),

I find it telling, and more than a little sad, that 3 US servicemen get killed by Iranian backed militias and our administration goes to war... 1500 Israeli civilians, women, and children are brutally slaughtered, and hundreds more taken hostage, by the same militias and the same administration is pushing Israel for a cease fire and sanctioning Israeli citizens for trying to stop threat of more killings.

I am more than a little curious as to the reason for the hypocrisy.
I find it telling, and more than a little sad, that 3 US servicemen get killed by Iranian backed militias and our administration goes to war... 1500 Israeli civilians, women, and children are brutally slaughtered, and hundreds more taken hostage, by the same militias and the same administration is pushing Israel for a cease fire and sanctioning Israeli citizens for trying to stop threat of more killings.

I am more than a little curious as to the reason for the hypocrisy.

Well, black lives matter, ya know.

i disagree with this particular statement by mr Gingrich (who is backed in this view by other Republicans of course), based on the fact that in order to be that shining city of light on the hill, we have to be willing to stick our necks out (Biden has done that by keeping troops stationed in the Iranian region), and smart enough to strike back with just-enough force ("the 2020s Democrat Military Doctrine") to send a chill down the spine of a government like Iran's.

and if we want to be able to stay a volunteer-only force, we need to pay close attention to how strong our grip on that moral highground is at any given time.
with anti-Israel demonstrations on the rise, pooling from anti-western sentiments and with pictures of Palestinian kids injured in combat zones now rampant throughout western societies (and not just on weekends, we got that stuff going on week round over here in my Amsterdam's Dam Square, which is also one of the places where we honor the men and women who died for this country in the past),
you can EXPECT the militant side of that story to come out sooner or later, on another Oct 7th or even 9/11 scale.
yes, that's a relative pin-prick in casualty numbers compared to what we'll have to do to them in return.

but the Israelis had to live under the threat of constant terrorism, and their kung fu manuals were so horrific to read through that frankly i just had to discard them. biting through the jugular vanes in the neck of a bombpack carrying suicide terrorist?
coz that's the Muslim's militant side in full swing folks.
and they're gearing up, to chemical warfare and drones and nukes, but God-knows what else as well.

so the fight against Muslim terrorism, against Iranian proxy warfare, MUST BE FOUGHT on all fronts[1] at the same time, pretty much all the time.

[1] from social media, forums and real-world Mosques-Attendees monitoring and other State-Oversight (read:intelligence services oversight) of Religious groups all the way to what we now see happening courtesy of US Forces in the Iranian region.
Two points:

Biden and the democrat Party cannot possibly win an untainted 24 Election so to them WWIII is a small price to pay, and

The UniParty Owners have been bleeding America dry, so tying us down in the ME now too would be a win for the Globalist. As an added benefit, the Islamic Sleeper Cells Biden and Mayorkas have invited through our Southern Border could be activated at any time
Two points:

Biden and the democrat Party cannot possibly win an untainted 24 Election so to them WWIII is a small price to pay, and
that's a big claim. in what direction(s) would it be tainted according to you?
you might be right, but we need to compare details before we judge US top politicians.

The UniParty Owners have been bleeding America dry, so tying us down in the ME now too would be a win for the Globalist. As an added benefit, the Islamic Sleeper Cells Biden and Mayorkas have invited through our Southern Border could be activated at any time
how have the uniparty owners bled us dry? who are their owners? and do you have any links to support that claim about Islamic sleeper cells?
I find it telling, and more than a little sad, that 3 US servicemen get killed by Iranian backed militias and our administration goes to war... 1500 Israeli civilians, women, and children are brutally slaughtered, and hundreds more taken hostage, by the same militias and the same administration is pushing Israel for a cease fire and sanctioning Israeli citizens for trying to stop threat of more killings.

I am more than a little curious as to the reason for the hypocrisy.
i'm just guessing here, but the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is something the US provides only distant support for, with Israelis happy to defend themselves when given the tools. and that plays very well among moderate and left-wing leaning voters.
how have the uniparty owners bled us dry? who are their owners? and do you have any links to support that claim about Islamic sleeper cells?

I can give two examples: The draining of our Strategic Petroleum Reserves and wasting all our artillery rounds on the Ukraine war.

As for the sleeper cells, we never know about their existence until after they strike.
I’m sure he would be more than happy to step up to the plate.

If ever there was an actual necessity for "nation building", Iran would have been the first and foremost. Out of all those countries in the Middle East, Iran wins the singular distinction of being the one most responsible for death, destruction, and the spread of radical Islam throughout the world.

Thanks a fucking lot, Jimmy Carter. You were the one who caused this fucking mess .
If ever there was an actual necessity for "nation building", Iran would have been the first and foremost. Out of all those countries in the Middle East, Iran wins the singular distinction of being the one most responsible for death, destruction, and the spread of radical Islam throughout the world.

Thanks a fucking lot, Jimmy Carter. You were the one who caused this fucking mess .

One wouldn’t think that Iran was once a mighty empire, encompassing Afghanistan.

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