
Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
Gee. And the squad type people rell us they just "resist" so called "occupation "

Iran's Khamenei on Gaza: Islam will overcome 'crooked' Western civilization.
By Jerusalem Post Staff. February 25, 2024
The Iranian regime is a well known state sponsor of terrorist organizations across the Middle East, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis.

Gee. And the squad type people rell us they just "resist" so called "occupation "

Iran's Khamenei on Gaza: Islam will overcome 'crooked' Western civilization.
By Jerusalem Post Staff. February 25, 2024
The Iranian regime is a well known state sponsor of terrorist organizations across the Middle East, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis.

Iran is not just against "big satan" US...
What do they say about China? China commits genocide on Muslim Uyghurs and purges religious groups. Something isn't adding up here. But Iran is concerned with America? I like that explained.
If Khamenei is such a "great leader", he'd jump off a fucking rooftop and millions would follow.

Gee. And the squad type people rell us they just "resist" so called "occupation "

Iran's Khamenei on Gaza: Islam will overcome 'crooked' Western civilization.
By Jerusalem Post Staff. February 25, 2024
The Iranian regime is a well known state sponsor of terrorist organizations across the Middle East, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis.

Considering the direction western society is heading he may well be correct.
Gee. And the squad type people rell us they just "resist" so called "occupation "

Iran's Khamenei on Gaza: Islam will overcome 'crooked' Western civilization.
By Jerusalem Post Staff. February 25, 2024
The Iranian regime is a well known state sponsor of terrorist organizations across the Middle East, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis.

And what happens when they defeat the West? Then they'll start attacking each other (yeah, they already do this, in Pakistan there are Muslims who think all other Muslims are infidels because they don't do Islam "right").

Everyone needs their enemies to keep their people in check.

The US got rid of the USSR, and then what? They had to go after Islam to have a new number one enemy.
Gee. And the squad type people rell us they just "resist" so called "occupation "

Iran's Khamenei on Gaza: Islam will overcome 'crooked' Western civilization.
By Jerusalem Post Staff. February 25, 2024
The Iranian regime is a well known state sponsor of terrorist organizations across the Middle East, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis.

Islam in itself could be classed as a terrorist group/organisation
Christian convert imprisoned and exiled by Islamic Republic ‘died of heart attack,’” Article 18, February 22, 2024:

" Let The Phoenix Rise "

* I Ran Away Like Cowards *

Gee. And the squad type people rell us they just "resist" so called "occupation "
Iran's Khamenei on Gaza: Islam will overcome 'crooked' Western civilization.
By Jerusalem Post Staff. February 25, 2024
The Iranian regime is a well known state sponsor of terrorist organizations across the Middle East, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis.

The former persians are not lineal descendants of ishmael within hejaz , and sharia of the qurayn for the genetic religion of qurayshism does not apply to them .

The former persians are pathetic , disgraced and humiliated peoples , who were forced to be punks of arabs and the pretentious supremacy of arab cultural hegemony , along with its ridiculous sectarian supremacy of fictional ishmaelism .

The former persians should go fetch their parsi , reclaim the cultural heritage of zoroaster , light the fire temples and send the mushroom hat mullahs back to their arab masters .

The former persians are mostly twelvers who are waiting on the 12th call it fate and lineal descendant of mu ham mad to descend from the sky like jesus on a cloud - mentally retarded - Twelver Shi'ism - Wikipedia .

What do they say about China? China commits genocide on Muslim Uyghurs and purges religious groups. Something isn't adding up here. But Iran is concerned with America? I like that explained.
I will try to help----it is actually simple---the UYGHURS are of no interest to Iran---they are SUNNI MUSLIMS--also, historically, no connection to Iran at
all and, very simply, OF NO USE TO THEM. What is of great use to shiite Iran are the "palestinians" whom the Iranians are delighted to sacrifice in a HOLY
JIHAD against Israel and possession of Jerusalem and Al Aqsa mosque----which would make IRAN UMMAH HERO. Iran is also delighted to sacrifice
the sunni muslims of Yemen----so they have armed the minority HOUTHIS
against Saudi arabia and even world wide trade. Have you ever played
Mericans can imagine themselves to be smart but the Nazi Israelis are not winning , they have internal IDF problems and the economy is shaky .

And now Nazi Israel is detested by the rest of world, save Merica .
And Jews are even less liked -- rightly or wrongly .

The Nutty Yahoo mob needs to be kicked out and arrested .
Hopefully decent Moslems will have it in their hearts to part forgive their oppressors even though the Jewish people have been acting like Nazis .

And even we must try to forgive the Outcasts here who supported Ethnic Cleansing and the targeted killing of women and children . Wretched sinners .
" Clowns Ignoring +1400 Years Of Homicide By Doctrine "

* Cracked Pots Raving For Sectarian Supremacy *

Mericans can imagine themselves to be smart but the Nazi Israelis are not winning , they have internal IDF problems and the economy is shaky .
And now Nazi Israel is detested by the rest of world, save Merica .
And Jews are even less liked -- rightly or wrongly .
The Nutty Yahoo mob needs to be kicked out and arrested .
Hopefully decent Moslems will have it in their hearts to part forgive their oppressors even though the Jewish people have been acting like Nazis .
And even we must try to forgive the Outcasts here who supported Ethnic Cleansing and the targeted killing of women and children . Wretched sinners .
Gee. And the squad type people rell us they just "resist" so called "occupation "

Iran's Khamenei on Gaza: Islam will overcome 'crooked' Western civilization.
By Jerusalem Post Staff. February 25, 2024
The Iranian regime is a well known state sponsor of terrorist organizations across the Middle East, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis.

fundamentalist muslims do not have the support of Allah, if you ask me.
moderates do.

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