More Romani visibility please

Travelers are part of the Romani culture whose groups historically move from one area to the next. Some groups adhere to, and act upon, a cultural belief in their “divine right” to commit theft and fraud. Many of the travelers involved in this investigation had origins in Poland, and had recently entered the country illegally with the intent to take part in this criminal enterprise. They were identified by detectives as the primary suspects in the sudden increase in criminal activity.

“There were many different clans consisting of families and groups of travelers that worked together with the same objectives—to steal,” added Thayer. “But detectives soon learned that the residential burglaries were only a small part of their operation. What we learned as the investigation moved forward is that the large-scale operation and their primary source of income was actually ORC. This was a sophisticated group of thieves using everything at their disposal to commit retail crimes and then use illicit fencing operations to sell millions of dollars in retail products.”
We have all heard or know about organized crime. But did you know there is an organized crime family specializing in fraud that has successfully operated throughout the world for almost 2,000 years? Their success nets them millions, tax-free, every year. Less than 5% of their victims complain and when they do, are often met with laughter, mis-reporting or ignorance by law enforcement. Hence, prosecution is rare.

"Nobody cares! Not the bosses, not the prosecutors or even many judges. They don't want to hear about it ... until it happens to them, their families or a big-wig,"
-A Gypsy cop in Florida

The crime family? Gypsies.

It is not racist to state that gypsy camps frequently cause an increase in crime and mess - it is a statement of fact​

We have all heard or know about organized crime. But did you know there is an organized crime family specializing in fraud that has successfully operated throughout the world for almost 2,000 years? Their success nets them millions, tax-free, every year. Less than 5% of their victims complain and when they do, are often met with laughter, mis-reporting or ignorance by law enforcement. Hence, prosecution is rare.

"Nobody cares! Not the bosses, not the prosecutors or even many judges. They don't want to hear about it ... until it happens to them, their families or a big-wig,"
-A Gypsy cop in Florida

The crime family? Gypsies.
That sounds like straight out of Hollywood like in the series criminal intent bloodline where gypsy crime families kill and kidnapp little girls in a cultural and religious ritual im not denying gypsies are criminal but that only one aspect many disrespect gypsies for example because they are entertainers i think that is seen like Prostitution and untouchability especially for turkish and Balkan people there are many reasons why some dislike or hate gypsies and many things are not theft for example some hate gypsies who digg grave yards because its dirty untouchability eventhough its hard work its complex and you sound too much Hollywood and you want to keep things status quo do not work on progress i think its not a one way street its a two way street that gypsies work hard on themselfes and that people like you stop discriminating them
Los Angeles: The Los Angeles Police Department is issuing a crime alert of criminals targeting the elderly. The Detectives from Burglary Auto Theft Division are investigating a series of thefts/burglaries perpetrated by what appear to be Transient Burglary suspects commonly known as "Gypsies." The victims are normally elderly people, living on their own or with another elderly person. It appears that there are several groups working the West Side who may be related.

This article verifies what Tammi Tart was babbling; some are different than others.

The team is comprised of one male and one or two females. The suspects have been described as Male White or Hispanic, with black hair, brown eyes, 5’-5" to 6’-0" in height, 150-180 lbs. in weight, and 25-45 years of age. The females are White or Hispanic with black or brown hair, brown eyes, 5’-3" to 5’-8" in height, 100-150 lbs. in weight, and early to mid 30’s years in age.

The suspects have been described as male White or Hispanic with black hair, brown eyes, 5’-5" to 6’-0" in height, 170-215 pounds in weight and 30-45 years of age. The females are White or Hispanic with black, blond or brown hair, brown eyes, 5’-2" to 5’-7" in height, 120-140 lbs. in weight, and early to mid 30’s years in age. One female has been described as having decaying front top teeth. The vehicles seen have been described as a white van, white station wagon, and a brown truck.

The team is comprised of one male and one or two females. The suspects have been described as Male White or Hispanic, with black hair, brown eyes, 5’-5" to 6’-0" in height, 150-180 lbs. in weight, and 25-45 years of age. The females are White or Hispanic with black or brown hair, brown eyes, 5’-3" to 5’-8" in height, 100-150 lbs. in weight, and early to mid 30’s years in age

The suspects are described as male Whites or Hispanic with black or brown hair, brown eyes, 5’-6" to 6’-0" in height, 140-200 pounds in weight and 20-50 years of age. The females are White or Hispanic with brown hair, brown eyes, 5’-3" to 5’-5" in height, 115-130 lbs. in weight, and 14 to mid 20’s in age.

