Joseph Biden The Centrist A Big Fat Fraud!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Joseph Biden conned the independents and moderates in the American electorate well during last year's Presidential campaign holding himself out as a moderate when the truth is that he is a full-fledged liberal! This piece of legislation President Biden is pushing with all his weight this American Rescue Plan Act it isn't even a close call that it is a liberal spending bill it is patently obvious, the standards it follows in coming up with its spending initiatives show an alarming lack of care and lack of restraint about spending money and if these standards become the norm they will bring about the ruin of America! The entire price tag of this bill, the $1.9 trillion dollars, is being paid for with debt financing which one would think would cause the authors of the bill to show great care on the spending, not happening though! The bill gives $1400 to non-married individuals with yearly incomes up to $ 75,000 and married individuals with a combined yearly income of $150,000 the justification for the spending being that the government wants to help American's hurt by the pandemic well at those income thresholds especially families with six figures yearly incomes there is not a case that lies to say these individuals are really economically hurt by the pandemic. The bill appropriates $129 billion for K thru 12 education after Washington has already appropriated a hundred plus billions of dollars for the same purpose in prior pandemic relief bills much of which is still unspent; the authors intentions behind this appropriation is to promote too much spending on school ventilation upgrades, testing, PPE and expanded school services. The country needs to just focus on the Pandemic problem and on that subject essentially every teacher that wants to be vaccinated should be able to get vaccinated by the end of June and if authorities do their job by the end of September the population vaccination level and those with survival immunity will essentially have ended the pandemic in the country so there is no need to fund schools as if the end of the pandemic is no where in sight. There is no need to have it be snowing N95 masks, people won't wear them anyway they are uncomfortable, people have masks when they go to the grocery and drug store they have to in most locales parents can take some minimal responsibility here the school system doesn't have to widespread supply masks to the kids they should come to school with masks; the appropriation should be $40 billion here - $25 billion for summer school and remedial education next year and $ 10 billion for surveillance testing and contact tracing and $5 billion for ventilation system issues. Eighty-six billion dollar ($86 billion) bailout of union pension plans; the key problem is not that it isn't going to be costly to fix this pension problem for America the problem that should stop this expenditure in its tracks is that there is no reform of the multi-employer pension plan system in this legislation which any responsible person that seriously looks at the problem would say is definitely needed.

If candidate Joe Biden told the American electorate in last year's election that once sworn into office as President in the Pandemic relief bill which Washington has to pass to stop the off-the-chart suffering in America that would ensue otherwise, that he would put the above spending initiatives coupled with $15/hour minimum wage provisions in the bill the election would have been a rout with Donald Trump winning the election with a several state win cushion. Joe Biden played the American people during the campaign like he was a violin virtuoso, I guess all those decades of him being a Senator from the conservative state of Delaware developed in him a second nature to not present himself as a liberal. He was really good when he said things like "I am a center-left politician" he really faked us out, Biden center-left that is like saying the island of Hawaii is located off the east coast of the continental United States it theoretically is if you go three quarters around the God damn world! Well Joe your con wasn't the perfect con, the perfect con is when you don't pay a price for the con. President Biden is going to pay a significant price for his choice to be a liberal President when it comes to the nation's finances! After he signs this American Rescue (From What?) Plan Act he will never be and never have the reputation of being a President that garnishes great bi-partisan support for financial matters. People tend to eventually gravitate toward the truth and so Republicans will see Joseph Biden as he is on financial matters which is like the Devil himself he will bring on the financial ruin of America and have a smile on his face the whole time as he is doing it; Republicans will have little to no interests in working with the President on future spending bills! Secondly, after the Democrats pass into law this ostentatious liberal spending bill the Republican and independent electorate are going to be fired up like one cannot believe they are going to treat the mid-term elections as a do or die for the nation's long-term financial well-being they are going to mount outstanding campaigns in these election contests!

