Is it fair to make men pay child support in states with legal abortion?

Is it fair to make men pay child support in states with legal abortion?

100% fair. If the woman chooses to have the child but can't support it why should the tax payers be on the hook for it via government programs? The father made a decision that fateful night and is the one that had all the "fun". He takes on the responsibility. Even is the mother is financially secure the father is still on the hook for whatever the mother needs. Is HIS child. Should have left it in his pants if he didn't want the responsibility.
don't shoot the bullet if you don't want the responsibility. We have weak leaders, cough! I'm being generous.
that suggests that the pill is 100% effective. That only makes one a fool. If you stick you stick into that hole without properly protecting yourself, then that's on you, will always be on you! Excuses are a dime a dozen, and most demofks have one.
Tell that to my daughter because I don't have the heart to inform her.
Against rules of the platform, mods
A good rule it is, too. But do you honestly think she needs to know that she was conceived by a dirty trick? I don't. I've never told her and I never will. Actually, she died a few short years from cancer so let's leave it alone. Anyway, this is simpler than you've made it out to be. You asked a rhetorical question about a man's culpability as though you could never imagine any scenario other than the one you assume ...... but I gave you two answers that conflict yours. That's all there is to it.

1. The misuse of a used condom by a woman.
2. Birth control trickery by a woman.

There you have your answer. A man can be the biological father of a child without being culpable.
A good rule it is, too. But do you honestly think she needs to know that she was conceived by a dirty trick? I don't. I've never told her and I never will. Actually, she died a few short years from cancer so let's leave it alone. Anyway, this is simpler than you've made it out to be. You asked a rhetorical question about a man's culpability as though you could never imagine any scenario other than the one you assume ...... but I gave you two answers that conflict yours. That's all there is to it.

1. The misuse of a used condom by a woman.
2. Birth control trickery by a woman.

There you have your answer. A man can be the biological father of a child without being culpable.
mods, I'm growing tired of this jamoke trying to use his family in here.
If you don't like my input just ignore me.
I don't ignore people, but I post per the rules to avoid getting banned and it seems you're working to intice me to there, which won't work, but I will report your behavior.

Is it fair to make men pay child support in states with legal abortion?

100% fair. If the woman chooses to have the child but can't support it why should the tax payers be on the hook for it via government programs? The father made a decision that fateful night and is the one that had all the "fun". He takes on the responsibility. Even is the mother is financially secure the father is still on the hook for whatever the mother needs. Is HIS child. Should have left it in his pants if he didn't want the responsibility.

Haven’t we been through this already. Because it’s not fair to force anyone to be a parent.

Geez, not again with this.
I think he's playing with a deck of 51.
It boggles the mind how things change when you want to give women the right that, from everything I hear, they so desperately want. but try to make them understand that, with absolute rights, comes absolute responsibility.

Maybe it’s just me. 🤦‍♂️
Not sure you understand how the process works.

The irony in that statement. You asked me a question, I gave you the answer. if they don't make a deposit, no need for a decision on killing a baby. It seems you have no fking idea! Oh, and no need to support what doesn't exist.
It boggles the mind how things change when you want to give women the right that, from everything I hear, they so desperately want. but try to make them understand that, with absolute rights, comes absolute responsibility.

Maybe it’s just me. 🤦‍♂️
sure, let's give women the right to kill babies. That's so humane and white of you! what a vile fk you are.
sure, let's give women the right to kill babies. That's so humane and white of you! what a vile fk you are.
What do you think the vote would be if you said all abortions would be legal but men then wouldn’t have to support the child


All abortions, with the exception of rape or life of the mother, would be illegal, but the fathers would have to support the child.

lol, sometimes you don’t really want what you ask for.

Quit playing their stupid game.
HeyNorm, abortion is killing babies. Don't want a baby don't let a man breach the walls. Man breaches the wall and a baby is the result, the man pays for the baby with the woman. It isn't fking rocket science. Why is this so difficult for you? vjay jay and dick, one impregnates the other, do you know how it works yet? It's obvious you don't.
That is the point. She gets the choice but the man does not. Currently the women has the choice but the man does not. Hence the no say no pay part of the title. If the woman has the choice of weather or not to have the child should the man have a choice on child support? As far as keep it in your pants the women can keep her pants on also.

Let me chime in-----------> it was reported years ago that they created a pill, or some other method for birth control for men. They REFUSED to bring it to market, because while I am NOT anti female, big pharma and the government concluded that----------->if MALES had that power, then our already low repopulation was screwed.

We all have to understand how both..........most of the male, and female thought processes work.

Now, before every female on this board starts screaming at me, understand that I am not speaking about you; but rather what has gone on with MOST of female humans, for the last 150 years. Look it up!

Point is----------->who wants the most sex? Can scientists/government, allow them to basically kids?

The answer is a resounding NO! And I am convinced they have been doing this for years.

Men have been made EQUAL in family court, or so they say, lol. In other words, no difference between men, and women.

If you believe that nonsense, I have some swampland I will sell you; cheap, lol.

Fact is.........women are more evil then men when unleashed, or when they unleash themselves. A woman can screw you over, drag it out to make you pay, and decide if she is pregnant, if your income is enough to keep her afloat with the child.

For those women who see what I have said and cringe, let me be 100% honest............MEN are dumb as a box of rocks........or at least most of them.

If it were me telling young men how to handle all of this.............and I bet their mothers would concur--------------->get married after 5 years, lol. This means if you get tired of each other, by that time, you are DONE!

But you see gentlemen----------->women have a SMALLER time line. They need to reproduce quicker than you do!

My suggestion is...........just like they say..........if you LOVE me.............well then, wait for me to want to reproduce, and watch 85% of the women, head for the hills.........which is NOT a bad thing, except for them-)
HeyNorm, abortion is killing babies. Don't want a baby don't let a man breach the walls. Man breaches the wall and a baby is the result, the man pays for the baby with the woman. It isn't fking rocket science. Why is this so difficult for you? vjay jay and dick, one impregnates the other, do you know how it works yet? It's obvious you don't.
Correct it is not rocket science.

The individual who has sole decision as to if the offspring lives or dies must take full responsibility for that decision.

For 50 years all I’ve heard was how women deserve to kill their offspring.

Let’s put that to a vote of the people.

Abortion will be the right of woman to use as, yet another birth control method. And by giving women that right, they must be solely be responsible for the cost of bringing that offspring into the world, because, if we cannot force women to become mothers, equal protection under the law demand that no Man can ever be forced to be a Father.

Make abortion illegal, then, and only then, could the government compel men to support the child.

Simple logic.
In my opinion, if both agree to have a child, both should pay to support it, BUT if only one potential parent insists on having a child, only he or she should have to support it.

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