Microsoft executives partied with the world economic forum in Davos at a private Sting concert hours before laying off 10,000 employees.

Trump and Republicans’ 2017 Tax Cut enabled working people to keep more of their earned income. Democrats have and continue to do more for people choosing not to work and live off the taxpayers.

Bullshit. Very little of the 2017 tax cut went to working people. And those working people will be paying off that debt for the rest of their lives.
Bullshit. Very little of the 2017 tax cut went to working people. And those working people will be paying off that debt for the rest of their lives.
I’m a working person. My gross pay was the same under both Obama and the when the Trump Republican Tax Cut took effect and my net take/ home pay increased. You are shifting the argument towards what “went” to working people yet provided no refute on the specific point that net pay (take home pay) increased for working people as a result of the tax cut.
I’m a working person. My gross pay was the same under both Obama and the when the Trump Republican Tax Cut took effect and my net take/ home pay increased. You are shifting the argument towards what “went” to working people yet provided no refute on the specific point that net pay (take home pay) increased for working people as a result of the tax cut.

Well, that's kind of sad, that no one valued your services enough for 12 years to increase your pay.

How much did you get back, $300 a year?
Well, that's kind of sad, that no one valued your services enough for 12 years to increase your pay.

How much did you get back, $300 a year?
What are you talking about? When the tax cuts took effect, it was within a corporate fiscal year so I could easily compare a paycheck before the tax cut and a paycheck after the tax cut. Everything stayed the same except for the net pay which increased.

I guess all of the elites of the elites have no plans to give up their life of luxury as they constantly plan how all the everyday people of the world can sacrifice everything for them. They talk about everything we need to do for their planet while they all fly in private jets with personal security police to a secluded area to eat fancy food and live in luxury as they dream up ways we need to sacrifice for their good and to top it off, less than a day before they lay off 10,000 workers they pay Sting to give them a private concert in Switzerland.

Microsoft is becoming a evil entity. Bill gates alone is bad enough but he is turning his entire company into what he is.


From what we've seen from former twatter and google employees i'd party hard to If I was given carte blanche to swing the axe....buh bye dead weight....boys we just saved millions in the long run ...hey man let's call sting roflmao

The tranny from Twatter is one of the best boo hoo woe is me videos
I'm just saying

I don't know how old you are, but I am absolutely AMAZED at what the left has become since I was young. The same people crying for free speech and talking about da man in 1968 are now trying to squash free speech and doing everything they can to enrich the likes of Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos.
Actually, Democrats have been trying to raise taxes on the rich for 40 years while the GOP continues the giveaway. Free speech does not include yelling fire in a crowded theater like the GOP propaganda machine does with election fraud and pedophilia and all their conspiracy theories about how horrible our law enforcement and the government is these days. I mean FBI and CIA included in all their stupid e-mail conspiracies. In 1968 the man was lying about how we got into Vietnam and how the war was going... And then it got much worse under Nixon, including the FBI and the IRS against his enemies like trump tried to do. Not Democrats, dupes...
What are you talking about? When the tax cuts took effect, it was within a corporate fiscal year so I could easily compare a paycheck before the tax cut and a paycheck after the tax cut. Everything stayed the same except for the net pay which increased.
So what happens when that tax cut for regular people stops in 2025, but the tax cut for the rich and corporations, which is 83% of it, goes on. That's pretty clever of the GOP don't you think? They fooled you again didn't they, brainwashed functional moron?
So what happens when that tax cut for regular people stops in 2025, but the tax cut for the rich and corporations, which is 83% of it, goes on. That's pretty clever of the GOP don't you think? They fooled you again didn't they, brainwashed functional moron?
But, they told me they cared for me....
So what happens when that tax cut for regular people stops in 2025, but the tax cut for the rich and corporations, which is 83% of it, goes on. That's pretty clever of the GOP don't you think? They fooled you again didn't they, brainwashed functional moron?
Why haven’t the Democrats pushed for working people to maximize their take-home pay? You are so teed up to call me a moron yet once again, you have not thought things through. Corporations create jobs, the people you vote for create perpetual government assistance.
Why haven’t the Democrats pushed for working people to maximize their take-home pay? You are so teed up to call me a moron yet once again, you have not thought things through. Corporations create jobs, the people you vote for create perpetual government assistance.
Google what Biden has done for regular people and learn something. Cut the price of drugs and health care, invested in infrastructure high school college education etc etc and was blocked on a lot of stuff by Republicans who will never do anything for regular people. You're not a moron, you are brainwashed, so you are a functional moron. It is a political insult not a personal one period change the damn channel.
Why haven’t the Democrats pushed for working people to maximize their take-home pay? You are so teed up to call me a moron yet once again, you have not thought things through. Corporations create jobs, the people you vote for create perpetual government assistance.
So what about your tax cut ending but not the one for the rich? Try and stay focused.
So what about your tax cut ending but not the one for the rich? Try and stay focused.
Define “the rich” or “wealthy”. I guarantee your definition will be at variance with how the Tax Code defines it. The high income earners get the tax cut. They are the ones who pay the tax burden and egregious and frivolous spending. Quite frankly, the only cuts I want to hear about are spending cuts. Your side does not want spending cuts. You want to keep that $10M grant in place for gender studies in Pakistan as well as the $500k grant to study the sexual behavior of Japanese quail on cocaine.