The really sad thing about President Biden is that he had the opportunity to put us on a path to be an utopian America, the path of success for America is the center left path it is an America where the federal government aggressively helps people financially to counter the economic imbalances in the nation and a global economy which America operates in by doing things like providing great help for people to enable them to own homes so they can build wealth and subsidizes health care so it is truly affordable, etc. It is this path where the Federal Government spends robustly but is careful about spending it is this path that sees the private sector not the public sector as the answer for creating middle class jobs, it is this path that expects people throughout key parts of the economy like the health care system and the school system to try to hold costs down, etc.. It is a path that places importance on being careful and discerning about federal spending because when the government does so there is more money to spend on areas where it is needed, it enables the government to really target areas that can improve the quality of life for Americans. The really sad thing about the Biden Presidency is that the almighty God who created the earth and every creature on it performed a miracle to give President Joseph Biden the opportunity to put the nation on this path to a well-established degree in bringing about the Democrats winning both Senate seats in the Georgia runoff elections. Seriously, this was a true miracle winning "both" seats in a historically Republican state, a state with a big Republican machine, where the Democrat candidates although good people were not particularly strong candidates where the Republicans had access to largely as much campaign money as they wanted for America's business community new the stakes in this election that their financial head was on the cutting block as the Democrats if they were to get power were to definitely raise taxes big-time. After getting a successful Presidency handed by God to Joe Biden on a silver plate where the only thing that President Biden has to do is be a moderate Democrat President like Bill Clinton and rack up his successes President Biden throws the plate in God's face and goes off and becomes a liberal President, can everyone say "What An Idiot"!
President Joseph Biden conned the independents and moderates in the American electorate well during last year's Presidential campaign holding himself out as a moderate when the truth is that he is a full-fledged liberal! This piece of legislation President Biden is pushing with all his weight this American Rescue Plan Act it isn't even a close call that it is a liberal spending bill it is patently obvious, the standards it follows in coming up with its spending initiatives show an alarming lack of care and lack of restraint about spending money and if these standards become the norm they will bring about the ruin of America! The entire price tag of this bill, the $1.9 trillion dollars, is being paid for with debt financing which one would think would cause the authors of the bill to show great care on the spending, not happening though! The bill gives $1400 to non-married individuals with yearly incomes up to $ 75,000 and married individuals with a combined yearly income of $150,000 the justification for the spending being that the government wants to help American's hurt by the pandemic well at those income thresholds especially families with six figures yearly incomes there is not a case that lies to say these individuals are really economically hurt by the pandemic. The bill appropriates $129 billion for K thru 12 education after Washington has already appropriated a hundred plus billions of dollars for the same purpose in prior pandemic relief bills much of which is still unspent; the authors intentions behind this appropriation is to promote too much spending on school ventilation upgrades, testing, PPE and expanded school services. The country needs to just focus on the Pandemic problem and on that subject essentially every teacher that wants to be vaccinated should be able to get vaccinated by the end of June and if authorities do their job by the end of September the population vaccination level and those with survival immunity will essentially have ended the pandemic in the country so there is no need to fund schools as if the end of the pandemic is no where in sight. There is no need to have it be snowing N95 masks, people won't wear them anyway they are uncomfortable, people have masks when they go to the grocery and drug store they have to in most locales parents can take some minimal responsibility here the school system doesn't have to widespread supply masks to the kids they should come to school with masks; the appropriation should be $40 billion here - $25 billion for summer school and remedial education next year and $ 10 billion for surveillance testing and contact tracing and $5 billion for ventilation system issues. Eighty-six billion dollar ($86 billion) bailout of union pension plans; the key problem is not that it isn't going to be costly to fix this pension problem for America the problem that should stop this expenditure in its tracks is that there is no reform of the multi-employer pension plan system in this legislation which any responsible person that seriously looks at the problem would say is definitely needed.

If candidate Joe Biden told the American electorate in last year's election that once sworn into office as President in the Pandemic relief bill which Washington has to pass to stop the off-the-chart suffering in America that would ensue otherwise, that he would put the above spending initiatives coupled with $15/hour minimum wage provisions in the bill the election would have been a rout with Donald Trump winning the election with a several state win cushion. Joe Biden played the American people during the campaign like he was a violin virtuoso, I guess all those decades of him being a Senator from the conservative state of Delaware developed in him a second nature to not present himself as a liberal. He was really good when he said things like "I am a center-left politician" he really faked us out, Biden center-left that is like saying the island of Hawaii is located off the east coast of the continental United States it theoretically is if you go three quarters around the God damn world! Well Joe your con wasn't the perfect con, the perfect con is when you don't pay a price for the con. President Biden is going to pay a significant price for his choice to be a liberal President when it comes to the nation's finances! After he signs this American Rescue (From What?) Plan Act he will never be and never have the reputation of being a President that garnishes great bi-partisan support for financial matters. People tend to eventually gravitate toward the truth and so Republicans will see Joseph Biden as he is on financial matters which is like the Devil himself he will bring on the financial ruin of America and have a smile on his face the whole time as he is doing it; Republicans will have little to no interests in working with the President on future spending bills! Secondly, after the Democrats pass into law this ostentatious liberal spending bill the Republican and independent electorate are going to be fired up like one cannot believe they are going to treat the mid-term elections as a do or die for the nation's long-term financial well-being they are going to mount outstanding campaigns in these election contests!

The really sad thing about President Biden is that he had the opportunity to put us on a path to be an utopian America, the path of success for America is the center left path it is an America where the federal government aggressively helps people financially to counter the economic imbalances in the nation and a global economy which America operates in by doing things like providing great help for people to enable them to own homes so they can build wealth and subsidizes health care so it is truly affordable, etc. It is this path where the Federal Government spends robustly but is careful about spending it is this path that sees the private sector not the public sector as the answer for creating middle class jobs, it is this path that expects people throughout key parts of the economy like the health care system and the school system to try to hold costs down, etc.. It is a path that places importance on being careful and discerning about federal spending because when the government does so there is more money to spend on areas where it is needed, it enables the government to really target areas that can improve the quality of life for Americans. The really sad thing about the Biden Presidency is that the almighty God who created the earth and every creature on it performed a miracle to give President Joseph Biden the opportunity to put the nation on this path to a well-established degree in bringing about the Democrats winning both Senate seats in the Georgia runoff elections. Seriously, this was a true miracle winning "both" seats in a historically Republican state, a state with a big Republican machine, where the Democrat candidates although good people were not particularly strong candidates where the Republicans had access to largely as much campaign money as they wanted for America's business community new the stakes in this election that their financial head was on the cutting block as the Democrats if they were to get power were to definitely raise taxes big-time. After getting a successful Presidency handed by God to Joe Biden on a silver plate where the only thing that President Biden has to do is be a moderate Democrat President like Bill Clinton and rack up his successes President Biden throws the plate in God's face and goes off and becomes a liberal President, can everyone say "What An Idiot"!
A $112B expansion of BART from SF to Palo Alto to service tech companies is not covid relief either. But Piglosi has big bills to pay back. The world would be better off if she keeled over dead.
I got all the way down to here in reading your Treatise:

