Judge Cannon unredacts Jack Smith's documents


Sheep Dipped Boy Scout
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 12, 2014
Plasticville U.S.A
Cannon releases documents Jack Smith wanted to be kept redacted. Contains both redacted and unredacted documents.

And look at this:

Outrageous lies by Joe Biden, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and DOJ/Jack Smith about "independence" from investigations into Trump.

The Biden White House and DOJ wew intimately involved in developing a criminal case against Trump for records mismanagement--it appears the first go-around related to alleged "destruction" of government papers.

Contrary to public and legal assertions, NARA was working with DOJ/White House to craft a criminal referral by Sept. 2021--FIVE MONTHS before the "official" referral by NARA to DOJ in Feb 2022.

Cannon releases documents Jack Smith wanted to be kept redacted. Contains both redacted and unredacted documents.

And look at this:

Outrageous lies by Joe Biden, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and DOJ/Jack Smith about "independence" from investigations into Trump.

The Biden White House and DOJ wew intimately involved in developing a criminal case against Trump for records mismanagement--it appears the first go-around related to alleged "destruction" of government papers.

Contrary to public and legal assertions, NARA was working with DOJ/White House to craft a criminal referral by Sept. 2021--FIVE MONTHS before the "official" referral by NARA to DOJ in Feb 2022.

Just more evidence that the Biden Administration has weaponized the DOJ to go after political opponents. That is something NO American, however stupid or partisan or ideologically driven should condone.
From the OP's link

Out of patience? More like anxious that an opportunity to smear Trump will slip by? Out of patience with NARA not obeying Ferriero's illegal orders to report Trump's documents as stolen? Or out of patience with NARA cooperating with Trump and not Ferriero and the democrat's political illegal persecution.

Ferriero being out of patience, has nothing to do with Trump's documents.
Dems are dogmeat. When KARMA comes around Dems are so screwed!

If only we have the national will to do so. But stumbling, bumbling Republicans, many with the intelligence agencies holding something over their heads, will do the usual wobble.

See what Schumer said about the intelligence community having six ways from Sunday to get even.
Just more evidence that the Biden Administration has weaponized the DOJ to go after political opponents. That is something NO American, however stupid or partisan or ideologically driven should condone.
Democrats welcome murderers, child rapists, and God knows what else, with open arms for their evil agenda. Weaponizing government agencies is hardly noticeable to them.
Just more evidence that the Biden Administration has weaponized the DOJ to go after political opponents. That is something NO American, however stupid or partisan or ideologically driven should condone.
You see, Biden knew what a f*d idiot he was and would NEVER make it as President for 4 more years so he had all his cronies run the show and try to take down Trump. There is a place in Hell for Joe and all those like Schift and Schumer and Pelosi and Hillary. :)
Democrats welcome murderers, child rapists, and God knows what else, with open arms for their evil agenda. Weaponizing government agencies is hardly noticeable to them.
They turn a blind eye because of their TDS or God knows what motives. If Trump had pulled what Biden is pulling they would have been up in arms and rioting in the streets. But because it is Biden they pretend it isn't happening.
You see, Biden knew what a f*d idiot he was and would NEVER make it as President for 4 more years so he had all his cronies run the show and try to take down Trump. There is a place in Hell for Joe and all those like Schift and Schumer and Pelosi and Hillary. :)
Actually I don't think Biden himself had much if anything to do with it. He is too far gone mentally to even know or understand what has been happening though he probably wouldn't object. I don't know what he would think if he was still mentally fit. But for sure those engaging in the weaponized government have no conscious, no morals, no ethics, no integrity.
Trump’s lawyers aren’t really all that trustworthy.
People have said that about lawyers for ages. Most politicians are lawyers, most top advisors are lawyers. We have way to many lawyers in this world, and especially as politicians

Democrat politicians aren't really all that trustworthy

Proof, we can ask our Ambassador to Libya who was murdered on the day we should of been most vigilant, the anniversary of 9/11

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