Kudos to Tammi for he/she/it/mutant's brilliant input.
That sounds like straight out of Hollywood like in the series criminal intent bloodline where gypsy crime families kill and kidnapp little girls in a cultural and religious ritual im not denying gypsies are criminal but that only one aspect many disrespect gypsies for example because they are entertainers i think that is seen like Prostitution and untouchability especially for turkish and Balkan people there are many reasons why some dislike or hate gypsies and many things are not theft for example some hate gypsies who digg grave yards because its dirty untouchability eventhough its hard work its complex and you sound too much Hollywood and you want to keep things status quo do not work on progress i think its not a one way street its a two way street that gypsies work hard on themselfes and that people like you stop discriminating them

so how many crooks have you turned in in your alleged quest for 'fighting stereotypes' n stuff'?

'Hollywood??? I posted news articles, not movies.

One mafia ex-wife was threatened with an acid bath. Another found herself menaced regularly with a knife to her throat, wielded by her own mother-in-law, the boss of Rome’s legendary Roma – or Gypsy - crime clan.
Sure it can be found on Amazon. Problem solved


Travelers are part of the Romani culture whose groups historically move from one area to the next. Some groups adhere to, and act upon, a cultural belief in their “divine right” to commit theft and fraud. Many of the travelers involved in this investigation had origins in Poland, and had recently entered the country illegally with the intent to take part in this criminal enterprise. They were identified by detectives as the primary suspects in the sudden increase in criminal activity.

“There were many different clans consisting of families and groups of travelers that worked together with the same objectives—to steal,” added Thayer. “But detectives soon learned that the residential burglaries were only a small part of their operation. What we learned as the investigation moved forward is that the large-scale operation and their primary source of income was actually ORC. This was a sophisticated group of thieves using everything at their disposal to commit retail crimes and then use illicit fencing operations to sell millions of dollars in retail products.”

Unam sanctam

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Unam sanctam[a] is a papal bull that was issued by Pope Boniface VIII on 18 November 1302. It laid down dogmatic propositions on the unity of the Catholic Church, the necessity of belonging to it for eternal salvation, the position of the Pope as supreme head of the Church and the duty thence arising of submission to the Pope in order to belong to the Church and thus to attain salvation. The Pope further emphasized the higher position of the spiritual in comparison with the secular order. The historian Brian Tierney calls it "probably the most famous" document on church and state in medieval Europe.[1] The original document is lost, but a version of the text can be found in the registers of Boniface VIII in the Vatican Archives.[2] The bull was the definitive statement of the late medieval theory of hierocracy, which argued for the temporal as well as spiritual supremacy of the pope.[3]
Boniface VIII, Bishop of Rome
Separation of church and state in the history of the Catholic Church
Sovereignty and loyalty
Historical controversies
20th century topics
Current topics


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The bull was promulgated during an ongoing dispute between Boniface VIII and King Philip IV of France (Philip the Fair).[4] Philip had levied taxes on the French clergy of half their annual income. On 5 February 1296, Boniface responded with the papal bull Clericis laicos that forbade clerics, without authority from the Holy See, to pay taxes to temporal rulers, and threatened excommunication on rulers who demanded such payments.[5]
King Edward I of England defended his own taxing powers by putting defiant clergy under outlawry, a Roman law concept withdrawing their protection under the English common law,[6] and confiscated the temporal properties of bishops who refused his levies. As Edward was demanding an amount well above the tenth offered by the clergy, Archbishop of Canterbury Robert Winchelsey left it to every individual clergyman to pay as he saw fit.[7]
In August 1296 King Philip imposed an embargo forbidding export of horses, arms, gold, and silver, effectively keeping the French clergy from sending taxes to Rome and blocking a main source of papal revenue. Philip also banished from France papal agents raising funds for a new crusade.

Generally in eastern europe mainly but also in some other parts of the world the Focus on Gypsy discrimination is more their skin color and dark skinned blood from untouchables then in the anglosphere where they are deemed as travellers and kings of con hardly someone of the gypsies in eastern europe travells maybe gypsies in eastern europe are also darker then American gypsies eventhough American gypsies are immigrants in waves from alot of european countries including also many eastern european countries but the view or Focus is a bit different

So you don't mind. Okay.
I do mind but it would cause troubles for me and inconvenciences to play civil militia, or hobby policeman. I could get in trouble. I mind my own business usually. But I really do not like "street gypsies", like pickpockets you see in large cities. Im then associated with such a thing.
But its up to the Romani themselfes to show themselfes more, and be correct, I think Romani should be correct, and show themselfes, and show that they are correct...

I mean everyone knows how important visibility and representation is for every marginalised group and minority, there is even a American Trans Visibility Day, so...

Yesterday Roma nation flags have been seen on streets of Italy on celebration of end of World War II, where shamelessly Italy finished with evil fascism.


That's the sort of thing you need to be wearing.
Do I? Can you find me one example of when I've marginalized and oppressed gypsies?
Its all over the place, you said its ok to discriminate gypsies often. I mean you call them gypsies instead of romani, that is a first sign, that you do. I mean I do too say gypsy sometimes and its not neccessarily a discrimination but that you now said so in this context, is a tell sign.

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