Michigan 2020 Election Certification is Discovered to be Invalid -Missing Signature of Threatened Officers


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Let's see how fast the CCP mods hide this one. Michigan's 16 electors are still not allocated. Michigan plus Pennsylvania and one other swing state would give it to Trump.

Recall Monica Palmer is one of the dissenting Wayne County certification officials who was against certifying the vote who had text threats sent to her of dead, bloody women with the message that that could be her daughter if she did not certify: "“I’d just like you to imagine that’s…your beautiful daughter.”"

Palmer affidavit rescinding certification vote: Pair of Wayne Co. Board of Canvassers members file affidavits to rescind certification of election results


Sept. 2023 "WOW! NEWLY OBTAINED Evidence Shows Key Signatures Are MISSING on Wayne County’s 2020 General Election Certification"

WOW! NEWLY OBTAINED Evidence Shows Key Signatures Are MISSING on Wayne County’s 2020 General Election Certification

By Patty McMurray

A special guest post by former MI Senator Patrick Colbeck and author of “The 2020 Coup: What Happened. What We Can Do”

Wayne County Election Anomalies

There were numerous anomalies that bring the certification of the 2020 election results in Wayne County into question. Included among these anomalies are the following:

There was a 3:30 am ballot drop at the Absentee Vote Counting Board (AVCB) center at the TCF Center in Detroit without any chain of custody.

Brazen poll book updates one day before Wayne County Board of Canvassers vote on certification, 13 days after the election, and 6 days after Michigan statute (MCL 168.813) requires the list of voters to be uploaded to the statewide Qualified Voter File.
An astounding 71% of AVCBs in Detroit were unbalanced and, per statute, not subject to recount.

November 17, 2020, Wayne County Board of Canvassers Meeting

The November 17, 2020, Wayne County Board of Canvassers Meeting was a marathon session that revealed at least three significant issues with the certification of the election results in addition to signed certification paperwork. The official board minutes from this meeting can be viewed below.

November 17, 2020, Meeting Minutes for Wayne County Board of Canvassers

Issue #1: Certification Vote Did Not Pass

I was personally present at the November 17, 2020. While there, I witnessed the canvasser vote on certification. Monica Palmer and William Hartman voted No. Allen Wilson and Jonathan Kinloch voted Yes. Since three Yes votes are required to certify an election, the motion to certify the election failed. The minutes clearly document this vote regarding certification.

Under MCL 168.822, the failure of the county board of canvassers to certify the election should have resulted in a transfer of all county election records to the state for them to canvass the county results. That didn’t happen. Instead, what followed was a public comment period featuring disgraceful, intimidating racist accusations against Palmer and Hartman.

Trending: “I’m Instagram Famous, You F***ing Bum” – Entitled “Influencer” Suffers Meltdown Following Argument with Fellow Passenger and is Kicked Off Plane (VIDEO)

Watch Democrat State Representative Abrahim Aiyash and Wayne State University Vice President Ned Stabler threaten Monica Palmer and her “children” during the public comment portion of the Zoom call.

Shortly after their threat, Monica received a death threat aimed at her teenage daughter.

Issue #2: Conditional Vote

Subsequent to the employment of the intimidation tactics on display during public comment that included the doxing of the daughter of Monica Palmer by Aiyash, both Palmer and Hartman issued conditional yes votes on certification provided that a comprehensive audit of the unexplained precincts in Wayne County would be conducted. Such an audit never happened.

In addition to the conditions associated with the vote never having been satisfied, there never was a motion to reconsider the first vote. Under standard public meeting rules, the first vote has standing, not the second vote, without a motion to reconsider the first vote being passed.

Issue #3: Reassertion of No Vote

Finally, in the wake of public statements made by the Michigan Secretary of State in which she asserted she would not be complying with the conditions stipulated in the second vote, Chair Monica Palmer released the following affidavit indicating a reaffirmation of her No vote on certification.

The other Republican member of the Board of Canvassers, William Hartman, issued a similar statement reasserting his No vote on certification.

While the lack of the required certification signatures is all that is needed to assert that Wayne County never lawfully certified the 2020 election, it is clear to see that there are additional compelling reasons to support the same conclusion.

