Macron counting on Xi to 'bring Russia to senses'


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
He tried to talk some sense into Putin too, how did that work out? Macron is trying but he is failng. I'm sure China isn't overly concerned with the war as long as nukes aren't deployed. That is my sense anyways. Macron counting on Xi to 'bring Russia to senses'.
French leader Emmanuel Macron has urged his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping to help stop Russia's war in Ukraine.
"I know I can count on you to bring Russia to its senses, and bring everyone back to the negotiating table," he told Mr Xi in Beijing.
Mr Xi said China and France had the "ability and responsibility" to safeguard world peace.
But Moscow said there were "no prospects for a peaceful settlement" so far and its offensive would continue.

Mr Macron is on a state visit to China that is being highly scrutinised after years of deteriorating relations between the West and China, which has refused to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Mr Macron is also seeking to bolster trade ties. He is joined by European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen, who he invited to take part in talks with the Chinese leadership, as well as a large business delegation
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He tried to tslke some sense into putin too, how did that wrk out? Macron is trying but he is faikng. I'm sure China isn't overly concerned with the war as long as nukes aren't deployed. That is my sense anyways. Macron counting on Xi to 'bring Russia to senses'

It is micronbrain who is failing to understand why this travesty developed in the first place.

Hint: Western world imperialism especially American who are trying to squeeze Russia into compliance, but it is backfiring as large part of the world are finally realizing that the Western World doesn't give a shit about the rest of the world thus banding together in the last year to develop a different currency apart from the blood-soaked dollar.

It is micronbrain who is failing to understand why this travesty developed in the first place.

Hint: Western world imperialism especially American who are trying to squeeze Russia into compliance, but it is backfiring as large part of the world are finally realizing that the Western World doesn't give a shit about the rest of the world thus banding together in the last year to develop a different currency apart from the blood-soaked dollar.

What will this new currency be soaked in?
There's no doubt that China's intentions are for peace, and they're fallling back on their reputation to gain relevance as the peace negotiator. No other country or party can challenge China on that!

The Ukraine is going to call for negotiations soon but it's hoping to have a more comfortable position on which to commence negotiations. That's becoming exceedingly unlikely to happen.

But Russia can most likely be satisfied with the deal that was offered in Apr. of 22, which dictates that the Ukraine will become neutral, massacre of ethnic Russians in the Donbass will cease, Crimea is Russia's forever, Nazism will be banished from the Ukraine., and Russia will maintain a neutral corridor to the Crimea.

However, Russia may demand a buffer zone of 250 miles in which there will be no Ukrainian aggression against Russia's borders.

Other than that, Russia claims to be willing to give up a great deal of the captured territory in exchange for a peace that the UKraine could have had before it wasted the lives of over 350,000 soldiers. (+300,000 wounded and maimed)

And that's the way it is today, but might no be so favourable to Ukraine tomorrow!
What will this new currency be soaked in?

I was so flabbergasted at your ignorance of this as it has been developing for several years and accelerating under the Biden administration now here is an article that should help you catch up:

American Thinker

April 8, 2023

Mexico and other top US trading partners looking to ditch the US and join the BRICS?​

By Monica Showalter


Just how bad is it getting with Joe Biden's weak leadership driving the U.S.'s friends and allies away?

Well, we know that China is racking up a string of diplomatic victories across the world, for one. We also know that the dollar is being abandoned as a choice unit of global trade and the world's reserve currency — in moves seen by China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Iraq, and others, which is evidence enough that there's a problem with full faith in the U.S. currency.

And with such moves to abandon the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency, the kinds of names seeking to bail out on the U.S. is starting to get a little startling.



Mexico is the latest nation planning to join BRICS the Biden administration doesn't seem to take it seriously which is a sign of stupidity.

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