You call me a functional moron while your limited economic and financial aptitude is on display daily.
Define “the rich” or “wealthy”. I guarantee your definition will be at variance with how the Tax Code defines it. The high income earners get the tax cut. They are the ones who pay the tax burden and egregious and frivolous spending. Quite frankly, the only cuts I want to hear about are spending cuts. Your side does not want spending cuts. You want to keep that $10M grant in place for gender studies in Pakistan as well as the $500k grant to study the sexual behavior of Japanese quail on cocaine.

You call me a functional moron while your limited economic and financial aptitude is on display daily.
It was over $400,000 but the people who really need to pay taxes more are the really mega rich. Everyone is paying about 27% on average in all taxes, a giveaway to the rich by the GOP since Reagan. We need to invest in America and Americans, we're getting so stupid, a lot because college is so expensive and so is training for good jobs. While every other modern country not!
Define “the rich” or “wealthy”. I guarantee your definition will be at variance with how the Tax Code defines it. The high income earners get the tax cut. They are the ones who pay the tax burden and egregious and frivolous spending. Quite frankly, the only cuts I want to hear about are spending cuts. Your side does not want spending cuts. You want to keep that $10M grant in place for gender studies in Pakistan as well as the $500k grant to study the sexual behavior of Japanese quail on cocaine.

You call me a functional moron while your limited economic and financial aptitude is on display daily.
Do you ever answer any questions or do you just make stupid blanket statements and insults based on nothing but garbage propaganda?
Why haven’t the Democrats pushed for working people to maximize their take-home pay? You are so teed up to call me a moron yet once again, you have not thought things through. Corporations create jobs, the people you vote for create perpetual government assistance.
They do all the time but normally the last 40 years they have been blocked. Actually 60 years. The GOP has been the Southern California baloney give away to the rich and recently just total BS conservative party.
Do you ever answer any questions or do you just make stupid blanket statements and insults based on nothing but garbage propaganda?
I have not insulted you. Observations validated by analysis and fact are not insults. Further, you think every viewpoint not aligned with yourself is propaganda yet provide no context. Self accountability would go a long way for you.
They do all the time but normally the last 40 years they have been blocked. Actually 60 years. The GOP has been the Southern California baloney give away to the rich and recently just total BS conservative party.
Show US one example how Democrats pushed for income earners in the working and middle classes to keep most of their paychecks. You can’t because Democrats never cut spending and more people beyond the high income earners are needed to pay for it.
Show US one example how Democrats pushed for income earners in the working and middle classes to keep most of their paychecks. You can’t because Democrats never cut spending and more people beyond the high income earners are needed to pay for it.
You really should try watching a news channel someday....

tax cut for the non rich, no doubt blocked by Republicans and those two ******** democratic senators. If GOP voters had a functioning brain this would be no problem....

so you didn't get a stimulus of $2600 in 2021? Ever heard of expanded Medicaid and Obamacare.? After that you have to go back to LBJ and Medicare etcetera etcetera. Great job obstructing progress for 40 to 55 years.... Nope rich people and giant corporations who pay nothing can make all the difference, of course not all at once. With this mess we have now with the worst inequality, worst upward mobility and homelessness etcetera etcetera, great job! Your love and admiration for mega rich scumbags is noted. All part of the brainwash....
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