Is Woke Supremacy as bad as White Supremacy


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Last month, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) said “Woke supremacy is as bad as White supremacy,” in an appearance on Fox News Channel. He was of course immediately attacked by many on the Left, and below we see his written response that ran in the WaPo: (parts were cut out for brevity)

I was criticized in this newspaper last week for saying that “woke supremacy” is as bad as white supremacy.

My comments, of course, were not comparing the long history of racial hate to the very short history of wokeism. That would be ludicrous. I am painfully aware that four centuries of racism, bigotry and killings does not compare to the nascent woke movement. As a country, we continue to pay a heavy price for our original sin.

My comments were a sound-bite-length reaction to yet another media figure accusing me of being a token for Republicans. Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time I’ve heard that type of slur. I spoke out because I am gravely concerned for our future if we ignore either type of supremacy — both of which are rooted in racism or discrimination.

Criticism has included the suggestion that I and other Republicans are “living proof that neither racial nor gender diversity is a guarantor of progressive, inclusive and broad-minded thinking. Diversity, much in vogue, has its limits.” In other words, my ideology does not match that which they prescribe based on my complexion.

That is woke supremacy. It is the “tolerant” left’s intolerance for dissent. It is a progressive conception of diversity that does not include diversity of thought. It is discrimination falsely marketed as inclusion.

Scott goes on to list some of his accomplishments, which anyone who wishes too can read in the link below. He goes on to say:

Woke culture is speeding our country toward ideological and literal segregation. Already, Columbia University has decided to host segregated graduation celebrations based on race or socioeconomic status. We are living in a society that has allowed “autonomous zones” that effectively prohibit law enforcement from protecting people from crime, and campus “safe spaces” to protect students from others’ opinions.

Carving out public spaces for people of only one race or mind-set? Since when is separate but equal back in vogue?

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

When you give license for one person or group of people to discriminate, you give license for everyone to discriminate. Dividing society along racial lines is everything leaders in the civil rights era fought against, yet leaders of the woke movement are attempting to codify discrimination in law, including by Democrats setting aside funding exclusively for non-White farmers in their recent stimulus package. Blood wasn’t shed on the Edmund Pettus Bridge or the streets of Birmingham so that we could reinvent the mistakes of our past.

So, should we go back to the days of discrimination and segregation, only this time in reverse against white people or those with an opposing view? I do not understand how anyone can deny the inalienable right to write or speak whatever they believe. And yet that is precisely what the Woke Supremacy is all about: we are smarter and better than you and so your voice should not be heard and if you don't STFU you can be fired or otherwise discriminated against. We are supreme and you are dogshit. The party that calls itself 'tolerant' is actually anything but. Frankly, I see a lot more intolerance from the Woke Far Left than I do from White Supremacists, in terms of numbers. There ain't that many WSers, but there seems to be a whole lot of WFLers.

Obviously, as Sen. Scott said, no one is comparing the long history of racial hate to the very short history of wokeism. Does that mean we should allow wokeism to continue until it rises to the level of racial discrimination? Sen. Scott:

So, we collectively have a choice: We can continue down the path of toxic woke mandates and virtue signaling that themselves create discrimination, segregation and hate, or we can choose to create equality of opportunity and access to the American Dream for everyone. Because I believe in the goodness of America, I remain hopeful that we will choose the Opportunity Society.
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I defy you to find examples of white supremacy.
Really loon? Should we start with jim crow laws, freak?

White supremacist scum love to say there’s no such thing as white supremacy.

Jim Crow laws are long defunct now, what other out of date complaints do you have to offer?

Last month, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) said “Woke supremacy is as bad as White supremacy,” in an appearance on Fox News Channel. He was of course immediately attacked by many on the Left, and below we see his written response that ran in the WaPo: (parts were cut out for brevity)

I was criticized in this newspaper last week for saying that “woke supremacy” is as bad as white supremacy.

My comments, of course, were not comparing the long history of racial hate to the very short history of wokeism. That would be ludicrous. I am painfully aware that four centuries of racism, bigotry and killings does not compare to the nascent woke movement. As a country, we continue to pay a heavy price for our original sin.

My comments were a sound-bite-length reaction to yet another media figure accusing me of being a token for Republicans. Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time I’ve heard that type of slur. I spoke out because I am gravely concerned for our future if we ignore either type of supremacy — both of which are rooted in racism or discrimination.

Criticism has included the suggestion that I and other Republicans are “living proof that neither racial nor gender diversity is a guarantor of progressive, inclusive and broad-minded thinking. Diversity, much in vogue, has its limits.” In other words, my ideology does not match that which they prescribe based on my complexion.

