Imagine If Our Intel Agencies Targeted More Actual Terrorists Instead Of Conservative Americans


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Imagine If Our Intel Agencies Targeted More Actual Terrorists Instead Of Conservative Americans

Imagine if all those counterterror resources were redirected away from targeting Americans for their political views and aimed at stopping real terrorists.
20 Oct 2023 ~~ By Elle Purnell

The barbaric attack on Israeli civilians over the weekend by Hamas terrorists has left people wondering, as we often do after mass tragedies: How did no one see this coming? As a surprisingly sophisticated, coordinated surprise attack left nearly 1,000 people dead and countless more innocents wounded or kidnapped, anyone can recognize the massive intelligence failure without calling into question who is morally culpable for the invasion. Iran-backed militants attacked civilians from multiple points of entry, hang-gliding into a music festival and dragging the bodies of murdered women through the streets, all effectively livestreamed on the internet.
It wasn’t just an intel failure on Israel’s part — as a close ally with an intelligence presence all over the world, the United States also failed to foresee the attack. A senior U.S. military official admitted to NBC News that “We were not tracking this.” CIA counterterrorism veteran Marc Polymeropoulos told the outlet he was “stunned” that American intel agencies were caught off guard.
There’s another task that’s been keeping America’s so-called “counterterrorism” apparatus busy lately, though. Instead of focusing their efforts on actual terrorists — those abroad and those doubtless infiltrating our porous southern border — the Biden administration has continued, and escalated, the trend of turning our post-9/11 surveillance state against Americans, smearing them as “terrorists” for their political beliefs.
Just last week, Newsweek reported that the FBI is targeting Trump supporters as “domestic terrorists” ahead of the 2024 election. The universal line from the Biden administration is that “domestic terrorism” and its aliases — all of which are used as code for political right-wingers — are the No. 1 threat to national security. The effort to make an example out of Trump supporters who demonstrated at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, is only one of numerous instances in which Democrats within and beyond intelligence agencies are working to equate “domestic terrorism” with their political opponents.
Our intelligence apparatus expends resources on things like telling Big Tech companies which free-thinking Americans’ social media posts to censor, as we discovered via the “Twitter Files” and Missouri v. Biden. It’s actively researching how to most efficiently surveil what you say online. The FBI has been putting its resources to work targeting — and likely “infiltrating” — traditional Catholic congregations, and terrorizing peaceful pro-lifers like Mark Houck, a pastor who was dragged away in a surprise raid at his home in front of his family.
Across the board, we’ve seen the people we elected, and countless bureaucrats we did not, weaponizing supposedly counterterror laws like the Patriot Act against Americans’ First and Fourth Amendment freedoms (at least).
Imagine if those resources were redirected away from targeting ordinary, law-abiding Americans for their political views and aimed at stopping actual terrorists who seek to harm us and our allies. Contrary to the pretense that surveilling Americans as walking national security threats is for our own protection, our world would be a lot safer.

It’s amazing to watch the total transformation of how the public views three letter agencies today.
The weaponized and corrupt agencies, especially the DoJ, FBI and CIA protects the power of white Progressive Socialist 'Elites'.
I'm betting there's a good chance the CIA knew about the planned attack on Israel and kept the information to themselves. They're in touch with the Middle East and dealing with Iran... and they're not incompetent. It's a real possibility.
The only real enemy the DoJ, FBI and CIA sees is anyone looking at their power, reach and funding. In short - traditional Americans.
Yale and Harvard and other Ivy league universities came out in favor of Hamas and of the slaughter and mutilation of unarmed men, women and children. The fig doesn't fall far from the tree.
Look at the state of the world since Biden fraudulently assumed the US and it's obvious the CIA is more like the old KGB/FSB and STASI.
People are now openly saying how corrupt things have become under 10 years of Democrat Socialists of America (aka CPUSA) and those in power could care less what the public thinks.
Wouldn’t it be sweet if the DoJ sent their FBI/STASI after Hamas terrorists.

Imagine If Our Intel Agencies Targeted More Actual Terrorists Instead Of Conservative Americans

Imagine if all those counterterror resources were redirected away from targeting Americans for their political views and aimed at stopping real terrorists.
20 Oct 2023 ~~ By Elle Purnell

