Married substitute teacher Erin Ward, 45, is caught in a car undressed with a teenage boy parked on a dead-end road

Girls are different. To a boy, sex is sex, just a wonderful toy and you should know that having been a teenage boy yourself. Girls and women see sex differently; its a much more emotional event.
And neither would a boy know what’s going on with respect to girls. The truth is, there is more variations within a population than between them when it comes to most reasons for sexual behavior. The truth is too, the same person can have different reasons at different times for engaging in such behavior.
Males in general are responsible for more deviant sexual behavior by a huge margin. Why ? Well, it has more to do with power and control in most studies than sexual desire…so can girls exhibit the same desires ? They certainly don’t act out on them as much…..but I would not attach a reason on it with out back up. ……and who is the biggest perpetrator of ALL violent crimes as well ? Males and is not event close.
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Girls are different. To a boy, sex is sex, just a wonderful toy and you should know that having been a teenage boy yourself. Girls and women see sex differently; its a much more emotional event.

spoken like a 90 year old that has not been laid in a while
Where were these teachers when I was in school?!
We had none that were good looking or young enough to even consider that. That said I once dated a young high school teacher that admitted being attracted to some of her senior boys.
We had none that were good looking or young enough to even consider that. That said I once dated a young high school teacher that admitted being attracted to some of her senior boys.
Maybe next time wear a borrowed a high school letter sweater that one time to improve the odds. It goes along with older men getting turned in by high school cheer leaders waving their pom pom.

The whole thread smells of another story line for a porn movie.
Sounds improbable .
She is almost certainlt contravening ethical professiional advice and standards.
But what law has she broken as the lad was not under age ?
There seem zero grounds for the police to lock her up and prosecute .
Suspect that there are other factors or that the whole story is manufactured for other reasons .

In this case it is probably a state law stating it is unlawful for Teachers to mate with any students usually a felony even if the state consent law was at 16.
Support Catholic schools. Does she say 'immoral',do you ?
Support Catholic schools ,where excuses such as you give don't take away from'IMMORAL"
as spectacular as cases like this seem, they are really not very common. the teacher will be punished.

in fact, juries go very easy on young, blonde teachers. there have actually been studies that brunettes are convicted more often and receive longer sentences.

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