That is woke supremacy. It is the “tolerant” left’s intolerance for dissent. It is a progressive conception of diversity that does not include diversity of thought. It is discrimination falsely marketed as inclusion.

Scott goes on to list some of his accomplishments, which anyone who wishes too can read in the link below. He goes on to say:

Woke culture is speeding our country toward ideological and literal segregation. Already, Columbia University has decided to host segregated graduation celebrations based on race or socioeconomic status. We are living in a society that has allowed “autonomous zones” that effectively prohibit law enforcement from protecting people from crime, and campus “safe spaces” to protect students from others’ opinions.

Carving out public spaces for people of only one race or mind-set? Since when is separate but equal back in vogue?

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

When you give license for one person or group of people to discriminate, you give license for everyone to discriminate. Dividing society along racial lines is everything leaders in the civil rights era fought against, yet leaders of the woke movement are attempting to codify discrimination in law, including by Democrats setting aside funding exclusively for non-White farmers in their recent stimulus package. Blood wasn’t shed on the Edmund Pettus Bridge or the streets of Birmingham so that we could reinvent the mistakes of our past.

So, should we go back to the days of discrimination and segregation, only this time in reverse against white people or those with an opposing view? I do not understand how anyone can deny the inalienable right to write or speak whatever they believe. And yet that is precisely what the Woke Supremacy is all about: we are smarter and better than you and so your voice should not be heard and if you don't STFU you can be fired or otherwise discriminated against. We are supreme and you are dogshit. The party that calls itself 'tolerant' is actually anything but. Frankly, I see a lot more intolerance from the Woke Far Left than I do from White Supremacists, in terms of numbers. There ain't that many WSers, but there seems to be a whole lot of WFLers.

Obviously, as Sen. Scott said, no one is comparing the long history of racial hate to the very short history of wokeism. Does that mean we should allow wokeism to continue until it rises to the level of racial discrimination? Sen. Scott:

So, we collectively have a choice: We can continue down the path of toxic woke mandates and virtue signaling that themselves create discrimination, segregation and hate, or we can choose to create equality of opportunity and access to the American Dream for everyone. Because I believe in the goodness of America, I remain hopeful that we will choose the Opportunity Society.

If you're white, then you have a disease (racism). Officially the Gov't has told us so through the CDC.
Therefore, your post must be disregarded!
I defy you to find examples of white supremacy.
Really loon? Should we start with jim crow laws, freak?

White supremacist scum love to say there’s no such thing as white supremacy.
Progs love their agendas. The same ones over and over and over. They can't figure out they are the new version of Jim Crow in always of living against the Deplorables. Only when the Deplorables are gone, the nation is kaput.
I defy you to find examples of white supremacy.
Really loon? Should we start with jim crow laws, freak?

White supremacist scum love to say there’s no such thing as white supremacy.
Of course white supremacists exist. Racism exists in all nations. I believe that every time you see some clod who waves around the Confederate battle flag, you see some fool white supremacist.
That said, racists are "individuals" not society as a whole. To listen to and believe that "all" whites are racists, is to be in denial of realism. Barack Obama could not have won the maximum allowed two terms in office, had it only been blacks that voted for him. Blacks only amount to around 14.8% to 15% of the overall population and if you subtract for minors who can't vote, you have a severe shortage of enough blacks to have carried Obama into office. There are also blacks who have and continue to support the Republican party. Obama won office because blacks, as well as whites and others, voted for him. If all whites were racist, he wouldn't have stood a chance when running for the presidency. As for the population of white racists/supremacists when compared to the overall white population, the number is a mere fraction of the white society. The vast majority don't care one bit about a person's skin color, only their character. In short, is the person, decent, law-abiding, have a good work ethic? If so, he/she/it, is just fine. If however, the person sells/buys illegal drugs, steals cars and other property, attacks people, joins criminal gangs and is thus a negative role model, he/she/it is garbage and thus should be considered as such. Disliking someone like the latter described isn't racism, it's a judgement of ones character.
“Woke supremacy is as bad as White supremacy,” in an appearance on Fox News Channel.
Nice. I used to go a church where people were assigned into one of three classes: worldly, awakened, and Christians, and watching television was a sin.

