Motion to Ban Hot Politicians

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
I admit it. I am a disabled man. My disability is having too much testosterone. You know what this means; it creates a shortage of blood flow to the brain. Let me explain.

There are certain politicians in America that are smoking hot. It, of course, occurs elsewhere in the world; e.g., Italy’s current PM. But the problem seems to be more acute in America.

Take today’s talk shows. Kristi Noem was on Maria Bartiromo’s show. I note that Maria is a former hottie. Noem was on her show sporting cleavage. She is hot to start with. But the cleave was too much. I could not listen to a word she said as a result of the sound of rushing blood in my ears.

This morning on FN, Anna Paulina Luna was a guest. She was sporting those inflated, red pouty lips. As you would think, my imagination ran wild! Again, I easily lost focus on what she was saying, I most likely agreed with everything she and Noem said. But I do not know that for sure because my mind was elsewhere.

While I believe that voters made the correct decisions electing Noem and Luna, we cannot always rely on voters to make the right decision, especially Democrats (who suffer from the debilitating disability of Stupid).

Case in point: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Say what you will, but this bitch is hot, horse face or not. I am most disarmed by this dummy when she is crying. That is SUPER hot. I do not think that there is any dispute that if AOC looked like Sherrod Brown, she would have never been elected. Think about it: a retarded neo-Marxist, backed by the far left group Justice Democrats, sitting in the U.S. House of Representatives. How did THAT happen?!? It happened because dudes want to bang her. Period.

Look at Kristen Sinema. Hot name, eh? SIN-enema. Jesus!! There were times I listened to her and thought, “Hmmm… She makes a lot of sense.” A few minutes later, after my blood pressure returned to normal, I was like, “WTF kind of tripe did I just hear?!?”

Having these hotties in politics is not a good thing. They distract from serious and important issues, and thereby threaten democracy. However, I will note that the GOP tends to field more hotties than the Dems. Why? Is it because the GOP is runny honey pot traps? No. It is because Dem chicks tend to be ugly as sin with nasty dispositions.

I have spoken.
Like it or not, we humans react positively to people we perceive as attractive, and especially sexy. This is why (a) smart advertisers use attractive and sexy models, and (b) the recent movement to highlight fat women in advertising is so nauseating.

As for AOC, she is absolutely hot. Her face would not universally be considered beautiful, but the overall package is worthy of lust.

It is my personal view that female public figures have a potential that males simply do not have: They can be beautiful, intelligent, and competent, all at the same time. To be slightly political with this, check out Fox News. They have an extraordinary number of reporters and talking heads who check all three of these boxes.
I admit it. I am a disabled man. My disability is having too much testosterone. You know what this means; it creates a shortage of blood flow to the brain. Let me explain.

There are certain politicians in America that are smoking hot. It, of course, occurs elsewhere in the world; e.g., Italy’s current PM. But the problem seems to be more acute in America.

Take today’s talk shows. Kristi Noem was on Maria Bartiromo’s show. I note that Maria is a former hottie. Noem was on her show sporting cleavage. She is hot to start with. But the cleave was too much. I could not listen to a word she said as a result of the sound of rushing blood in my ears.

This morning on FN, Anna Paulina Luna was a guest. She was sporting those inflated, red pouty lips. As you would think, my imagination ran wild! Again, I easily lost focus on what she was saying, I most likely agreed with everything she and Noem said. But I do not know that for sure because my mind was elsewhere.

While I believe that voters made the correct decisions electing Noem and Luna, we cannot always rely on voters to make the right decision, especially Democrats (who suffer from the debilitating disability of Stupid).

Case in point: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Say what you will, but this bitch is hot, horse face or not. I am most disarmed by this dummy when she is crying. That is SUPER hot. I do not think that there is any dispute that if AOC looked like Sherrod Brown, she would have never been elected. Think about it: a retarded neo-Marxist, backed by the far left group Justice Democrats, sitting in the U.S. House of Representatives. How did THAT happen?!? It happened because dudes want to bang her. Period.

Look at Kristen Sinema. Hot name, eh? SIN-enema. Jesus!! There were times I listened to her and thought, “Hmmm… She makes a lot of sense.” A few minutes later, after my blood pressure returned to normal, I was like, “WTF kind of tripe did I just hear?!?”

Having these hotties in politics is not a good thing. They distract from serious and important issues, and thereby threaten democracy. However, I will note that the GOP tends to field more hotties than the Dems. Why? Is it because the GOP is runny honey pot traps? No. It is because Dem chicks tend to be ugly as sin with nasty dispositions.

I have spoken.

We need pics to be able to fact check you! We need to see how hot these women supposedly are.
Like it or not, we humans react positively to people we perceive as attractive, and especially sexy. This is why (a) smart advertisers use attractive and sexy models, and (b) the recent movement to highlight fat women in advertising is so nauseating.

As for AOC, she is absolutely hot. Her face would not universally be considered beautiful, but the overall package is worthy of lust.

It is my personal view that female public figures have a potential that males simply do not have: They can be beautiful, intelligent, and competent, all at the same time. To be slightly political with this, check out Fox News. They have an extraordinary number of reporters and talking heads who check all three of these boxes.
hot , smart, and charismatic aoc will be old enough by 2028. old enough to make me beam a 4X8 plot of daiseys into full bloom .

As for AOC, she is absolutely hot. Her face would not universally be considered beautiful, but the overall package is worthy of lust.

:puke3:You really need to get some. Your brain is clouded.
I don't know about politicians but very one of the Fox info babes look like Barbie dolls but much smarter. .
fox info babes? hot? i'll see that and raise the telemundo weather girls.

"i watched 1 for 3 days before i saw that she was standing in front of a map." bobby lewis, blues harp

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