Muslims' 20-Year Genocide Against Christians in Nigeria… but "Free [racist] Palestine!!" Blah blah - hypocrisy

Many Jews are decent and ethical. They aren't all hard right Likud types.
It's always somehow to do with Jews...

surada demonstrates the innate inability
of Islamism to assume any accountability,
because minorities as Jews are always made
the scapegoat, as the nature of that hostility
much deeper and wider than any specific issue.

And then the same Islamists will proudly announce -
"Jews are of little interest to most of Arabs/ Muslims"...

Because Islamists are never responsible for their mass degeneracy?

It's always somehow to do with Jews...

surada demonstrates the innate inability
of Islamism to assume any accountability,
because minorities as Jews are always made
the scapegoat, as the nature of that hostility
much deeper and wider than any specific issue.

And then the same Islamists will proudly announce -
"Jews are of little interest to most of Arabs/ Muslims"...

Because Islamists are never responsible for their mass degeneracy?

This is what bacon grease coated bullets are for.
This is what bacon grease coated bullets are for.

There need to be people in the appropriate ranks,
willing to make appropriate decisions, from the
understanding of the ways of a religious war.

From my observations, only chance Islamists
have for retrospection, is - loss of land.
The only thing they may interpret
as Allah's rejection of their ways.

Islamist degeneracy must be
answered with loss of land.

End to Arab imperialism!
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It's always somehow to do with Jews...

surada demonstrates the innate inability
of Islamism to assume any accountability,
because minorities as Jews are always made
the scapegoat, as the nature of that hostility
much deeper and wider than any specific issue.

And then the same Islamists will proudly announce -
"Jews are of little interest to most of Arabs/ Muslims"...

Because Islamists are never responsible for their mass degeneracy?

These people are savages. Remember when they lined up at least a dozen Coptic Christians on a beach, kneeling and blindfolded, as they prepared to decapitate them?
The Duke

There's lots of Christian churches in Iran.

There are many hundreds of Christian churches in Iran, with at least 600 being active serving the nation's Christian population. As of early 2015, the Armenian church is organized under Archbishop Sepuh Sargsyan, who succeeded Archbishop Manukian, who was the Armenian Apostolic Archbishop since at least the 1980s.
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Religion in Iran - Wikipedia

There were 50 in Baghdad Iraq when Bush invaded.


Daniel Pearl
Yes, I think he was the first.

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