So if people are "woke" or awakened -- they realize maybe abortion really is murder after all -- but they're still going to go to hell for it because they haven't repented of their sins, with all the heavy drinking and drug use that goes on in those churches. And the children who come of age are no longer allowed to possess firearms because their parents were irresponsible in their day.
White people are the flag bearers of racism.
Our Gov't has taken the official position through the CDC that racism is a disease.
Additionally experts also tell us that racism is unconscious.
Therefore, it is obvious to any one who can connect dots, that the Gov't now officially through the CDC considers ALL white people diseased.
Even Orwell couldn't dream this crap up!!!
White Supremacy is a Marxist term for eroding W. Civ, constitutions, borders, law and order. Since White people created it muh racism, it must be destroyed. Funny how all other countries can be ethostates and they are for their people, religion, ethnic groups, etc. But the West (white countries) has to open their borders. Ironically given the opportunity people vote with their feet. And globally non whites flee to white countries. Seems whites created supreme countries that everyone wants to move to.
I wish that the GOP would get some adults in it, instead of the infantile types who have to speak in dump slang like "woke" and "cancel culture." It is both meaningless and boring. Really, GOP: grow up.
Last month, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) said “Woke supremacy is as bad as White supremacy,” in an appearance on Fox News Channel. He was of course immediately attacked by many on the Left, and below we see his written response that ran in the WaPo: (parts were cut out for brevity)

I was criticized in this newspaper last week for saying that “woke supremacy” is as bad as white supremacy.

My comments, of course, were not comparing the long history of racial hate to the very short history of wokeism. That would be ludicrous. I am painfully aware that four centuries of racism, bigotry and killings does not compare to the nascent woke movement. As a country, we continue to pay a heavy price for our original sin.

My comments were a sound-bite-length reaction to yet another media figure accusing me of being a token for Republicans. Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time I’ve heard that type of slur. I spoke out because I am gravely concerned for our future if we ignore either type of supremacy — both of which are rooted in racism or discrimination.

Criticism has included the suggestion that I and other Republicans are “living proof that neither racial nor gender diversity is a guarantor of progressive, inclusive and broad-minded thinking. Diversity, much in vogue, has its limits.” In other words, my ideology does not match that which they prescribe based on my complexion.

That is woke supremacy. It is the “tolerant” left’s intolerance for dissent. It is a progressive conception of diversity that does not include diversity of thought. It is discrimination falsely marketed as inclusion.

Scott goes on to list some of his accomplishments, which anyone who wishes too can read in the link below. He goes on to say:

Woke culture is speeding our country toward ideological and literal segregation. Already, Columbia University has decided to host segregated graduation celebrations based on race or socioeconomic status. We are living in a society that has allowed “autonomous zones” that effectively prohibit law enforcement from protecting people from crime, and campus “safe spaces” to protect students from others’ opinions.

Carving out public spaces for people of only one race or mind-set? Since when is separate but equal back in vogue?

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

When you give license for one person or group of people to discriminate, you give license for everyone to discriminate. Dividing society along racial lines is everything leaders in the civil rights era fought against, yet leaders of the woke movement are attempting to codify discrimination in law, including by Democrats setting aside funding exclusively for non-White farmers in their recent stimulus package. Blood wasn’t shed on the Edmund Pettus Bridge or the streets of Birmingham so that we could reinvent the mistakes of our past.

So, should we go back to the days of discrimination and segregation, only this time in reverse against white people or those with an opposing view? I do not understand how anyone can deny the inalienable right to write or speak whatever they believe. And yet that is precisely what the Woke Supremacy is all about: we are smarter and better than you and so your voice should not be heard and if you don't STFU you can be fired or otherwise discriminated against. We are supreme and you are dogshit. The party that calls itself 'tolerant' is actually anything but. Frankly, I see a lot more intolerance from the Woke Far Left than I do from White Supremacists, in terms of numbers. There ain't that many WSers, but there seems to be a whole lot of WFLers.

Obviously, as Sen. Scott said, no one is comparing the long history of racial hate to the very short history of wokeism. Does that mean we should allow wokeism to continue until it rises to the level of racial discrimination? Sen. Scott:

So, we collectively have a choice: We can continue down the path of toxic woke mandates and virtue signaling that themselves create discrimination, segregation and hate, or we can choose to create equality of opportunity and access to the American Dream for everyone. Because I believe in the goodness of America, I remain hopeful that we will choose the Opportunity Society.
The thread premise is a lie.
I wish that the GOP would get some adults in it, instead of the infantile types who have to speak in dump slang like "woke" and "cancel culture." It is both meaningless and boring. Really, GOP: grow up.
It would also be nice if conservatives stopped with their incessant lying – this thread being one of many examples.

What’s boring is the right’s idiotic lie that the ‘left’ is ‘intolerant’ – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

It’s liberals who defend a woman’s right to privacy from the right’s authoritarian intolerance.

It’s liberals who defend the equal protection rights of gay and transgender Americans from the right’s authoritarian intolerance.

It’s liberals who defend the right to vote from the right’s authoritarian intolerance.

It’s liberals who defend the due process rights of immigrants from the right’s authoritarian intolerance.

For decades liberals have fought against the hate and intolerance of conservatives at the ballot box and in the courts.

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