"It is this path where the Federal Government spends robustly but is careful about spending."

Which is further than I should have gotten.
President Joseph Biden conned the independents and moderates in the American electorate well during last year's Presidential campaign holding himself out as a moderate when the truth is that he is a full-fledged liberal! This piece of legislation President Biden is pushing with all his weight this American Rescue Plan Act it isn't even a close call that it is a liberal spending bill it is patently obvious, the standards it follows in coming up with its spending initiatives show an alarming lack of care and lack of restraint about spending money and if these standards become the norm they will bring about the ruin of America! The entire price tag of this bill, the $1.9 trillion dollars, is being paid for with debt financing which one would think would cause the authors of the bill to show great care on the spending, not happening though! The bill gives $1400 to non-married individuals with yearly incomes up to $ 75,000 and married individuals with a combined yearly income of $150,000 the justification for the spending being that the government wants to help American's hurt by the pandemic well at those income thresholds especially families with six figures yearly incomes there is not a case that lies to say these individuals are really economically hurt by the pandemic. The bill appropriates $129 billion for K thru 12 education after Washington has already appropriated a hundred plus billions of dollars for the same purpose in prior pandemic relief bills much of which is still unspent; the authors intentions behind this appropriation is to promote too much spending on school ventilation upgrades, testing, PPE and expanded school services. The country needs to just focus on the Pandemic problem and on that subject essentially every teacher that wants to be vaccinated should be able to get vaccinated by the end of June and if authorities do their job by the end of September the population vaccination level and those with survival immunity will essentially have ended the pandemic in the country so there is no need to fund schools as if the end of the pandemic is no where in sight. There is no need to have it be snowing N95 masks, people won't wear them anyway they are uncomfortable, people have masks when they go to the grocery and drug store they have to in most locales parents can take some minimal responsibility here the school system doesn't have to widespread supply masks to the kids they should come to school with masks; the appropriation should be $40 billion here - $25 billion for summer school and remedial education next year and $ 10 billion for surveillance testing and contact tracing and $5 billion for ventilation system issues. Eighty-six billion dollar ($86 billion) bailout of union pension plans; the key problem is not that it isn't going to be costly to fix this pension problem for America the problem that should stop this expenditure in its tracks is that there is no reform of the multi-employer pension plan system in this legislation which any responsible person that seriously looks at the problem would say is definitely needed.

If candidate Joe Biden told the American electorate in last year's election that once sworn into office as President in the Pandemic relief bill which Washington has to pass to stop the off-the-chart suffering in America that would ensue otherwise, that he would put the above spending initiatives coupled with $15/hour minimum wage provisions in the bill the election would have been a rout with Donald Trump winning the election with a several state win cushion. Joe Biden played the American people during the campaign like he was a violin virtuoso, I guess all those decades of him being a Senator from the conservative state of Delaware developed in him a second nature to not present himself as a liberal. He was really good when he said things like "I am a center-left politician" he really faked us out, Biden center-left that is like saying the island of Hawaii is located off the east coast of the continental United States it theoretically is if you go three quarters around the God damn world! Well Joe your con wasn't the perfect con, the perfect con is when you don't pay a price for the con. President Biden is going to pay a significant price for his choice to be a liberal President when it comes to the nation's finances! After he signs this American Rescue (From What?) Plan Act he will never be and never have the reputation of being a President that garnishes great bi-partisan support for financial matters. People tend to eventually gravitate toward the truth and so Republicans will see Joseph Biden as he is on financial matters which is like the Devil himself he will bring on the financial ruin of America and have a smile on his face the whole time as he is doing it; Republicans will have little to no interests in working with the President on future spending bills! Secondly, after the Democrats pass into law this ostentatious liberal spending bill the Republican and independent electorate are going to be fired up like one cannot believe they are going to treat the mid-term elections as a do or die for the nation's long-term financial well-being they are going to mount outstanding campaigns in these election contests!

