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Liz Cheney and MAGA Republicans

Don't try to bullshit me, Joey. Murders are down...shootings are down...robberies are up 23% and car theft is up 35% Crime has not decreased in Chicago. It's bad. If you think it's good news that you're only going to get mugged and not shot then you've got an interesting take on what being "safe" is!
Actually, neither one is very likely.

Let's take car theft.

29,000 cars were reported stolen. This ranges from anything from an armed hijacking to a kid taking a car for a joy ride. 85% of stolen cars are recovered by law enforcement. So out of 1 million cars in Chicago, you have a 3% chance of having your car stolen and an 85% chance of getting it back. That sounds more like a mild inconvenience than a real problem.
Who is this MAGA that you speak of? Do you even know? Am I "MAGA" because I think Joe Biden sucks as a President and that the progressive wing of the Democrat Party is ruining some of our greatest cities even as we speak? Or does that make me a "racist"?
You're only a MAGA man if you call yourself that. Otherwise, you're safe.
MAGA Republicans are upset because last week Liz Cheney said the future of democracy will be at risk if the Republicans win the House and the Senate (LINK). I am very disappointed with her statement and do not agree with it.

However, MAGA Republicans ignore the fact that Liz Cheney had a solidly conservative voting record in Congress (see below). She is not and has never been a RINO. So maybe, just maybe, MAGA Republicans should stop demonizing her, and maybe, just maybe, their overly harsh treatment of her is the reason she does not want a MAGA-controlled GOP majority in the House and Senate.

And maybe, just maybe, Liz Cheney has a point when she observes that Trump's deliberate delay in calling on the January 6 rioters to stand down made him an accessory after the fact. I say this as someone who donated to and voted and worked for Trump in 2016 and 2020 (although Trump was my fourth pick in the 2016 GOP primary).

Here are Liz Cheney's ratings from some of the major conservative groups:

Americans for Prosperity: 84%
Gun Owners of America: 88%
Numbers USA (anti-illegal immigration): 91%
National Right to Life Committee: 93%
National Tax Limitation Committee: 78%
Citizens Against Government Waste: 91%
Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America: 100%
American Farm Bureau Federation: 100%
Independent Petroleum Association of America: 100%
Heritage Foundation: 79%
Concerned Women for America: 86%
American Energy Alliance: 100%
American Family Association: 100%

Conversely, liberal groups gave her very low ratings. For example:

NARAL Pro-Choice America: 0%
Americans for Democratic Action: 5%
NAACP: 10%
Planned Parenthood: 20%
National Education Association: 25%
Progressive Punch: 5%
Clean Water Action: 0%
Environment America: 0%

Again, I am very disappointed with Liz Cheney's argument that democracy will be endangered if Republicans win control of the House and the Senate. I think she is taking her anti-MAGA feelings too far.

I suspect her statement is partly an expression of her anger and resentment over how MAGA Republicans have treated her, and that she might feel differently if the MAGA crowd had not so unjustly demonized her.
I gave never agreed with those who imprudently label Cheney as a closet Democrat or RINO. You're right that she voted with Trump the vast majority of the time. Which just goes to prove that TDS, lack of ethics, lack of integrity, or lack of sense of fair play is not wholly limited to unethical leftists.

And Cheney's disconnect with ethics, integrity and sense of fair play has been magnified probably due to resentment of Wyoming Republicans ousting her due to her behavior, not her ideology or voting record. We don't need people like her undermining the MAGA vision of a strong, free, secure, prosperous America for all.
MAGA Republicans are upset because last week Liz Cheney said the future of democracy will be at risk if the Republicans win the House and the Senate (LINK). I am very disappointed with her statement and do not agree with it.

However, MAGA Republicans ignore the fact that Liz Cheney had a solidly conservative voting record in Congress (see below). She is not and has never been a RINO. So maybe, just maybe, MAGA Republicans should stop demonizing her, and maybe, just maybe, their overly harsh treatment of her is the reason she does not want a MAGA-controlled GOP majority in the House and Senate.

And maybe, just maybe, Liz Cheney has a point when she observes that Trump's deliberate delay in calling on the January 6 rioters to stand down made him an accessory after the fact. I say this as someone who donated to and voted and worked for Trump in 2016 and 2020 (although Trump was my fourth pick in the 2016 GOP primary).

