Nazi Israel's Economy in Major Decline


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
It appears that Israel's insane attempted Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza is rebounding against its Nazi regime and economy horribly .
Israel is now the most detested nation on the planet due to its evil campaign of torture and murder and its accursed leader is constantly bracketed with Hitler as an Evil Monster . Which he undoubtedly is .

For those decent Israelis, it is a double disaster as life at home is also taking a terrible beating .
As follows :-

The Israeli labour force is 4.37 million but with conscription 300 000 have been removed from the labour force .
Just less than 7% - yet GDP has contracted by 20%. This goes beyond labour issues.
As Imports are down 42% , it looks as though the blockade has succeeded and is cratering the entire economy?
The country’s GDP slump of ca. 20% in the final three months of 2023 was the first quarterly drop in Israel’s economy in two years.
Israel’s spending ballooned by almost 90% while investment took a huge hit:

Investment took the biggest blow, plunging by 70%, while private consumption, a major driver of economic growth, dropped by 27% in the fourth quarter. Public consumption plummeted by almost 90%, data showed.
Not to mention that the country suffered its first ever sovereign credit rating downgrade from Moody

Within the military there are rising problems bordering on rebellion . This is exacerbated by shortages of ammunition, partly caused by the effective blockade on imports due to disruption of shipping by the brave Houthis who seem impervious to home base air strikes .
Things do not look as good as the mad Israeli leaders expected when they started their False Flag last October .
With pressure on all sides by combined forces of Hamas , Hezbollah and Houthis , matters will worsen if nations like Syria , Jordan , Egypt and Turkey get seriously involved . Israel could lose northern territory within days and the whole country might find itself effectively under siege .
But you invariably reap what you sow and Israel has sown evil in abundance .
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In 2007, Islam and Judaism's holiest
holidays overlapped for 10 days.
Muslims racked up 397 dead bodies
in 94 terror attacks across 10 countries
during this time... while Jews
worked on their 159th Nobel Prize.
Israel should stop with the sympathy. Wipe the Arabs out and get on with the rebuilding WITHOUT gaza.
Imagine that Nutty Yahoo is a close acquaintance of one sort or another .

However , decent people think the complete opposite and see Israelis being guided on an exodus back to Khazaria under effective or even direct Russian supervision .
That should give them pause for thought
Imagine that Nutty Yahoo is a close acquaintance of one sort or another .

However , decent people think the complete opposite and see Israelis being guided on an exodus back to Khazaria under effective or even direct Russian supervision .
That should give them pause for thought
Putin would do the world a favor by nuking Mecca and Medina. Israel can get Tehran.
It appears that Israel's insane attempted Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza is rebounding against its Nazi regime and economy horribly .
Israel is now the most detested nation on the planet due to its evil campaign of torture and murder and its accursed leader is constantly bracketed with Hitler as an Evil Monster . Which he undoubtedly is .

For those decent Israelis, it is a double disaster as life at home is also taking a terrible beating .
As follows :-

The country’s GDP slump of ca. 20% in the final three months of 2023 was the first quarterly drop in Israel’s economy in two years.

Israel’s spending ballooned by almost 90% while investment took a huge hit:

Not to mention that the country suffered its first ever sovereign credit rating downgrade from Moody

Things do not look as good as the mad Israeli leaders expected when they started their False Flag last October .
With pressure on all sides by combined forces of Hamas , Hezbollah and Houthis , matters will worsen if nations like Syria , Jordan , Egypt and Turkey get seriously involved . Israel could lose northern territory within days and the whole country might find itself effectively under siege .
But you invariably reap what you sow and Israel has sown evil in abundance .
and SOMEHOW----the kids are not dying of starvation---despite ALL EFFORTS to impose a famine for the GLORY OF ALLAH----as was done to
the christian children of Biafra----1.5 million dead bodies rotting in the sand---
for the glory of allah
It appears that Israel's insane attempted Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza is rebounding against its Nazi regime and economy horribly .
Israel is now the most detested nation on the planet due to its evil campaign of torture and murder and its accursed leader is constantly bracketed with Hitler as an Evil Monster . Which he undoubtedly is .

For those decent Israelis, it is a double disaster as life at home is also taking a terrible beating .
As follows :-

The country’s GDP slump of ca. 20% in the final three months of 2023 was the first quarterly drop in Israel’s economy in two years.