The really sad thing about President Biden is that he had the opportunity to put us on a path to be an utopian America, the path of success for America is the center left path it is an America where the federal government aggressively helps people financially to counter the economic imbalances in the nation and a global economy which America operates in by doing things like providing great help for people to enable them to own homes so they can build wealth and subsidizes health care so it is truly affordable, etc. It is this path where the Federal Government spends robustly but is careful about spending it is this path that sees the private sector not the public sector as the answer for creating middle class jobs, it is this path that expects people throughout key parts of the economy like the health care system and the school system to try to hold costs down, etc.. It is a path that places importance on being careful and discerning about federal spending because when the government does so there is more money to spend on areas where it is needed, it enables the government to really target areas that can improve the quality of life for Americans. The really sad thing about the Biden Presidency is that the almighty God who created the earth and every creature on it performed a miracle to give President Joseph Biden the opportunity to put the nation on this path to a well-established degree in bringing about the Democrats winning both Senate seats in the Georgia runoff elections. Seriously, this was a true miracle winning "both" seats in a historically Republican state, a state with a big Republican machine, where the Democrat candidates although good people were not particularly strong candidates where the Republicans had access to largely as much campaign money as they wanted for America's business community new the stakes in this election that their financial head was on the cutting block as the Democrats if they were to get power were to definitely raise taxes big-time. After getting a successful Presidency handed by God to Joe Biden on a silver plate where the only thing that President Biden has to do is be a moderate Democrat President like Bill Clinton and rack up his successes President Biden throws the plate in God's face and goes off and becomes a liberal President, can everyone say "What An Idiot"!

You are so full of bullshit. Americans support Biden's $1.9 trillion stimulus plan.That includes a healthy number of Republicans. It seems like people like you only worry about the deficit when Democrats are in charge. Trump's deficits likely would have topped $1 trillion even if the coronavirus had not occured. God has nothing to do with anything. He could care less who the Georgia Senators are. Georgia is no longer a historically Republican state. That is why Georgia Republicans will launch a assault on voting rights.
President Joseph Biden conned the independents and moderates in the American electorate well during last year's Presidential campaign holding himself out as a moderate when the truth is that he is a full-fledged liberal! This piece of legislation President Biden is pushing with all his weight this American Rescue Plan Act it isn't even a close call that it is a liberal spending bill it is patently obvious, the standards it follows in coming up with its spending initiatives show an alarming lack of care and lack of restraint about spending money and if these standards become the norm they will bring about the ruin of America! The entire price tag of this bill, the $1.9 trillion dollars, is being paid for with debt financing which one would think would cause the authors of the bill to show great care on the spending, not happening though! The bill gives $1400 to non-married individuals with yearly incomes up to $ 75,000 and married individuals with a combined yearly income of $150,000 the justification for the spending being that the government wants to help American's hurt by the pandemic well at those income thresholds especially families with six figures yearly incomes there is not a case that lies to say these individuals are really economically hurt by the pandemic. The bill appropriates $129 billion for K thru 12 education after Washington has already appropriated a hundred plus billions of dollars for the same purpose in prior pandemic relief bills much of which is still unspent; the authors intentions behind this appropriation is to promote too much spending on school ventilation upgrades, testing, PPE and expanded school services. The country needs to just focus on the Pandemic problem and on that subject essentially every teacher that wants to be vaccinated should be able to get vaccinated by the end of June and if authorities do their job by the end of September the population vaccination level and those with survival immunity will essentially have ended the pandemic in the country so there is no need to fund schools as if the end of the pandemic is no where in sight. There is no need to have it be snowing N95 masks, people won't wear them anyway they are uncomfortable, people have masks when they go to the grocery and drug store they have to in most locales parents can take some minimal responsibility here the school system doesn't have to widespread supply masks to the kids they should come to school with masks; the appropriation should be $40 billion here - $25 billion for summer school and remedial education next year and $ 10 billion for surveillance testing and contact tracing and $5 billion for ventilation system issues. Eighty-six billion dollar ($86 billion) bailout of union pension plans; the key problem is not that it isn't going to be costly to fix this pension problem for America the problem that should stop this expenditure in its tracks is that there is no reform of the multi-employer pension plan system in this legislation which any responsible person that seriously looks at the problem would say is definitely needed.

If candidate Joe Biden told the American electorate in last year's election that once sworn into office as President in the Pandemic relief bill which Washington has to pass to stop the off-the-chart suffering in America that would ensue otherwise, that he would put the above spending initiatives coupled with $15/hour minimum wage provisions in the bill the election would have been a rout with Donald Trump winning the election with a several state win cushion. Joe Biden played the American people during the campaign like he was a violin virtuoso, I guess all those decades of him being a Senator from the conservative state of Delaware developed in him a second nature to not present himself as a liberal. He was really good when he said things like "I am a center-left politician" he really faked us out, Biden center-left that is like saying the island of Hawaii is located off the east coast of the continental United States it theoretically is if you go three quarters around the God damn world! Well Joe your con wasn't the perfect con, the perfect con is when you don't pay a price for the con. President Biden is going to pay a significant price for his choice to be a liberal President when it comes to the nation's finances! After he signs this American Rescue (From What?) Plan Act he will never be and never have the reputation of being a President that garnishes great bi-partisan support for financial matters. People tend to eventually gravitate toward the truth and so Republicans will see Joseph Biden as he is on financial matters which is like the Devil himself he will bring on the financial ruin of America and have a smile on his face the whole time as he is doing it; Republicans will have little to no interests in working with the President on future spending bills! Secondly, after the Democrats pass into law this ostentatious liberal spending bill the Republican and independent electorate are going to be fired up like one cannot believe they are going to treat the mid-term elections as a do or die for the nation's long-term financial well-being they are going to mount outstanding campaigns in these election contests!

