Jonathan Turley Says Trump Trial Judge “Lost Control” of Courtroom During Stormy Daniels Testimony

The creepy guy Trump compared Stormy to his daughter. Incestual perverted SOB...

Daniels testified in lurid detail about a 2006 sexual encounter with Trump, who she said compared her to his daughter and dangled an offer to appear on his "Apprentice" reality TV show to coerce her into sex, and former federal prosecutor Kristy Greenberg told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that her testimony was crucial to prosecutors' case.

"I thought the cringe was kind of the point," Greenberg said. "This was the story that Donald Trump did not want America to hear and this is why he was willing to pay the money to her. A guy who we have heard is very frugal was willing to make sure this [$130,000] payment was made so that America didn't hear about him showing up, you know, in his Hugh Hefner satin pajamas and [that he] didn't sleep in the same bed with his wife and a woman he wanted to sleep with who reminded him of his daughter. You had all of these things that portrayed Donald Trump as really this kind of lame, desperate, creepy old man, and that is a story he wouldn't have wanted to get out."

That's the sick guy MAGAtards want for president.

It's irrelevant to the trial because it isn't a crime.
Factoid... It all started with Trump fucking Stormy.
With all due respects to pop rightwing legal councils, the Judge never lost control. It was the people and the Constitution that lost control.

I think I know what you’re getting at but honestly, this is a failure of the left to uphold the law. This trial and the queue of Dem / Socialist token DIE hires is a repeat of Stalin’s Moscow trials. The Dems / Socialists knew where to look, obviously, for the prototype.
turley merely parrots what his faux niwz handlers tell him.

There was no "loss of control"
LOL The judge, Juan Merchan, says he doesn’t think we’re at the point where mistrial is warranted, even as he concedes “there were some things that should have been left unsaid” during Stormy Daniels’ freewheeling testimony.
LOL The judge, Juan Merchan, says he doesn’t think we’re at the point where mistrial is warranted, even as he concedes “there were some things that should have been left unsaid” during Stormy Daniels’ freewheeling testimony.

Merchan is a leftist clown.
Oh yeah him... the fixer... that should be good... maybe I cancel my golf game for the updates... not....
LOL I was actually listening to MSNBC was doing a kind of live stream during Stormy's testimony. It was hilarious. the hosts asking their legal eagle, "how does the prosecution fix this?"

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