Monsters, asteroids, vampires: AI conspiracies flood TikTok - Chinese disinfo/psy-ops warfare?


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Monsters, asteroids, vampires: AI conspiracies flood TikTok
From vampires and wendigos to killer asteroids, TikTok users are pumping out outlandish end-of-the-world conspiracy theories, researchers say, in yet another misinformation trend on a platform whose fate in the United States hangs in the balance.

Remote : Mon, 18 Mar 2024 11 : 19 : 00 +0900
Local : 2024-03-18(Monday) 03 : 19 : 00
Found via World Headlines on

i suspect this to be a Chinese psy-op,
it's a ancient Chinese custom to confuse their political opponent's people and leadership.

what do you all think?
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Just as its a long held political principal in America to use fear and ignorance to create enemies peacefan

the only long-held political principle of western government that bothers me is their expansionistic, emperial almost, desire for conquest by unipolarity.
Monsters, asteroids, vampires: AI conspiracies flood TikTok
From vampires and wendigos to killer asteroids, TikTok users are pumping out outlandish end-of-the-world conspiracy theories, researchers say, in yet another misinformation trend on a platform whose fate in the United States hangs in the balance.

Remote : Mon, 18 Mar 2024 11 : 19 : 00 +0900
Local : 2024-03-18(Monday) 03 : 19 : 00
Found via World Headlines on

i suspect this to be a Chinese psy-op,
it's a ancient Chinese custom to confuse their political opponent's people and leadership.

what do you all think?
I think you people are all seeing Chinese agents under your beds.

The stuff on Tiktok is no more outrageous than the shit you see on Facebook, X, or YouTube.
Just wait until we get around to the Elohim --- later this year?.

Then you will hear some real wailing and gnashing of teeth.
the only long-held political principle of western government that bothers me is their expansionistic, emperial almost, desire for conquest by unipolarity.
clearly evident to those paying attention to history peace fan

the trick in perpetuating it is , taking away the means to do so

No, it's about idiots taking any of these sites seriously, because they are all garbage.

I'm frankly more worried about X, because they aren't even pretending to moderate hate speech anymore.
X is for old farts with brief bs statements that ultimately get ignored anyway.
TikTok is for the young, who can still be influenced for their entire lives yet to come.
I think you people are all seeing Chinese agents under your beds.

The stuff on Tiktok is no more outrageous than the shit you see on Facebook, X, or YouTube.

Yeah, they're down there having lunch with the Russians that y'all see.


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