The really sad thing about President Biden is that he had the opportunity to put us on a path to be an utopian America, the path of success for America is the center left path it is an America where the federal government aggressively helps people financially to counter the economic imbalances in the nation and a global economy which America operates in by doing things like providing great help for people to enable them to own homes so they can build wealth and subsidizes health care so it is truly affordable, etc. It is this path where the Federal Government spends robustly but is careful about spending it is this path that sees the private sector not the public sector as the answer for creating middle class jobs, it is this path that expects people throughout key parts of the economy like the health care system and the school system to try to hold costs down, etc.. It is a path that places importance on being careful and discerning about federal spending because when the government does so there is more money to spend on areas where it is needed, it enables the government to really target areas that can improve the quality of life for Americans. The really sad thing about the Biden Presidency is that the almighty God who created the earth and every creature on it performed a miracle to give President Joseph Biden the opportunity to put the nation on this path to a well-established degree in bringing about the Democrats winning both Senate seats in the Georgia runoff elections. Seriously, this was a true miracle winning "both" seats in a historically Republican state, a state with a big Republican machine, where the Democrat candidates although good people were not particularly strong candidates where the Republicans had access to largely as much campaign money as they wanted for America's business community new the stakes in this election that their financial head was on the cutting block as the Democrats if they were to get power were to definitely raise taxes big-time. After getting a successful Presidency handed by God to Joe Biden on a silver plate where the only thing that President Biden has to do is be a moderate Democrat President like Bill Clinton and rack up his successes President Biden throws the plate in God's face and goes off and becomes a liberal President, can everyone say "What An Idiot"!

You are so full of bullshit. Americans support Biden's $1.9 trillion stimulus plan.That includes a healthy number of Republicans. It seems like people like you only worry about the deficit when Democrats are in charge. Trump's deficits likely would have topped $1 trillion even if the coronavirus had not occured. God has nothing to do with anything. He could care less who the Georgia Senators are. Georgia is no longer a historically Republican state. That is why Georgia Republicans will launch a assault on voting rights.
America voted on if they support it or not???? link please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President Joseph Biden conned the independents and moderates in the American electorate well during last year's Presidential campaign holding himself out as a moderate when the truth is that he is a full-fledged liberal! This piece of legislation President Biden is pushing with all his weight this American Rescue Plan Act it isn't even a close call that it is a liberal spending bill it is patently obvious, the standards it follows in coming up with its spending initiatives show an alarming lack of care and lack of restraint about spending money and if these standards become the norm they will bring about the ruin of America! The entire price tag of this bill, the $1.9 trillion dollars, is being paid for with debt financing which one would think would cause the authors of the bill to show great care on the spending, not happening though! The bill gives $1400 to non-married individuals with yearly incomes up to $ 75,000 and married individuals with a combined yearly income of $150,000 the justification for the spending being that the government wants to help American's hurt by the pandemic well at those income thresholds especially families with six figures yearly incomes there is not a case that lies to say these individuals are really economically hurt by the pandemic. The bill appropriates $129 billion for K thru 12 education after Washington has already appropriated a hundred plus billions of dollars for the same purpose in prior pandemic relief bills much of which is still unspent; the authors intentions behind this appropriation is to promote too much spending on school ventilation upgrades, testing, PPE and expanded school services. The country needs to just focus on the Pandemic problem and on that subject essentially every teacher that wants to be vaccinated should be able to get vaccinated by the end of June and if authorities do their job by the end of September the population vaccination level and those with survival immunity will essentially have ended the pandemic in the country so there is no need to fund schools as if the end of the pandemic is no where in sight. There is no need to have it be snowing N95 masks, people won't wear them anyway they are uncomfortable, people have masks when they go to the grocery and drug store they have to in most locales parents can take some minimal responsibility here the school system doesn't have to widespread supply masks to the kids they should come to school with masks; the appropriation should be $40 billion here - $25 billion for summer school and remedial education next year and $ 10 billion for surveillance testing and contact tracing and $5 billion for ventilation system issues. Eighty-six billion dollar ($86 billion) bailout of union pension plans; the key problem is not that it isn't going to be costly to fix this pension problem for America the problem that should stop this expenditure in its tracks is that there is no reform of the multi-employer pension plan system in this legislation which any responsible person that seriously looks at the problem would say is definitely needed.

