It Was Never Possible For The US To Win In Iraq, But Trump Is Showing How Badly We Can Lose


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Dick Cheney March 16, 2003: “From the standpoint of the Iraqi people, my belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators.”

Mike Pompeo, January 3, 2020: “I know that the Iraqi people will ultimately demand that the Iranians get out.”

It was never possible for the United States to “win” in Iraq. It was, after all, an invasion founded on a basis of not just poor intelligence, but absolute lies. Both the public and Congress were presented with falsified evidence that Saddam Hussein represented such a threat to Americans, that there was no option but to expend both lives and dollars in seeking his removal. Much of that so-called evidence was ludicrous on its face. So were the assurances that the invasion of Iraq would be welcomed by Iraqis, and would make Americans safer.

Seventeen years later, history is delivering not just a repeat, but a sickening sequel that appears to hit every note on the descending scale of deception. An imminent threat. A bad man who must die. Promises that the action will be greeted with celebration. And assurances that the result will be greater safety. It would be tempting to call it a low-budget follow-up … if the potential for much greater costs ahead didn’t seem so very, very possible.

There’s no doubt that Trump’s actions, both in authorizing air strikes against militia bases and in assassinating Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, are related to his need for a distraction from impeachment proceedings. Every day seems to bring fresh information demonstrating Trump’s corrupt acts in Ukraine and his financial ties to Russia. This dog was in desperate need of wagging.

But there’s something else that probably tipped Trump’s hand when it came to taking “far out” action. Under Donald Trump, the situation in Iraq has utterly disintegrated, and not just in the failing-to-make-progress sense that has plagued every administration since the original mistake. Trump’s inattention to Iraq, his withdrawal from the nuclear treaty with Iran, his betrayal of the Kurds, his closeness to Saudi autocrat Mohammed bin Salman, his generally erratic strategy-free approach to the Middle East … All of it has contributed to not just failing to collect any payoff from America’s $1 trillion boondoggle, but to pushing Iraq into a union with Iran that represents a whole new level of disaster.

It was never possible for the U.S. to 'win' in Iraq, but Trump is showing how badly we can lose

And all of the same liars, and losers are making the same arguments for the Bush invasion of Iraq again. Some of you people would throw your own children in the fire to defend Trump, just like you did Bush wouldn't you.

Oh, wait a minute. You did.
Hysterical nonsense.

WE WON THE IRAQ WAR days after we invaded.

Unfortunately Bush decided to pimp out our soldiers as daycare providers. Something both his follow ups have done.
Dick Cheney March 16, 2003: “From the standpoint of the Iraqi people, my belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators.”

Mike Pompeo, January 3, 2020: “I know that the Iraqi people will ultimately demand that the Iranians get out.”

It was never possible for the United States to “win” in Iraq. It was, after all, an invasion founded on a basis of not just poor intelligence, but absolute lies. Both the public and Congress were presented with falsified evidence that Saddam Hussein represented such a threat to Americans, that there was no option but to expend both lives and dollars in seeking his removal. Much of that so-called evidence was ludicrous on its face. So were the assurances that the invasion of Iraq would be welcomed by Iraqis, and would make Americans safer.

Seventeen years later, history is delivering not just a repeat, but a sickening sequel that appears to hit every note on the descending scale of deception. An imminent threat. A bad man who must die. Promises that the action will be greeted with celebration. And assurances that the result will be greater safety. It would be tempting to call it a low-budget follow-up … if the potential for much greater costs ahead didn’t seem so very, very possible.

There’s no doubt that Trump’s actions, both in authorizing air strikes against militia bases and in assassinating Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, are related to his need for a distraction from impeachment proceedings. Every day seems to bring fresh information demonstrating Trump’s corrupt acts in Ukraine and his financial ties to Russia. This dog was in desperate need of wagging.

But there’s something else that probably tipped Trump’s hand when it came to taking “far out” action. Under Donald Trump, the situation in Iraq has utterly disintegrated, and not just in the failing-to-make-progress sense that has plagued every administration since the original mistake. Trump’s inattention to Iraq, his withdrawal from the nuclear treaty with Iran, his betrayal of the Kurds, his closeness to Saudi autocrat Mohammed bin Salman, his generally erratic strategy-free approach to the Middle East … All of it has contributed to not just failing to collect any payoff from America’s $1 trillion boondoggle, but to pushing Iraq into a union with Iran that represents a whole new level of disaster.