Here are Liz Cheney's ratings from some of the major conservative groups:

Americans for Prosperity: 84%
Gun Owners of America: 88%
Numbers USA (anti-illegal immigration): 91%
National Right to Life Committee: 93%
National Tax Limitation Committee: 78%
Citizens Against Government Waste: 91%
Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America: 100%
American Farm Bureau Federation: 100%
Independent Petroleum Association of America: 100%
Heritage Foundation: 79%
Concerned Women for America: 86%
American Energy Alliance: 100%
American Family Association: 100%

Conversely, liberal groups gave her very low ratings. For example:

NARAL Pro-Choice America: 0%
Americans for Democratic Action: 5%
NAACP: 10%
Planned Parenthood: 20%
National Education Association: 25%
Progressive Punch: 5%
Clean Water Action: 0%
Environment America: 0%

Again, I am very disappointed with Liz Cheney's argument that democracy will be endangered if Republicans win control of the House and the Senate. I think she is taking her anti-MAGA feelings too far.

I suspect her statement is partly an expression of her anger and resentment over how MAGA Republicans have treated her, and that she might feel differently if the MAGA crowd had not so unjustly demonized her.
Yes lied while the Jan 6 comm. She's a rino
I'd rather not return to when June Cleaver had to bring Ward with her to open a bank account.
I'm pretty sure that Ward and June would have had a joint bank account, Doggie. Why would you think a woman couldn't open a bank account in her own name in the 60's?
I'm pretty sure that Ward and June would have had a joint bank account, Doggie. Why would you think a woman couldn't open a bank account in her own name in the 60's?
I believe that it was the '50s. I should've used an earlier TV show. But, wait! Leave it to Beaver first aired on October 4, 1957. Lucille Ball couldn't open a bank account unless Ricky Ricardo co-signed.

America was great when women were second class citizens, or so I'm told.
I believe that it was the '50s. I should've used an earlier TV show. But, wait! Leave it to Beaver first aired on October 4, 1957. Lucille Ball couldn't open a bank account unless Ricky Ricardo co-signed.

America was great when women were second class citizens, or so I'm told.
When do you think TV's came into being?
MAGA Republicans are upset because last week Liz Cheney said the future of democracy will be at risk if the Republicans win the House and the Senate (LINK). I am very disappointed with her statement and do not agree with it.

However, MAGA Republicans ignore the fact that Liz Cheney had a solidly conservative voting record in Congress (see below). She is not and has never been a RINO. So maybe, just maybe, MAGA Republicans should stop demonizing her, and maybe, just maybe, their overly harsh treatment of her is the reason she does not want a MAGA-controlled GOP majority in the House and Senate.

And maybe, just maybe, Liz Cheney has a point when she observes that Trump's deliberate delay in calling on the January 6 rioters to stand down made him an accessory after the fact. I say this as someone who donated to and voted and worked for Trump in 2016 and 2020 (although Trump was my fourth pick in the 2016 GOP primary).

Here are Liz Cheney's ratings from some of the major conservative groups:

Americans for Prosperity: 84%
Gun Owners of America: 88%
Numbers USA (anti-illegal immigration): 91%
National Right to Life Committee: 93%
National Tax Limitation Committee: 78%
Citizens Against Government Waste: 91%
Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America: 100%
American Farm Bureau Federation: 100%
Independent Petroleum Association of America: 100%
Heritage Foundation: 79%
Concerned Women for America: 86%
American Energy Alliance: 100%
American Family Association: 100%

Conversely, liberal groups gave her very low ratings. For example:

NARAL Pro-Choice America: 0%
Americans for Democratic Action: 5%
NAACP: 10%
Planned Parenthood: 20%
National Education Association: 25%
Progressive Punch: 5%
Clean Water Action: 0%
Environment America: 0%

Again, I am very disappointed with Liz Cheney's argument that democracy will be endangered if Republicans win control of the House and the Senate. I think she is taking her anti-MAGA feelings too far.

I suspect her statement is partly an expression of her anger and resentment over how MAGA Republicans have treated her, and that she might feel differently if the MAGA crowd had not so unjustly demonized her.

This is like pointing out how pro-Lincoln John Wilkes Booth was right up to the little Ford Theater unpleasantness
Actually, she's not taking it far enough.

The GOP survived Hoover, McCarthy, and Nixon because, at a certain point, if a personality in the party became too toxic, the party wisely washed its hands of them. It might take a cycle or two, but denouncing toxic politicians and philosophies is how the GOP (and to a lesser degree the Democrats) have evolved and prospered.

Trump is far more toxic than all three of them combined. His racism, misogyny, corruption, and malignant narcissism has consumed the party. Long after he is off the political stage, the GOP will be scrubbing this stain off of itself.

No actually they won't. This is the Rethugikkkon.party of today. And will be going forward!
Liz Cheney's argument that democracy will be endangered if Republicans win control of the House and the Senate.

We have met the enemy of democracy and they are white Evangelical Christian fanatics who have swallowed the Republican Party whole.
What rubbish. Trump respects the rural people, and its actually the Clintons- not Trump- that built their political dynasty on the backs of Arkansas dirt farmers.
Trump isn’t particularly prejudice against rural people. He loves the less educated regardless of where they reside.

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