The barbaric attack on Israeli civilians over the weekend by Hamas terrorists has left people wondering, as we often do after mass tragedies: How did no one see this coming? As a surprisingly sophisticated, coordinated surprise attack left nearly 1,000 people dead and countless more innocents wounded or kidnapped, anyone can recognize the massive intelligence failure without calling into question who is morally culpable for the invasion. Iran-backed militants attacked civilians from multiple points of entry, hang-gliding into a music festival and dragging the bodies of murdered women through the streets, all effectively livestreamed on the internet.
It wasn’t just an intel failure on Israel’s part — as a close ally with an intelligence presence all over the world, the United States also failed to foresee the attack. A senior U.S. military official admitted to NBC News that “We were not tracking this.” CIA counterterrorism veteran Marc Polymeropoulos told the outlet he was “stunned” that American intel agencies were caught off guard.
There’s another task that’s been keeping America’s so-called “counterterrorism” apparatus busy lately, though. Instead of focusing their efforts on actual terrorists — those abroad and those doubtless infiltrating our porous southern border — the Biden administration has continued, and escalated, the trend of turning our post-9/11 surveillance state against Americans, smearing them as “terrorists” for their political beliefs.
Just last week, Newsweek reported that the FBI is targeting Trump supporters as “domestic terrorists” ahead of the 2024 election. The universal line from the Biden administration is that “domestic terrorism” and its aliases — all of which are used as code for political right-wingers — are the No. 1 threat to national security. The effort to make an example out of Trump supporters who demonstrated at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, is only one of numerous instances in which Democrats within and beyond intelligence agencies are working to equate “domestic terrorism” with their political opponents.
Our intelligence apparatus expends resources on things like telling Big Tech companies which free-thinking Americans’ social media posts to censor, as we discovered via the “Twitter Files” and Missouri v. Biden. It’s actively researching how to most efficiently surveil what you say online. The FBI has been putting its resources to work targeting — and likely “infiltrating” — traditional Catholic congregations, and terrorizing peaceful pro-lifers like Mark Houck, a pastor who was dragged away in a surprise raid at his home in front of his family.
Across the board, we’ve seen the people we elected, and countless bureaucrats we did not, weaponizing supposedly counterterror laws like the Patriot Act against Americans’ First and Fourth Amendment freedoms (at least).
Imagine if those resources were redirected away from targeting ordinary, law-abiding Americans for their political views and aimed at stopping actual terrorists who seek to harm us and our allies. Contrary to the pretense that surveilling Americans as walking national security threats is for our own protection, our world would be a lot safer.

It’s amazing to watch the total transformation of how the public views three letter agencies today.
The weaponized and corrupt agencies, especially the DoJ, FBI and CIA protects the power of white Progressive Socialist 'Elites'.
I'm betting there's a good chance the CIA knew about the planned attack on Israel and kept the information to themselves. They're in touch with the Middle East and dealing with Iran... and they're not incompetent. It's a real possibility.
The only real enemy the DoJ, FBI and CIA sees is anyone looking at their power, reach and funding. In short - traditional Americans.
Yale and Harvard and other Ivy league universities came out in favor of Hamas and of the slaughter and mutilation of unarmed men, women and children. The fig doesn't fall far from the tree.
Look at the state of the world since Biden fraudulently assumed the US and it's obvious the CIA is more like the old KGB/FSB and STASI.
People are now openly saying how corrupt things have become under 10 years of Democrat Socialists of America (aka CPUSA) and those in power could care less what the public thinks.
Wouldn’t it be sweet if the DoJ sent their FBI/STASI after Hamas terrorists.

But it sure would be nice if they did what they were supposed to do instead of interfering with elections and political

garbage. That's really not in their job description.
Here's the deal with this 'Conservative' domestic terrorism: It's their recent track record.

It is the uber-Conservative, "nut-job" component of Republicans/Tea Party/MAGA/QAnon that have perpetrated the offenses that brings the FBI/DOJ and other authorities into the picture.

I mean by that ----it was NOT ANTIFA or Democrats that attacked our elected representatives on J6. It is not Democrats who disrupt school board meetings with threats of physical harm to Board members. It wasn't Liberals who planned to kidnap and execute Michigan's Governor Whitmer. And we've seen several of the 'mass' shooters...schools, groceries, workplaces......that had a history of social media postings indicating uber-conservative views, or outright racial/political animosity. It is notably....and alarmingly ..... advocates of conservative views, of MAGA/Trump views who have been arrested for threatening and harrasing poll workers, jurors, judges, and others who have had some role in actions that attempt to hold Don Trump accountable. It ain't Libs/Progressives/Dems or Independents who threatened Ruby Freeman and any number of other mere 'workers' in the 2000 elections.

I personally...(and my avatar too ;) )....WANT the authorities to investigate, and where justified, charge and prosecute any nutjob that threatens a School Board member over a library book policy; or menaces some retired teacher who works the Election Day polling station; or serves on a jury that has been empaneled to hear charges against Don Trump or his acolytes.

THAT is how we have election integrity. Keep the bullies and nutjobs from menacing sincere hard-working well-meaning citizens.

