Moscow black market for weapons : Kalashnikov , hand grenades, and even silenced pistols for $300–350 I EU, UK, US and Canada dwarf Moscow’s economy


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017

Moscow empire SUCKS BIG TIME, New York city has a bigger economy then Moscow empire . YES General , Lack of political will and abundance of fear of having to fight to protect our ....

The US economy alone is 11.4x the size of Moscow empire , and our military spending is 10.2x Moscow empire 's. General Hodges is exactly right. Further, one can see the level of sacrifice of the US vs European countries relative to the size of their economies.


Truth!“The combined economies of the EU, UK, US and Canada dwarf Moscow’s economy. The only reason there are any shortages of what is needed for Ukraine and for ensuring the protection of our own citizens is lack of political Will.”General Ben Hodges

the Belgorod region, a black market for weapons has emerged, where you can purchase Kalashnikov assault rifles, hand grenades, and even silenced pistols for $300–350. Moscow military personnel are selling these weapons,


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