Let's do away with all high school and college sports programs.

The even better solution is to make sports based on sex and not gender.
Isn’t that what we’ve been doing for centuries?

A biological man is free to say he identifies (gender wise) as a woman. But he/she still has to compete with others born the same sex
Isn’t that what we’ve been doing for centuries?

A biological man is free to say he identifies (gender wise) as a woman. But he/she still has to compete with others born the same sex

It was what we were doing, and then we got stupid and started basing these things on Gender instead of sex and this is the outcome
Women's sports are more popular than ever.
Yes they are.

Women's sports have become more popular the more biological men are allowed to play. Women's sports are now blood sports. They are the new Arenas where men beat women senseless to the roar of approving crowds. Rag doll her! Make them forfeit. The new winners.
Yes they are.

Women's sports have become more popular the more biological men are allowed to play. Women's sports are now blood sports. They are the new Arenas where men beat women senseless to the roar of approving crowds. Rag doll her! Make them forfeit. The new winners.
Why so dramatic?
While I’ve been vocal on other threads about my opposition to transwomen competing against cis women, let’s not blow the scale of it out of proportion.

The increase in interest in women’s sports is a good thing, and has nothing to do with people wanting to see women get beat up in a blood sport at the hands of men.

That’s ridiculous hyperbole
Look at all the money that would be lost.
As long as more people can name the top athletes at a school they do not attend than can name the top mathematics or science students at that same school, that will remain true. Schools hold math and science competitions. You just never hear about them. About the only non-sporting competitions you ever hear about are the spelling competitions, and that's more the novelty aspect than anything else.

Let's face reality, alumni will pay big bucks for seats in a football stadium, zero for a math competition.
Back in the day when I grew up.
Before video games and the internet.
The parks and school sport fields were always filed with kids.
Today when I drive by those same parks and fields.
They are completely empty.
Not a kid to be seen.
One big difference. In your day, you didn't see hundreds of parents hovering over their kids, afraid they'll scrape a knee. Today, kids can't even play in their own backyard without a parent standing right behind them.
Then why the hell do we need athletic scholarships? Earn a scholarship in the classroom, not on the playing field or court. Let me ask you a question: do you believe there are some kids who pin their hopes on an athletic scholarship and therefore are not studying as hard as they should to get an academic scholarship? How many kids don't get the athletic scholarship and have nothing to fall back on? I think that option ought to be off the table, and if you want to be successful then do it the same way a 98 lb weakling has to do it.
The NCAA maintains grade standards for players. If those standards are enforced, it doesn't matter if the scholarship allows for them, the athletes don't play, and if they don't play the school is not going to fund their scholarships.
As long as more people can name the top athletes at a school they do not attend than can name the top mathematics or science students at that same school, that will remain true. Schools hold math and science competitions. You just never hear about them. About the only non-sporting competitions you ever hear about are the spelling competitions, and that's more the novelty aspect than anything else.

Let's face reality, alumni will pay big bucks for seats in a football stadium, zero for a math competition.
I mean, obviously a football game is going to have a much broader appeal than a mathematics competition.

That’s never going to change

What can schools do about that, even if they wanted to?

No amount of promotion on the part of the school is going to get people to be more interested in watching math than in watching football

That’s just human nature
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I mean, obviously a football game is going to have a much broader appeal than a mathematics competition.

That’s never going to change

No amount of promotion on the part of the school is going to get people to be more interested in watching math than I’m watching football

That’s just human nature
True, football has much greater visual appeal than watching kids take a test, hands down. Naturally, however, the football star has the potential of making millions playing a game for people to watch while the science whiz struggles to earn a living making advances in our understanding of the universe.
We said years ago that using the legal reasoning of “similarly situated” individuals as a basis for same sex marriage would lead to men in womens locker rooms.

Not like we didn’t warn you
Me? Allowing the desecration of Marriage was bad news. Makes it a mockery. One of the filthiest books ever written was "Heather Has Two Mommies".
Try explaining any one of those partial comments if you can.
It's quite simple: you are a jock-sniffer and are living vicariously through the athletes. You will figure out a way to excuse anything, no matter how idiotic, in defense of said athletes. When called on it, you (as usual) respond with infantile personal attacks. You are as predictable-and as useful-as a broken clock.
True, football has much greater visual appeal than watching kids take a test, hands down. Naturally, however, the football star has the potential of making millions playing a game for people to watch while the science whiz struggles to earn a living making advances in our understanding of the universe.
Sure, too mathematicians who pioneer new theories and understanding of physics should probably make more.

And college athletes don’t really get compensated for the money they generate, but that’s a whole other topic

But, as far as professional sports go, the fact is that star athletes generate massive amounts of revenue by doing what they do and therefore deserve a corresponding piece of the pie.

I mean, does what you do for work generate millions and millions of dollars? Cause theirs does
It's quite simple: you are a jock-sniffer and are living vicariously through the athletes. You will figure out a way to excuse anything, no matter how idiotic, in defense of said athletes. When called on it, you (as usual) respond with infantile personal attacks. You are as predictable-and as useful-as a broken clock.
What are you saying? Anyone who’s a coach is “living vicariously” through the athletes they train?

Teams need coaches….

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