I do not mean to imply that all MAGA advocates, or Trump fans, or QAnon adherents, or Jim Jones/Jim Hoft followers are dangerous. That is ridiculous. However, there is a noticeable strain of excessive partisanship that runs strongly and prominently in the uber-Conservative mindset.....ala' authoritarianism, absolutism, grievance-ridden anger. And those few players within that strain cause alarm to patriotic Americans, and clearly now----to our authorities.

And that is as it should be.


Imagine If Our Intel Agencies Targeted More Actual Terrorists Instead Of Conservative Americans

Imagine if all those counterterror resources were redirected away from targeting Americans for their political views and aimed at stopping real terrorists.
20 Oct 2023 ~~ By Elle Purnell

The barbaric attack on Israeli civilians over the weekend by Hamas terrorists has left people wondering, as we often do after mass tragedies: How did no one see this coming? As a surprisingly sophisticated, coordinated surprise attack left nearly 1,000 people dead and countless more innocents wounded or kidnapped, anyone can recognize the massive intelligence failure without calling into question who is morally culpable for the invasion. Iran-backed militants attacked civilians from multiple points of entry, hang-gliding into a music festival and dragging the bodies of murdered women through the streets, all effectively livestreamed on the internet.
It wasn’t just an intel failure on Israel’s part — as a close ally with an intelligence presence all over the world, the United States also failed to foresee the attack. A senior U.S. military official admitted to NBC News that “We were not tracking this.” CIA counterterrorism veteran Marc Polymeropoulos told the outlet he was “stunned” that American intel agencies were caught off guard.
There’s another task that’s been keeping America’s so-called “counterterrorism” apparatus busy lately, though. Instead of focusing their efforts on actual terrorists — those abroad and those doubtless infiltrating our porous southern border — the Biden administration has continued, and escalated, the trend of turning our post-9/11 surveillance state against Americans, smearing them as “terrorists” for their political beliefs.
Just last week, Newsweek reported that the FBI is targeting Trump supporters as “domestic terrorists” ahead of the 2024 election. The universal line from the Biden administration is that “domestic terrorism” and its aliases — all of which are used as code for political right-wingers — are the No. 1 threat to national security. The effort to make an example out of Trump supporters who demonstrated at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, is only one of numerous instances in which Democrats within and beyond intelligence agencies are working to equate “domestic terrorism” with their political opponents.
Our intelligence apparatus expends resources on things like telling Big Tech companies which free-thinking Americans’ social media posts to censor, as we discovered via the “Twitter Files” and Missouri v. Biden. It’s actively researching how to most efficiently surveil what you say online. The FBI has been putting its resources to work targeting — and likely “infiltrating” — traditional Catholic congregations, and terrorizing peaceful pro-lifers like Mark Houck, a pastor who was dragged away in a surprise raid at his home in front of his family.
Across the board, we’ve seen the people we elected, and countless bureaucrats we did not, weaponizing supposedly counterterror laws like the Patriot Act against Americans’ First and Fourth Amendment freedoms (at least).
Imagine if those resources were redirected away from targeting ordinary, law-abiding Americans for their political views and aimed at stopping actual terrorists who seek to harm us and our allies. Contrary to the pretense that surveilling Americans as walking national security threats is for our own protection, our world would be a lot safer.

It’s amazing to watch the total transformation of how the public views three letter agencies today.
The weaponized and corrupt agencies, especially the DoJ, FBI and CIA protects the power of white Progressive Socialist 'Elites'.
I'm betting there's a good chance the CIA knew about the planned attack on Israel and kept the information to themselves. They're in touch with the Middle East and dealing with Iran... and they're not incompetent. It's a real possibility.
The only real enemy the DoJ, FBI and CIA sees is anyone looking at their power, reach and funding. In short - traditional Americans.
Yale and Harvard and other Ivy league universities came out in favor of Hamas and of the slaughter and mutilation of unarmed men, women and children. The fig doesn't fall far from the tree.
Look at the state of the world since Biden fraudulently assumed the US and it's obvious the CIA is more like the old KGB/FSB and STASI.
People are now openly saying how corrupt things have become under 10 years of Democrat Socialists of America (aka CPUSA) and those in power could care less what the public thinks.
Wouldn’t it be sweet if the DoJ sent their FBI/STASI after Hamas terrorists.
It would be sweeter if you guys stopped plotting to kidnap governors, stage insurrections, stopped mowing down people because they are dark skinned, and stopped mailing bombs to people.
I do not mean to imply that all MAGA advocates, or Trump fans, or QAnon adherents, or Jim Jones/Jim Hoft followers are dangerous. That is ridiculous. However, there is a noticeable strain of excessive partisanship that runs strongly and prominently in the uber-Conservative mindset.....ala' authoritarianism, absolutism, grievance-ridden anger. And those few players within that strain cause alarm to patriotic Americans, and clearly now----to our authorities.
Those that don’t fully embrace the theories of the above have no problem breaking bread with those who do. So at the end of the day...they are one and the same.
It would be sweeter if you guys stopped plotting to kidnap governors, stage insurrections, stopped mowing down people because they are dark skinned, and stopped mailing bombs to people.
You stand by FEDSURRECTION set ups and ignore the BLACK fucker that MOWED DOWN white people in a Christmas parade.
You really want to go down that rabbit hole of hypocrisy?
You stand by FEDSURRECTION set ups
I know you guys are gullible and simple minded but you were forced to trash the capitol?
and ignore the BLACK fucker that MOWED DOWN white people in a Christmas parade.
I don’t ignore it at all. He wasn’t at a Unite the Right rally when he did it. He was a massively fucked-in-the-head lowlife who deserves to rot in prison.
You really want to go down that rabbit hole of hypocrisy?
Sure lets do it!
I know you guys are gullible and simple minded but you were forced to trash the capitol?