"Michigan Democrat Abraham Aiyash Doxxes Children Of Wayne County Election Official"
Michigan Democrat Doxxes Children Of Wayne County Election Official

“You, Ms. Monica Palmer from Grosse Pointe Woods, which has a history of racism, are deciding to enable and continue to perpetuate the racist history of this country and I want you to think about what that means for your kids,” he said, name-dropping the name of their school

Trump 32-Page Report on 2020 Election Fraud - Section on Michigan

Every point stands "undebunked" unless you can provide a link that debunks it, ok?

Supporting footnotes at https://cdn.nucleusfiles.com/e0/e04...20election20fraud20in20the20swing20states.pdf


Michigan (page 27)

• Michigan was called by 154,188 votes.

• A record 5,579,317 votes were cast and certified in Michigan in the 2020
General Election, the highest turnout in 60 years. To date, Michigan has never
shown 5,579,317 voters listed for the 2020 Election in its Qualified Voter File,
the state’s database for all voter registration records.

• As of December 2023, Michigan has 271,566 more votes than the number of
voters listed in its Qualified Voter File for Nov. 3, 2020, more than one and a half
times the Election margin.

• In data obtained from the Secretary of State’s office on nearly a monthly basis
since the Election, the most voters ever recorded in the Qualified Voter File was
5,511,303 voters in April 2021. This means Michigan’s own election records 80
showed 68,014 more votes than voters. However, the number of voters listed in
the Qualified Voter File has been in flux ever since December 2020, and always
short of the voters needed to reconcile the total votes cast. A complete list of
voters from 2020 has never been provided.

• The number of voter IDs listed as voting in 2020 has steadily declined since
February 2022. As of December 2023, there was a total of 5,307,751 voters listed
as voting on Nov. 3, 2020 in the Qualified Voter File. Voter history files continue
to be removed from the record, resulting in 271,566 less vote history records
than necessary to reconcile the results.

• A complete list of voters was requested via a Freedom of Information Act request
in December 2021 and took nine months for the state to fulfill. Two datasets
were provided, and neither matched. The first dataset fell 22,146 voters short,
while the second dataset was 120,883 absentee ballots short.82

• Democrats threatened Republicans on the Wayne County Board of Canvassers
and doxxed children in order to certify the 2020 results. Monica Palmer, then 83
the chair of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors, cited the fact that 70
percent of Detroit’s mail-in ballot counts were still “out of balance and
unexplained” from the August primary as a reason why she initially voted against
certifying the 2020 Election results. Palmer was “bullied and threatened” and 84
“feared for her safety” due to threats she received for voting no. A Democrat
Michigan State representative-elect attacked Palmer over her certification vote,
and revealed where her children went to school, saying, “I want you to think
about what that means for your kids.”

• Officials in Detroit illegally blocked Republican poll challengers’ access,
covered the windows, called the cops, and denied lawful challenges in order to
count ballots in secret.

• Affidavits and video evidence revealed thousands of ballots were delivered
through a back door of the TCF center, the central counting facility in Detroit, at 3:30 a.m. on Election night.

• A report seeking to “debunk” issues of fraud released by the Michigan State
Senate Oversight Committee confirmed a “large volume” of ballots were
delivered to the TCF center with no chain of custody in the middle of the night.88

• An estimated 289,866 absentee ballots were identified as sent to people who
never requested them, “something that would be illegal,” according to the senate

• Mark Zuckerberg gave Michigan $16.8 million through his nonprofit Center for
Tech and Civic Life.

• Detroit received $7.4 million to “dramatically” expand the vote for Democrats.89
The grants financed drop boxes “to facilitate the return of absentee ballots,” like
the ones that came in the TCF center after midnight.

• Secretary Jocelyn Benson made unlawful changes to signature verification rules
for absentee ballots, ordering election workers to presume all were legitimate. A
judge ruled Benson’s order was invalid, but not until months following the 92
election, and just 0.1 percent of mail-in ballots were rejected in the November
2020 Election for all signature issues. The rejection rate for mismatching 93
signatures was just 0.04 percent, as only 1,400 out of 3.4 million ballots were

• Secretary Benson has lost in court six times for issues related to the 2020

• A fraudulent voter registration scheme was discovered in October 2020 and
documented in a police report in Muskegon County and hidden for nearly 3 years
after the 2020 Election.95

• An ensuing investigation confirmed thousands of voter registrations in the same
handwriting and many invalid or non-existent addresses. The suspect told
Michigan State Police that she was being paid $1,150 per week to “find unregistered voters and provide them with a form so they can get registered to vote
or obtain their absentee ballot.” The police found “dozens of new phones” and
“hundreds of pre-paid payment cards” during the investigation.