Israel’s spending ballooned by almost 90% while investment took a huge hit:

Not to mention that the country suffered its first ever sovereign credit rating downgrade from Moody

Things do not look as good as the mad Israeli leaders expected when they started their False Flag last October .
With pressure on all sides by combined forces of Hamas , Hezbollah and Houthis , matters will worsen if nations like Syria , Jordan , Egypt and Turkey get seriously involved . Israel could lose northern territory within days and the whole country might find itself effectively under siege .
But you invariably reap what you sow and Israel has sown evil in abundance .
Maybe the libs will take down the State of Israel and Netanyahu will surrender? Do you really think that a nuclear Iran having hegemony over the region and millions more refugees are going to be good for the middle east and the world?
Maybe the libs will take down the State of Israel and Netanyahu will surrender? Do you really think that a nuclear Iran having hegemony over the region and millions more refugees are going to be good for the middle east and the world?
of course----good for allah
Maybe the libs will take down the State of Israel and Netanyahu will surrender? Do you really think that a nuclear Iran having hegemony over the region and millions more refugees are going to be good for the middle east and the world?
If Israel goes , so does the US .
Whom do you think runs the US ?
It isn't the Senate or House of Reps . and few imagine it has much to do with a US president , particularly the present challenged individual .
It is by those who hold and control the money .

As for the imagined threat of a nuclear Iran ( it already is, albeit only to a matter of around three bombs) how is that different from an insane US run by lunatic Neocons and a 1% who are pathologiocally unstable and criminal ?
It appears that Israel's insane attempted Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza is rebounding against its Nazi regime and economy horribly .
Israel is now the most detested nation on the planet due to its evil campaign of torture and murder and its accursed leader is constantly bracketed with Hitler as an Evil Monster . Which he undoubtedly is .

For those decent Israelis, it is a double disaster as life at home is also taking a terrible beating .
As follows :-

The country’s GDP slump of ca. 20% in the final three months of 2023 was the first quarterly drop in Israel’s economy in two years.

Israel’s spending ballooned by almost 90% while investment took a huge hit:

Not to mention that the country suffered its first ever sovereign credit rating downgrade from Moody

Things do not look as good as the mad Israeli leaders expected when they started their False Flag last October .
With pressure on all sides by combined forces of Hamas , Hezbollah and Houthis , matters will worsen if nations like Syria , Jordan , Egypt and Turkey get seriously involved . Israel could lose northern territory within days and the whole country might find itself effectively under siege .
But you invariably reap what you sow and Israel has sown evil in abundance .
Not so fast try to keep in check.. People can jump to major conclusions about lots of things esp if they want to be chicken little and cry the sky is falling…Though the war broke the economy’s momentum toward the end of 2023, GDP still expanded 2% in the full year, matching the projection by the central bank’s research department. The Bank of Israel’s growth estimate for 2024 is the same at 2%, while the Finance Ministry sees it at 1.6%… Israel is very resilient she will bounce back economically.. I know it is not news you gleefully want reported but hey we know where you are coming from and the rest of your post is not worthwhile to comment on… Just evening the playing field from your tilted perspective… Wink…
and SOMEHOW----the kids are not dying of starvation---despite ALL EFFORTS to impose a famine for the GLORY OF ALLAH----as was done to
the christian children of Biafra----1.5 million dead bodies rotting in the sand---
for the glory of allah
lol… It is always the same did you see all those overweight men that Israel captured as well… It doesn’t look like they are starving either… Sort of like calling it is a genocide even though the so called Palestinian population continues to grow and expand by leaps and bounds… It does Make sensational television news by saying they are starving though it gets the ratings up and makes people feel quilty while they are swallowing their “ baloney” sandwich’s…
Not so fast try to keep in check.. People can jump to major conclusions about lots of things esp if they want to be chicken little and cry the sky is falling…Though the war broke the economy’s momentum toward the end of 2023, GDP still expanded 2% in the full year, matching the projection by the central bank’s research department. The Bank of Israel’s growth estimate for 2024 is the same at 2%, while the Finance Ministry sees it at 1.6%… Israel is very resilient she will bounce back economically.. I know it is not news you gleefully want reported but hey we know where you are coming from and the rest of your post is not worthwhile to comment on… Just evening the playing field from your tilted perspective… Wink…
A better than average piece of propaganda nonsense .

But delightful garbage .

Trying to twist a twelve month figure to explain a last quarter disaster may confuse the Gullibles .
That sort of attempted deception and dishonesty can get a Jew a very bad name .
And as for your Username -- a bit like a Langley fifth rate snippet of in-house humour .
Gaza is only 25x7 miles

so it's easy for any given country to establish dominance

But Israel seems to be , after 3 months, incapable of even that

The other fact is, they're outmanned and outgunned in the muzzie world

This isn't hard math......


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