Just so you know, you could make him stop.

Far Right. lololol Ventura, leader of Chega party is anti corruption. They are populists, which means portugal first, they are anti illeagal invasion. Mr. Ventura is portugals version of President Trump which is why our media hates him. But i bet the people of Portugal love Ventura.
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You fail to take into account the core of MAGADUMIANISM (try typing that word w/o mistake)

The absolute fear of being alone.
The need to belong to something, anything rather than be excluded.

Look at them individually. These are not members of your local Garden Club, your children's teachers, members of the PTA. Individually, they are loons of the highest order.

They're the guy no one tells about the family reunion for fear they'll come.
Their fear of being excluded is easily understood if wholly self induced.

Their willingness to accept any bad behavior in exchange for being allowed to stay is simply a symptom of the fear that drives them.
Strawman Psychobabble. Fancy Fantasies.
I'm speaking to Trump supporters collectively. It's not mandatory for you give your approval for everything he does. If you vocally object, stop contributing to his legal defense, or withdraw your support, he'll stop doing things like this.

Trump meets with Hungary’s leader, Viktor Orbán, continuing his embrace of autocrats

Former President Donald Trump met Friday with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, as the likely Republican presidential nominee continued his embrace of autocratic leaders who are part of a global pushback against democratic traditions.

Orbán has become an icon to some conservative populists for championing what he calls “illiberal democracy,” replete with restrictions on immigration and LGBTQ+ rights. But he’s also cracked down on the press and judiciary in his country and rejiggered the country’s political system to keep his party in power while maintaining the closest relationship with Russia among all European Union countries.

In the U.S., Trump’s allies have embraced Orbán’s approach. On Thursday, as foreign dignitaries milled through Washington, D.C., ahead of President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address, Orbán skipped the White House and instead spoke at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank overseeing the 2025 Project, the effort to create a governing blueprint for Trump’s next term.


Unless you like it.
Dude is an elected leader of a NATO country.
I'm speaking to Trump supporters collectively. It's not mandatory for you give your approval for everything he does. If you vocally object, stop contributing to his legal defense, or withdraw your support, he'll stop doing things like this.

Trump meets with Hungary’s leader, Viktor Orbán, continuing his embrace of autocrats

Former President Donald Trump met Friday with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, as the likely Republican presidential nominee continued his embrace of autocratic leaders who are part of a global pushback against democratic traditions.

Orbán has become an icon to some conservative populists for championing what he calls “illiberal democracy,” replete with restrictions on immigration and LGBTQ+ rights. But he’s also cracked down on the press and judiciary in his country and rejiggered the country’s political system to keep his party in power while maintaining the closest relationship with Russia among all European Union countries.

In the U.S., Trump’s allies have embraced Orbán’s approach. On Thursday, as foreign dignitaries milled through Washington, D.C., ahead of President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address, Orbán skipped the White House and instead spoke at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank overseeing the 2025 Project, the effort to create a governing blueprint for Trump’s next term.


Unless you like it.

And the commie propaganda continues to flow. Me thinks you're making much more of this than is really there. I find it really funny that you commies embrace the leadership of Iran, they make Orban look like an armature.

I'm speaking to Trump supporters collectively. It's not mandatory for you give your approval for everything he does. If you vocally object, stop contributing to his legal defense, or withdraw your support, he'll stop doing things like this.

Trump meets with Hungary’s leader, Viktor Orbán, continuing his embrace of autocrats

Former President Donald Trump met Friday with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, as the likely Republican presidential nominee continued his embrace of autocratic leaders who are part of a global pushback against democratic traditions.

Orbán has become an icon to some conservative populists for championing what he calls “illiberal democracy,” replete with restrictions on immigration and LGBTQ+ rights. But he’s also cracked down on the press and judiciary in his country and rejiggered the country’s political system to keep his party in power while maintaining the closest relationship with Russia among all European Union countries.

In the U.S., Trump’s allies have embraced Orbán’s approach. On Thursday, as foreign dignitaries milled through Washington, D.C., ahead of President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address, Orbán skipped the White House and instead spoke at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank overseeing the 2025 Project, the effort to create a governing blueprint for Trump’s next term.


Unless you like it.
Not sure what your objection is.

Did you see how Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom, the governor of California embraced Chinese totalitarian leader Xi?

What is your recommendation for their supporters? Meaning the supporters of Biden and Gavin Newsom?
Yet all the hate seems to be coming from you commies. Are you afraid someone will interfere with your need for power.

The ironic posts just keep on coming from Trumpbots who conveniently forget who tried to overturn the election.
The ironic posts just keep on coming from Trumpbots who conveniently forget who tried to overturn the election.

Poor thing, you commiecrats have objected to electors every time you lost a presidential election in recent memory., You have no high ground here. And since I'm not a Trumpbot and I wasn't anywhere near DC on J6, you fail again. I just don't want the country turned into another Sodom and Gomorrah the way you freaks do.

I'm speaking to Trump supporters collectively. It's not mandatory for you give your approval for everything he does. If you vocally object, stop contributing to his legal defense, or withdraw your support, he'll stop doing things like this.

Trump meets with Hungary’s leader, Viktor Orbán, continuing his embrace of autocrats

Former President Donald Trump met Friday with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, as the likely Republican presidential nominee continued his embrace of autocratic leaders who are part of a global pushback against democratic traditions.

Orbán has become an icon to some conservative populists for championing what he calls “illiberal democracy,” replete with restrictions on immigration and LGBTQ+ rights. But he’s also cracked down on the press and judiciary in his country and rejiggered the country’s political system to keep his party in power while maintaining the closest relationship with Russia among all European Union countries.

In the U.S., Trump’s allies have embraced Orbán’s approach. On Thursday, as foreign dignitaries milled through Washington, D.C., ahead of President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address, Orbán skipped the White House and instead spoke at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank overseeing the 2025 Project, the effort to create a governing blueprint for Trump’s next term.


Unless you like it.
Stop what? He's been far less autocratic than the DimoRats........lets compare policies........I will win without question.
At an event with pro-Putin autocrat Orban in attendance Trump said of him, "There's nobody who is better, smarter, or a better leader than Viktor. He's not controversial, he says the way it's going to be and that's the end of it."

Oh how he envies dictators.

Do I have to say hosting a pro-Putin autocrat, and complimenting him, is not what someone who is running for prez can normally get away with. Because his supporters normally wouldn't stand for it. But cult leaders can.
The ironic posts just keep on coming from Trumpbots who conveniently forget who tried to overturn the election.
Ignore Both Myopic Interpretations of 2020

The Constitution has overturned all elections since the 1960s by denying the natural right of citizens to vote through referendums on who else can vote and who can immigrate here and become a voter.

Suppose someone belongs to a club. Don't he and his fellow members have a right to vote on new members instead of letting the club officers determine that. So what if the officers got elected, too. That's a ticket to making elitist decisions and is an irrelevant objection to putting the members' rights first.
Terminal America

After Julius Caesar ended the Roman Republic, the Roman Empire lasted for 500 years more. I doubt if we'll make it to anywhere near the end of this century under this obsolete elitist political system.

How long has Hungary been stable and independent? What was that all about in 1956?

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