• A Department of State analyst consulted in the investigation confirmed a
quantity of voter applications were “clearly fraudulent” and others were “highly
suspicious having either erroneous or are missing key pieces of information.”
Others appeared to be legitimate.

• The organization behind the scheme was GBI Strategies, a firm hired by
numerous Democrat campaigns. GBI Strategies was funded by a super PAC
called “Black PAC,” which paid the firm $11,254,919 to register voters for Joe
Biden in 2020. Employees of GBI Strategies were paid $15 an hour or $120 a 97
day, according to the police report.

• The investigation was not made public until 2023, after the police reports were
obtained through a Michigan Freedom of Information Act request.

Chairman of the Federal Election Commission Trey Trainor, Nov. 2020 “fraud is taking place.”

Something Pence should have caught, if he was paying attention.
Oh a story from 2020

So they voted yes and now they want to rescind it years later

“The Wayne County election had serious process flaws which deserve investigation.

So now he wants in investigation which can go either way

They signed the document. I bet they were tortured

Oh they promised an audit

They called us names

enough fun, they signed so live with it.

Something Pence should have caught, if he was paying attention.

Donald Trump produced a report that says there was election fraud. But he still hasn’t produced any evidence that any of his reports are correct he hasn’t filed any court cases that could stand up to scrutiny.

This is just 32 pages of repeating the same lies b that hss as very been been debunked for the past three years.

Donald Trump is like that guy that you had like two or three bad dates with and then ghosted who keeps calling you and won’t go away.

Trump will not take “no” for an answer and that’s why he’s been accused of rape and sexual assault so frequently.
Oh a story from 2020

So they voted yes and now they want to rescind it years later

“The Wayne County election had serious process flaws which deserve investigation.

So now he wants in investigation which can go either way

They signed the document. I bet they were tortured

Oh they promised an audit

They called us names

enough fun, they signed so live with it.

LOL reading disability. They rescinded their votes to certify after Michigan secretary of State and satanist Jocelyn Benson reneged on the deal to investigate irregularities. Read again it's ok if you use your finger.
LOL reading disability. They rescinded their votes to certify after Michigan secretary of State and satanist Jocelyn Benson reneged on the deal to investigate irregularities. Read again it's ok if you use your finger.
Seems like you have the disability .

I do not believe the story said "Satanist" but then again It is an irrelevant comment that you seem to think is important

“The Wayne County election had serious process flaws which deserve investigation. "- me

"but reneged on the deal to investigate irregularities" sounds so much clearer to you

Thus your problem is interpretation which seems to be your "Kryptonite"

And yes please use the emoji button , its simplifies your response
Let's see how fast the CCP mods hide this one. Michigan's 16 electors are still not allocated. Michigan plus Pennsylvania and one other swing state would give it to Trump.

Recall Monica Palmer is one of the dissenting Wayne County certification officials who was against certifying the vote who had text threats sent to her of dead, bloody women with the message that that could be her daughter if she did not certify: "“I’d just like you to imagine that’s…your beautiful daughter.”"

Palmer affidavit rescinding certification vote: Pair of Wayne Co. Board of Canvassers members file affidavits to rescind certification of election results


"Michigan Democrat Abraham Aiyash Doxxes Children Of Wayne County Election Official"
Michigan Democrat Doxxes Children Of Wayne County Election Official

Trump 32-Page Report on 2020 Election Fraud - Section on Michigan

Every point stands "undebunked" unless you can provide a link that debunks it, ok?

Supporting footnotes at https://cdn.nucleusfiles.com/e0/e04...20election20fraud20in20the20swing20states.pdf

Chairman of the Federal Election Commission Trey Trainor, Nov. 2020 “fraud is taking place.”

Fake news

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