My Valentine's Day Present (and The Story Behind It)

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Instead of flowers or chocolates my man got me this bear. The story behind it is because flowers die eventually and chocolate can be eaten up, but the stuffed animal will last just like his love for me. ❤️

My ex-GF didn't tell me specifically what she wanted....She just said "get me something that will make me feel like a woman".

It was very expensive and high quality vacuum cleaner! :dunno:

Are you making a politically incorrect statement? :puhleeze:
Sad....You can't defend hearth & home with that.

No, but I have something for me to sleep with to think of him. Just to add to my other hundreds of stuffed animals. It's a wonder I'm not buried at night. 😆
Oh and just a fun piece of trivia. The oldest stuffed animals I have I got when I was three and five years old. Patch the Dalmatian I got from my grandparents when I was three and my young stuffed Simba I got from my parents when I was five.

If I have children someday they might possibly go to them, but if not both of them are going to get buried with me and it's possible that might happen either way, I just haven't made up my mind what I'm going to do if and when children ever come into the picture.

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