It was never possible for the U.S. to 'win' in Iraq, but Trump is showing how badly we can lose

And all of the same liars, and losers are making the same arguments for the Bush invasion of Iraq again. Some of you people would throw your own children in the fire to defend Trump, just like you did Bush wouldn't you.

Oh, wait a minute. You did.
Well.....if you treasonous bastards on the left can't get a massacre on the ground in Baghdad....maybe you can convince lots of idiot Americans that we didn't just kick the crap out of Iran's terrorist plans in Iraq. Let's start up a fake media campaign about fake disasters and use it to impeach Trump over.

Trump killed a butcher everyone knew was responsible for the deaths of countless innocent Syrians and the only thing Democraps can say is we didn't ask Nancy Pelosi for permission.
Hysterical nonsense.

WE WON THE IRAQ WAR days after we invaded.

Unfortunately Bush decided to pimp out our soldiers as daycare providers. Something both his follow ups have done.

That's the trouble, from the start war backers didn't understand that the baby sitting was part of the deal. GW Bush made his intentions clear that the goal going in was the establishment of an Iraqi republic, not kicking ass only to allow the Iranians to march right in.
Hysterical nonsense.

WE WON THE IRAQ WAR days after we invaded.

Unfortunately Bush decided to pimp out our soldiers as daycare providers. Something both his follow ups have done.

That's the trouble, from the start war backers didn't understand that the baby sitting was part of the deal. GW Bush made his intentions clear that the goal going in was the establishment of an Iraqi republic, not kicking ass only to allow the Iranians to march right in.
In many countries there are people who want a republic. Want freedom. Just not enough. And some are given golden opportunities. Iraq had that chance.
Dick Cheney March 16, 2003: “From the standpoint of the Iraqi people, my belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators.”

Mike Pompeo, January 3, 2020: “I know that the Iraqi people will ultimately demand that the Iranians get out.”

It was never possible for the United States to “win” in Iraq. It was, after all, an invasion founded on a basis of not just poor intelligence, but absolute lies. Both the public and Congress were presented with falsified evidence that Saddam Hussein represented such a threat to Americans, that there was no option but to expend both lives and dollars in seeking his removal. Much of that so-called evidence was ludicrous on its face. So were the assurances that the invasion of Iraq would be welcomed by Iraqis, and would make Americans safer.

Seventeen years later, history is delivering not just a repeat, but a sickening sequel that appears to hit every note on the descending scale of deception. An imminent threat. A bad man who must die. Promises that the action will be greeted with celebration. And assurances that the result will be greater safety. It would be tempting to call it a low-budget follow-up … if the potential for much greater costs ahead didn’t seem so very, very possible.

There’s no doubt that Trump’s actions, both in authorizing air strikes against militia bases and in assassinating Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, are related to his need for a distraction from impeachment proceedings. Every day seems to bring fresh information demonstrating Trump’s corrupt acts in Ukraine and his financial ties to Russia. This dog was in desperate need of wagging.

But there’s something else that probably tipped Trump’s hand when it came to taking “far out” action. Under Donald Trump, the situation in Iraq has utterly disintegrated, and not just in the failing-to-make-progress sense that has plagued every administration since the original mistake. Trump’s inattention to Iraq, his withdrawal from the nuclear treaty with Iran, his betrayal of the Kurds, his closeness to Saudi autocrat Mohammed bin Salman, his generally erratic strategy-free approach to the Middle East … All of it has contributed to not just failing to collect any payoff from America’s $1 trillion boondoggle, but to pushing Iraq into a union with Iran that represents a whole new level of disaster.

It was never possible for the U.S. to 'win' in Iraq, but Trump is showing how badly we can lose

And all of the same liars, and losers are making the same arguments for the Bush invasion of Iraq again. Some of you people would throw your own children in the fire to defend Trump, just like you did Bush wouldn't you.

Oh, wait a minute. You did.