I don’t ignore it at all. He wasn’t at a Unite the Right rally when he did it. He was a massively fucked-in-the-head lowlife who deserves to rot in prison.

Sure lets do it!
Your boy Ray Epps directed a lot of people to go INTO the Capitol.
Trump said to only MARCH PEACEFULLY.
YOUR power hungry FEDS are holding POLITICAL PRISONERS like the Marxist assholes that they love to emulate.
And they scrambled your eggs a long time ago.......
Your boy Ray Epps directed a lot of people to go INTO the Capitol.
Not my “boy”; he looks to be a MAGA insurrectionist...
Trump said to only MARCH PEACEFULLY.
Right after he told them to “fight like hell”.
YOUR power hungry FEDS are holding POLITICAL PRISONERS like the Marxist assholes that they love to emulate.
Can you name some of them? Because everyone in jail has received a trial or plead guilty. A few had their charges dismissed. Just like every other proceedings in court.
Not my “boy”; he looks to be a MAGA insurrectionist...

Right after he told them to “fight like hell”.

Can you name some of them? Because everyone in jail has received a trial or plead guilty. A few had their charges dismissed. Just like every other proceedings in court.
The same courts that REFUSED to hear ANY evidence of YOUR stolen election.
The cases were thrown out based on zero evidence.

Can you explain how the GOP picked up seats in the House (including Michigan) if the elections were “stolen”?
"No standing" was all the rage, eh!
It's amazing how the courts also ignored the FISA abuse that Obama had used to spy on candidate Trump. Peter Stroke smirk face needs his face punched in! :evil:
Your boy Ray Epps directed a lot of people to go INTO the Capitol.
Trump said to only MARCH PEACEFULLY.

YOUR power hungry FEDS are holding POLITICAL PRISONERS like the Marxist assholes that they love to emulate.

Well, first, Sea7, I don't know Ray Epps. Never met him. Never heard of him until the J6 investigations. So, to claim he is mine, is silly and juvenile.
But, I have seen video clips of Epps urging angry MAGA-hatted nutjobs to go into the Capitol. And now, I believe I read, he was charged and is being held accountable by the authorities for that.
But to add context, or a comparative, so to speak.....of Ray Epps words and urgings vs. Don Trump's words and urgings....well, look at it this way:

Would there have been an attack on our elected Represemy ntatives if Ray Epps was not even in DC that day?

vs. Would there have an attack on our Representatives if Don Trump hadn't said what he said?

Don Trump was the determinative component......not Ray Epps.

And then this rather histrionic charge that my "Feds" are holding political prisoners. Well, amigo, you gotta flesh that out a bit more. You have already started out on a wrong foot by attempting to hold me accountable for whatever some Federal authority has decided, and then made your throwaway description of "political prisoners".

Look, my friend, I understand you may have some unresolved grievances in your life that the American federal government may or may not be involved, but......but if you are gonna make unsubstantiated charge against or the Federal government.......well, you gotta cowboy-up and substantiate 'em.

Vet 'em. Back 'em up. Prove 'em. Explain 'em.

Those are adult rules for adult discourse.
So, poster SeaMajor7, show or go.
"No standing" was all the rage, eh!
Not sure. There was zero evidence of massive voter fraud taking place though.
It's amazing how the courts also ignored the FISA abuse that Obama had used to spy on candidate Trump. Peter Stroke smirk face needs his face punched in! :evil:
Obama wasn’t running in 2020.

But you recommending violence is quite appropriate. Its what losers do.

Now tell us how the GOP gained seats during a “stolen” election. Would you please?
We can walk and chew gum
Dragging Christians out of homes and churches is about as evil as can be. And the man who did it when brought up to him at a hearing got indignant saying that he had family members killed in the Holocaust. That in itself should have tempered him. We all know the Patriot Act and Homeland Security is just full of respect for citizens.

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