If candidate Joe Biden told the American electorate in last year's election that once sworn into office as President in the Pandemic relief bill which Washington has to pass to stop the off-the-chart suffering in America that would ensue otherwise, that he would put the above spending initiatives coupled with $15/hour minimum wage provisions in the bill the election would have been a rout with Donald Trump winning the election with a several state win cushion. Joe Biden played the American people during the campaign like he was a violin virtuoso, I guess all those decades of him being a Senator from the conservative state of Delaware developed in him a second nature to not present himself as a liberal. He was really good when he said things like "I am a center-left politician" he really faked us out, Biden center-left that is like saying the island of Hawaii is located off the east coast of the continental United States it theoretically is if you go three quarters around the God damn world! Well Joe your con wasn't the perfect con, the perfect con is when you don't pay a price for the con. President Biden is going to pay a significant price for his choice to be a liberal President when it comes to the nation's finances! After he signs this American Rescue (From What?) Plan Act he will never be and never have the reputation of being a President that garnishes great bi-partisan support for financial matters. People tend to eventually gravitate toward the truth and so Republicans will see Joseph Biden as he is on financial matters which is like the Devil himself he will bring on the financial ruin of America and have a smile on his face the whole time as he is doing it; Republicans will have little to no interests in working with the President on future spending bills! Secondly, after the Democrats pass into law this ostentatious liberal spending bill the Republican and independent electorate are going to be fired up like one cannot believe they are going to treat the mid-term elections as a do or die for the nation's long-term financial well-being they are going to mount outstanding campaigns in these election contests!

The really sad thing about President Biden is that he had the opportunity to put us on a path to be an utopian America, the path of success for America is the center left path it is an America where the federal government aggressively helps people financially to counter the economic imbalances in the nation and a global economy which America operates in by doing things like providing great help for people to enable them to own homes so they can build wealth and subsidizes health care so it is truly affordable, etc. It is this path where the Federal Government spends robustly but is careful about spending it is this path that sees the private sector not the public sector as the answer for creating middle class jobs, it is this path that expects people throughout key parts of the economy like the health care system and the school system to try to hold costs down, etc.. It is a path that places importance on being careful and discerning about federal spending because when the government does so there is more money to spend on areas where it is needed, it enables the government to really target areas that can improve the quality of life for Americans. The really sad thing about the Biden Presidency is that the almighty God who created the earth and every creature on it performed a miracle to give President Joseph Biden the opportunity to put the nation on this path to a well-established degree in bringing about the Democrats winning both Senate seats in the Georgia runoff elections. Seriously, this was a true miracle winning "both" seats in a historically Republican state, a state with a big Republican machine, where the Democrat candidates although good people were not particularly strong candidates where the Republicans had access to largely as much campaign money as they wanted for America's business community new the stakes in this election that their financial head was on the cutting block as the Democrats if they were to get power were to definitely raise taxes big-time. After getting a successful Presidency handed by God to Joe Biden on a silver plate where the only thing that President Biden has to do is be a moderate Democrat President like Bill Clinton and rack up his successes President Biden throws the plate in God's face and goes off and becomes a liberal President, can everyone say "What An Idiot"!

You are so full of bullshit. Americans support Biden's $1.9 trillion stimulus plan.That includes a healthy number of Republicans. It seems like people like you only worry about the deficit when Democrats are in charge. Trump's deficits likely would have topped $1 trillion even if the coronavirus had not occured. God has nothing to do with anything. He could care less who the Georgia Senators are. Georgia is no longer a historically Republican state. That is why Georgia Republicans will launch a assault on voting rights.

All that proves is bribes work, and xiden is an expert on bribes.

President Joseph Biden conned the independents and moderates in the American electorate well during last year's Presidential campaign holding himself out as a moderate when the truth is that he is a full-fledged liberal! This piece of legislation President Biden is pushing with all his weight this American Rescue Plan Act it isn't even a close call that it is a liberal spending bill it is patently obvious, the standards it follows in coming up with its spending initiatives show an alarming lack of care and lack of restraint about spending money and if these standards become the norm they will bring about the ruin of America! The entire price tag of this bill, the $1.9 trillion dollars, is being paid for with debt financing which one would think would cause the authors of the bill to show great care on the spending, not happening though! The bill gives $1400 to non-married individuals with yearly incomes up to $ 75,000 and married individuals with a combined yearly income of $150,000 the justification for the spending being that the government wants to help American's hurt by the pandemic well at those income thresholds especially families with six figures yearly incomes there is not a case that lies to say these individuals are really economically hurt by the pandemic. The bill appropriates $129 billion for K thru 12 education after Washington has already appropriated a hundred plus billions of dollars for the same purpose in prior pandemic relief bills much of which is still unspent; the authors intentions behind this appropriation is to promote too much spending on school ventilation upgrades, testing, PPE and expanded school services. The country needs to just focus on the Pandemic problem and on that subject essentially every teacher that wants to be vaccinated should be able to get vaccinated by the end of June and if authorities do their job by the end of September the population vaccination level and those with survival immunity will essentially have ended the pandemic in the country so there is no need to fund schools as if the end of the pandemic is no where in sight. There is no need to have it be snowing N95 masks, people won't wear them anyway they are uncomfortable, people have masks when they go to the grocery and drug store they have to in most locales parents can take some minimal responsibility here the school system doesn't have to widespread supply masks to the kids they should come to school with masks; the appropriation should be $40 billion here - $25 billion for summer school and remedial education next year and $ 10 billion for surveillance testing and contact tracing and $5 billion for ventilation system issues. Eighty-six billion dollar ($86 billion) bailout of union pension plans; the key problem is not that it isn't going to be costly to fix this pension problem for America the problem that should stop this expenditure in its tracks is that there is no reform of the multi-employer pension plan system in this legislation which any responsible person that seriously looks at the problem would say is definitely needed.

