Mafia Discussion Thread: Keep Your Torches and Pitchforks at Home!

Cool, do I have to get someone's approval or do I just post a signup thread?

PM cereal_killer for mod privileges before you run a game.

TN will probably come over and play and you'd get most of the people from the last game I'd bet. I can be a replacement for now unless you can't find all 7 and then I'd fill in no problem. I can @ people for you as well if you need that when you do your sign up thread.
Actually, not going to have time to mod a game here for a while. Sorry; if anyone else wants to host one, I'd be glad to join.
Actually, not going to have time to mod a game here for a while. Sorry; if anyone else wants to host one, I'd be glad to join.
I know this might sound weird but hosting a game for me is LESS time consuming than playing. Have you hosted any games?
Yes, multiple. When I play, I can just leave the thread both physically and mentally when I need to, and come back again when I'm free. When I mod, you could say I put too much effort into it.
I could play, but only if I shift gears and only play with 1-3 sentences per post. That wouldn't be too bad, really, if I then post routinely as able.

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