It's impossible for us to win anywhere in the ME.
The sheer hypocrisy, ignorance and amnesia shown by liberals on this drone attack just might be the worse yet.
AGAIN - Obama ordered a documented 573 drone attacks, bombed 5 different countries that resulted in a (small) estimate of at least 1200 civilian deaths, probably more like 3000.... and the left HAD NO PROBLEMS WITH IT.
Trump kills one leader who orchestrated an attack on our fucking embassy - and you would think he dropped 12 nuclear bombs based on their reaction.
The hypocrisy is off the charts.
Dick Cheney March 16, 2003: “From the standpoint of the Iraqi people, my belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators.”

Mike Pompeo, January 3, 2020: “I know that the Iraqi people will ultimately demand that the Iranians get out.”

It was never possible for the United States to “win” in Iraq. It was, after all, an invasion founded on a basis of not just poor intelligence, but absolute lies. Both the public and Congress were presented with falsified evidence that Saddam Hussein represented such a threat to Americans, that there was no option but to expend both lives and dollars in seeking his removal. Much of that so-called evidence was ludicrous on its face. So were the assurances that the invasion of Iraq would be welcomed by Iraqis, and would make Americans safer.

Seventeen years later, history is delivering not just a repeat, but a sickening sequel that appears to hit every note on the descending scale of deception. An imminent threat. A bad man who must die. Promises that the action will be greeted with celebration. And assurances that the result will be greater safety. It would be tempting to call it a low-budget follow-up … if the potential for much greater costs ahead didn’t seem so very, very possible.

There’s no doubt that Trump’s actions, both in authorizing air strikes against militia bases and in assassinating Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, are related to his need for a distraction from impeachment proceedings. Every day seems to bring fresh information demonstrating Trump’s corrupt acts in Ukraine and his financial ties to Russia. This dog was in desperate need of wagging.

But there’s something else that probably tipped Trump’s hand when it came to taking “far out” action. Under Donald Trump, the situation in Iraq has utterly disintegrated, and not just in the failing-to-make-progress sense that has plagued every administration since the original mistake. Trump’s inattention to Iraq, his withdrawal from the nuclear treaty with Iran, his betrayal of the Kurds, his closeness to Saudi autocrat Mohammed bin Salman, his generally erratic strategy-free approach to the Middle East … All of it has contributed to not just failing to collect any payoff from America’s $1 trillion boondoggle, but to pushing Iraq into a union with Iran that represents a whole new level of disaster.

It was never possible for the U.S. to 'win' in Iraq, but Trump is showing how badly we can lose

And all of the same liars, and losers are making the same arguments for the Bush invasion of Iraq again. Some of you people would throw your own children in the fire to defend Trump, just like you did Bush wouldn't you.

Oh, wait a minute. You did.
We took advantage of an opportunity to rid the world of a leading terrorist, much more dangerous than a frail and dying Bin Laden. It had nothing to do with distracting from your Impeachment Circus.
In many countries there are people who want a republic. Want freedom. Just not enough. And some are given golden opportunities. Iraq had that chance.

"Iraq had that chance."

I really have no feelings for or against Trump's action. I don't know well enough the political situation in Iraq and whether his action helps or hinders that chance. I've looked at a few articles written on the matter of Iraqi's politics over the last year before this incident took place. skews13 OP presents well my anti-war feelings from 17 years ago but the stuff written in past few days I find too politically slanted one way or other to form judgement. I retain hope against that past tense "had chance" considering all the human cost involved.
Yep! We won Iraq then proceeded to spend billions on nation building. Armed and trained an Iraqi army and the first time an enemy approached them they threw down their weapons and ran like scalded dogs. Get America out of the Middle East, Europe, Korea, Japan and anywhere else they may be. Let these quaking assholes defend themselves. The loss of American life is too great and absolutely zero gratitude is shown.
Whose bright idea was it to build an embassy in Iraqi anyway? Was that Bush?

“the area of the Jewish State stretches: “From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.”
-T Hertzl

“The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon.”
-Rabbi Fischmann

"Greater Israel": The Zionist Plan for the Middle East - Global Research

You stupid fuckers need to wake up.

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