Marx and Engels racist anti-semites


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
The historical record shows the use these men used of the N-word, and their vile antisemitic rants were truly despicable.

Its no wonder why Hitler was such a great fan of their collectivism, and so anxiously signed an alliance with the USSR in 1939, even adopting Marx's dream of socialized medicine.

But when will libs in this country finally cancel Rabid Marxism, like they did with Nazism. Hitler's language was not appreciably worse than his communist counterparts.

Time to take a stand against racism, a stand that has principles.

The Left simply does not care because Marxists do not care about people, they only care about power. They only pretend to care about people when it involves obtaining power. That is why they only attack figures in history they disdain because those figures challenge their ideology in some way.

Marxism was never the goal of the Left, however, Marxism is appealing to them for a reason, and that is to make it plausible the state needs absolute control over society in every aspect. They need to monitor and control every financial transaction so they can redistribute what they wish to, to make it "equitable", they need to monitor and control everything you do and say to make it "equitable" for others in society you interact with, and they need complete power to do it.

That is why every Marxist regime falls short of the perfect Marxist utopia and every time they do fall short Marxists claim it needs to be attempted again the right way. Funny how that never happens. Again, their goal is not Marxism, rather, Marxism is the most appealing way to draw the masses to support them. After all, what poor person does not fantasize about taking down the rich folk and taking their money? Funny how that never happens to those in power, just those unwilling to sell their souls to those in power, or those who don't give enough to those in power. And it is equally as funny that the poor remain and even more so.


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