If candidate Joe Biden told the American electorate in last year's election that once sworn into office as President in the Pandemic relief bill which Washington has to pass to stop the off-the-chart suffering in America that would ensue otherwise, that he would put the above spending initiatives coupled with $15/hour minimum wage provisions in the bill the election would have been a rout with Donald Trump winning the election with a several state win cushion. Joe Biden played the American people during the campaign like he was a violin virtuoso, I guess all those decades of him being a Senator from the conservative state of Delaware developed in him a second nature to not present himself as a liberal. He was really good when he said things like "I am a center-left politician" he really faked us out, Biden center-left that is like saying the island of Hawaii is located off the east coast of the continental United States it theoretically is if you go three quarters around the God damn world! Well Joe your con wasn't the perfect con, the perfect con is when you don't pay a price for the con. President Biden is going to pay a significant price for his choice to be a liberal President when it comes to the nation's finances! After he signs this American Rescue (From What?) Plan Act he will never be and never have the reputation of being a President that garnishes great bi-partisan support for financial matters. People tend to eventually gravitate toward the truth and so Republicans will see Joseph Biden as he is on financial matters which is like the Devil himself he will bring on the financial ruin of America and have a smile on his face the whole time as he is doing it; Republicans will have little to no interests in working with the President on future spending bills! Secondly, after the Democrats pass into law this ostentatious liberal spending bill the Republican and independent electorate are going to be fired up like one cannot believe they are going to treat the mid-term elections as a do or die for the nation's long-term financial well-being they are going to mount outstanding campaigns in these election contests!

The really sad thing about President Biden is that he had the opportunity to put us on a path to be an utopian America, the path of success for America is the center left path it is an America where the federal government aggressively helps people financially to counter the economic imbalances in the nation and a global economy which America operates in by doing things like providing great help for people to enable them to own homes so they can build wealth and subsidizes health care so it is truly affordable, etc. It is this path where the Federal Government spends robustly but is careful about spending it is this path that sees the private sector not the public sector as the answer for creating middle class jobs, it is this path that expects people throughout key parts of the economy like the health care system and the school system to try to hold costs down, etc.. It is a path that places importance on being careful and discerning about federal spending because when the government does so there is more money to spend on areas where it is needed, it enables the government to really target areas that can improve the quality of life for Americans. The really sad thing about the Biden Presidency is that the almighty God who created the earth and every creature on it performed a miracle to give President Joseph Biden the opportunity to put the nation on this path to a well-established degree in bringing about the Democrats winning both Senate seats in the Georgia runoff elections. Seriously, this was a true miracle winning "both" seats in a historically Republican state, a state with a big Republican machine, where the Democrat candidates although good people were not particularly strong candidates where the Republicans had access to largely as much campaign money as they wanted for America's business community new the stakes in this election that their financial head was on the cutting block as the Democrats if they were to get power were to definitely raise taxes big-time. After getting a successful Presidency handed by God to Joe Biden on a silver plate where the only thing that President Biden has to do is be a moderate Democrat President like Bill Clinton and rack up his successes President Biden throws the plate in God's face and goes off and becomes a liberal President, can everyone say "What An Idiot"!

You are so full of bullshit. Americans support Biden's $1.9 trillion stimulus plan.That includes a healthy number of Republicans. It seems like people like you only worry about the deficit when Democrats are in charge. Trump's deficits likely would have topped $1 trillion even if the coronavirus had not occured. God has nothing to do with anything. He could care less who the Georgia Senators are. Georgia is no longer a historically Republican state. That is why Georgia Republicans will launch a assault on voting rights.

All that proves is bribes work, and xiden is an expert on bribes.


All it proves is how stupid you are. The fact is that Americans have compassion for those who are suffering. Republicans only care about the rich.
President Joseph Biden conned the independents and moderates in the American electorate well during last year's Presidential campaign holding himself out as a moderate when the truth is that he is a full-fledged liberal! This piece of legislation President Biden is pushing with all his weight this American Rescue Plan Act it isn't even a close call that it is a liberal spending bill it is patently obvious, the standards it follows in coming up with its spending initiatives show an alarming lack of care and lack of restraint about spending money and if these standards become the norm they will bring about the ruin of America! The entire price tag of this bill, the $1.9 trillion dollars, is being paid for with debt financing which one would think would cause the authors of the bill to show great care on the spending, not happening though! The bill gives $1400 to non-married individuals with yearly incomes up to $ 75,000 and married individuals with a combined yearly income of $150,000 the justification for the spending being that the government wants to help American's hurt by the pandemic well at those income thresholds especially families with six figures yearly incomes there is not a case that lies to say these individuals are really economically hurt by the pandemic. The bill appropriates $129 billion for K thru 12 education after Washington has already appropriated a hundred plus billions of dollars for the same purpose in prior pandemic relief bills much of which is still unspent; the authors intentions behind this appropriation is to promote too much spending on school ventilation upgrades, testing, PPE and expanded school services. The country needs to just focus on the Pandemic problem and on that subject essentially every teacher that wants to be vaccinated should be able to get vaccinated by the end of June and if authorities do their job by the end of September the population vaccination level and those with survival immunity will essentially have ended the pandemic in the country so there is no need to fund schools as if the end of the pandemic is no where in sight. There is no need to have it be snowing N95 masks, people won't wear them anyway they are uncomfortable, people have masks when they go to the grocery and drug store they have to in most locales parents can take some minimal responsibility here the school system doesn't have to widespread supply masks to the kids they should come to school with masks; the appropriation should be $40 billion here - $25 billion for summer school and remedial education next year and $ 10 billion for surveillance testing and contact tracing and $5 billion for ventilation system issues. Eighty-six billion dollar ($86 billion) bailout of union pension plans; the key problem is not that it isn't going to be costly to fix this pension problem for America the problem that should stop this expenditure in its tracks is that there is no reform of the multi-employer pension plan system in this legislation which any responsible person that seriously looks at the problem would say is definitely needed.

