Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Part 2
[Vide reports online]

At 03:15 the footage shifts to images from the Gaza Strip.

Bowen: “But in only a few days Israel has inflicted immense damage in Gaza. They’ve cut off supplies of food, water and power and killed hundreds of civilians. Palestinian suffering, Israel says, is the responsibility of Hamas. Israel’s already been accused of breaking the laws of war and that will get louder as more Palestinian civilians are wounded and killed.”

Bowen did not bother to clarify the source of the accusations he chose to repeat and amplify or to explain to viewers that the source of his claim that Israel has “killed hundreds of civilians” is most likely the Hamas-run health ministry in the Gaza Strip which has long been known to deliberately avoid differentiating between civilians and combatants for propaganda purposes.

The final fifty-three seconds of Bowen’s report returns to showing images of Israeli soldiers and Bowen himself.

In other words, Jeremy Bowen travelled to Kfar Aza to produce a four-minute and 38 second filmed report for BBC television but only thirty-six seconds of that report actually relate to the atrocities that took place there. Bowen’s reports do not even tell BBC audiences how many people were indiscriminately slaughtered in Kfar Aza or that the community lost around a quarter of its population – including children and babies – during that murderous rampage by Hamas.

That filmed report also appears at the top of Jeremy Bowen’s written account of his visit to Kfar Aza, which was published on the BBC News website on October 11th under the headline ‘Inside Kfar Aza where Hamas militants killed families in their homes’.

In that report too, Bowen qualifies the events he was sent to report:

“Soldiers who spent much of the day in the ruins recovering bodies of civilians said that there had been a massacre. It seems likely that much of the killing happened in the first hours of the assault on Saturday.”

His accounts of what a warning at the beginning of the report describes as “details that some readers may find disturbing” are likewise presented as third-party statements.

“Some of the victims, he said, were decapitated. […]

Another officer pointed to a bloodied purple sleeping bag. A swollen toe poked out. He said the woman underneath had been killed and decapitated in her front garden. I did not ask the officer to move the sleeping bag to inspect her body.”

Bowen is however able to give accounts in his own words concerning dead terrorists:

“A few yards away was the blackened, swollen corpse of a dead Hamas gunman.”

“The bodies of dead Hamas gunmen who killed so many of them have been left rotting in the sun, lying uncovered where they were killed in bushes and ditches and the broad lawns of the kibbutz.”

In this written report Bowen again promotes false equivalence between the victims of Hamas’ pre-planned attacks against civilians and the civilians unintentionally killed during attacks against the terrorist organisation he and his colleagues refuse to describe as such.

“But in Gaza, hundreds of civilians are also being killed. International humanitarian law states clearly that all combatants must protect the lives of civilians.

It is clear that the killing of hundreds of civilians by the Hamas attackers is grave violation of the laws of war. Israelis reject any comparison between the way Hamas kills civilians and the way Palestinian civilians die in their air strikes.”

It will come as no surprise to those familiar with his long record of reporting on Israel to see that in his reports from Kfar Aza – including a podcast with Lyse Doucet – Jeremy Bowen was clearly more interested in advancing a narrative based on his own interpretations of “the laws of war” rather than informing BBC audiences about the devastation of this Israeli community and the extent of the carnage perpetrated by a terrorist organisation he refuses to name as such.

The main reporter covering the war in Gaza for the Associated Press has called publicly for the annihilation of Israel and a “Palestinian revolt” and compared Israel to the Nazis, HonestReporting revealed Wednesday in an investigation of his social media accounts.

The social media history and pro-Palestinian activism of Issam Adwan, who joined the wire service in August after working for Al Jazeera English and anti-Israeli non-governmental organizations, reveals some disturbing and antisemitic content, demonstrating that he cannot be relied upon for objective coverage of the conflict.

In a post on X/Twitter from October 13, 2022, Adwan wrote that “the Palestinian revolt against the Israeli oppression will be a triumph” and that “every colonial system will be overthrown”:


Adwan also openly compared Israel to the Nazis:


This disturbing comparison is explicitly defined as antisemitic according to the internationally recognized IHRA (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance) working definition of antisemitism.

Adnan made this comparison as a repost supporting none other than Hosam Salem – a former New York Times photographer who was fired after HonestReporting exposed him glorifying a gruesome Palestinian terror attack and calling to “Smite the Necks of Unbelievers.”

Adwan’s repost effectively dismissed the complaints against his fellow “journalist” as “hypocrisy and nonsense.” What does this show about Adwan’s ability to uphold basic journalistic standards, let alone human ethics?

(full article online)

[ Noah Erekat was just on MSNBC crying her heart out on how Gaza is an open prison, the usual. Apparently she belongs to the Erekat clan, the same one Saeb Erekat member of the PLO came from. The interesting part is how long that clan has been in the region on Palestine, like many other clans who say they have been there forever ]

  • The Palestinian “Balfour Apology Campaign” to demand the annulment of the Balfour Declaration is part of a consistent policy of denying the rights of the Jews to their national homeland as a people indigenous to the area.
  • Yet the Jewish People for more than two millennia has consistently maintained the strongest claim to be the aboriginal people in its ancestral homeland, and their existence and roots are widely documented, acknowledged, and recognized.
  • Christianity grew out of Judaism, and the early Christian existence and settlement in the Holy Land were part and parcel of the Jewish existence and settlement there.
  • Arab and Palestinian leaders are attempting to establish a mythical, new narrative according to which the “Palestinian People” have existed as a distinct people indigenous to the area for thousands of years, predating the Jewish People.
  • Saeb Erekat, the Secretary-General of the PLO, claimed in 2014 that he is a direct descendant of the Canaanite tribes who lived in Israel some 9,000 years ago. Yet according to Erekat’s own Facebook entry, the Erekat clan is from the northwestern Arabian Peninsula and settled in the Palestine area around 1860.

I keep wanting to see protests on the streets of Gaza against Hamas, or by those in areas A or b, but besides all of those who are fleeing, nothing.

More posturing by those who can. Who go on the news and cry that they have been imprisoned for 17 years in Gaza by Israel.

Right, Israel leaves Gaza for all to them, they start shooting rockets and get the response that would come from any sovereign country, but that sovereign country is at fault because they do not want to stop wanting to kill Jews and destroy Israel.

Change the thinking, Arabs, change the reality on the ground, and peace will come.
I'd bet that the top leaders of Hamas left Gaza as soon as the attacks were launched. They were probably in Iran by Saturday afternoon.

They left their minions and the peaceful Palestinians to pay the price for what they orchestrated.

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