If candidate Joe Biden told the American electorate in last year's election that once sworn into office as President in the Pandemic relief bill which Washington has to pass to stop the off-the-chart suffering in America that would ensue otherwise, that he would put the above spending initiatives coupled with $15/hour minimum wage provisions in the bill the election would have been a rout with Donald Trump winning the election with a several state win cushion. Joe Biden played the American people during the campaign like he was a violin virtuoso, I guess all those decades of him being a Senator from the conservative state of Delaware developed in him a second nature to not present himself as a liberal. He was really good when he said things like "I am a center-left politician" he really faked us out, Biden center-left that is like saying the island of Hawaii is located off the east coast of the continental United States it theoretically is if you go three quarters around the God damn world! Well Joe your con wasn't the perfect con, the perfect con is when you don't pay a price for the con. President Biden is going to pay a significant price for his choice to be a liberal President when it comes to the nation's finances! After he signs this American Rescue (From What?) Plan Act he will never be and never have the reputation of being a President that garnishes great bi-partisan support for financial matters. People tend to eventually gravitate toward the truth and so Republicans will see Joseph Biden as he is on financial matters which is like the Devil himself he will bring on the financial ruin of America and have a smile on his face the whole time as he is doing it; Republicans will have little to no interests in working with the President on future spending bills! Secondly, after the Democrats pass into law this ostentatious liberal spending bill the Republican and independent electorate are going to be fired up like one cannot believe they are going to treat the mid-term elections as a do or die for the nation's long-term financial well-being they are going to mount outstanding campaigns in these election contests!

The really sad thing about President Biden is that he had the opportunity to put us on a path to be an utopian America, the path of success for America is the center left path it is an America where the federal government aggressively helps people financially to counter the economic imbalances in the nation and a global economy which America operates in by doing things like providing great help for people to enable them to own homes so they can build wealth and subsidizes health care so it is truly affordable, etc. It is this path where the Federal Government spends robustly but is careful about spending it is this path that sees the private sector not the public sector as the answer for creating middle class jobs, it is this path that expects people throughout key parts of the economy like the health care system and the school system to try to hold costs down, etc.. It is a path that places importance on being careful and discerning about federal spending because when the government does so there is more money to spend on areas where it is needed, it enables the government to really target areas that can improve the quality of life for Americans. The really sad thing about the Biden Presidency is that the almighty God who created the earth and every creature on it performed a miracle to give President Joseph Biden the opportunity to put the nation on this path to a well-established degree in bringing about the Democrats winning both Senate seats in the Georgia runoff elections. Seriously, this was a true miracle winning "both" seats in a historically Republican state, a state with a big Republican machine, where the Democrat candidates although good people were not particularly strong candidates where the Republicans had access to largely as much campaign money as they wanted for America's business community new the stakes in this election that their financial head was on the cutting block as the Democrats if they were to get power were to definitely raise taxes big-time. After getting a successful Presidency handed by God to Joe Biden on a silver plate where the only thing that President Biden has to do is be a moderate Democrat President like Bill Clinton and rack up his successes President Biden throws the plate in God's face and goes off and becomes a liberal President, can everyone say "What An Idiot"!

You are so full of bullshit. Americans support Biden's $1.9 trillion stimulus plan.That includes a healthy number of Republicans. It seems like people like you only worry about the deficit when Democrats are in charge. Trump's deficits likely would have topped $1 trillion even if the coronavirus had not occured. God has nothing to do with anything. He could care less who the Georgia Senators are. Georgia is no longer a historically Republican state. That is why Georgia Republicans will launch a assault on voting rights.

All that proves is bribes work, and xiden is an expert on bribes.


All it proves is how stupid you are. The fact is that Americans have compassion for those who are suffering. Republicans only care about the rich.

It's not compassionate to pay people more to sit on their ass than they can make working. Almost half the States have already done away with that bullshit. Creating dependency is NEVER GOOD!

President Joseph Biden conned the independents and moderates in the American electorate well during last year's Presidential campaign holding himself out as a moderate when the truth is that he is a full-fledged liberal!
Yeah. Keep bitching at us about it. We're just going to continue kicking you in the balls at the polls for it.

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