I'm Really Starting to Worry About The Upcoming Election

You also realize that dem voters *generally * show up for primaries more so than republicans, right?

Nope I didn't and generally speaking that's probably true, but Republicans also know that Trump needs/needed the nomination if he could win the election so there were probably more Republicans than usual this year.
I was just looking at the overall results from the primaries. There is absolutely no legit reason for it but it appears that Biden is ahead.

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Bub...now YouTube is saying all these reps that are retiring early were planned by Kevin McCarthy, as revenge for being voted out. And also, ordered by his high $$ backers, so the dems can take control of Congress. Once they do that, they can put Hakeem Jeffries in control and then vote to take Trump off the ballot.

Bub...irrespective of the dems running America into the ground. If the dems succeed with this scheme, will you agree that the dems deserve and have earned the right to run America?

Bub...I'm not rooting for the commie dems. I'm just saying...if this comes to pass, it proves that the dems are so well organized, so strong and so highly financed that the normally useless reps are as useless as useless can be to save America or even save the smallest, miniscule smidgeon of America as founded.

Now...before you blissninnys that are drunk on the Black Rifle Coffee poo-poo me, let's look at the facts and not the hopium.

Pretend you are an accountant. I'm not an accountant, but the proverbial writing is on the wall for any honest thinking person to see.

Let's take an accounting of what the dems control...


All the major newspapers...and many smaller papers.

High Tech

Social Media



Major League Sports

Popular Culture

Giant Corporations

Big City Governors

Big City D.A.'s

Big City Mayors

They own the public schools from Kindergarten to Grade, Middle & High School.

Higher Education, Colleges and Universities.

All branches of the US Military.




ATF and the rest of the alphabet agencies.

Plus, they own half of America's vote.

Bub...harken back to the Mondale era. He carried MN and DC, that is it. Now see what states the commie dems carry. The citizens aka 'the vote' were our last line of defense, once the government, courts and military have failed us. You know, in the last 12 presidential elections, a rep has NEVER won DC. A rep has never got more than 16.5% of the vote for DC. And recent presidential races are in the 4% - 7% area for the rep candidate. Does that tell you anything?

Better start coming up with a 'Plan B' to save something of America. Reps have no hope or plan to save America. No god/s to save us bissninny's. It is all lies that are used to control you and give you hope. Heaven and hell is what humans make it to be right on earth.

...you know I never lie to you!

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the DNC isn't going to let its idiot supporters determine who will be its nominee. That will be announced at the convention, and it won't be Biden.
I sure hope you're right and it seems like it would be, but why is Biden so far ahead in delegates right now? Especially because they can't possibly be legit. Even democrats are getting fed up with him.
My worst fears is that overturning Roe v. Wade is going to come back and bite us in the butt.

On the flip side, Dems are known for fake polls.
It's really starting to shape up for Trump to defeat FJB in a cakewalk.

Actually. No.

Nikki would have mopped the floor with Biden. Trump is too close to call. And it is only getting worse for Trump.

The battleground states both candidates are within a few points and neither has broken 50%.

More polling keeps showing this trend. And thanks to his “success” in getting Roe overturned he has a real problem. Roughly speaking 60% of the people support Abortion Rights. And with it being on the ballot in several states it will be a massive issue.

Trump can’t campaign on his success because a majority don’t support his success. He can’t promise to ban it nationally. He will have to swear on a stack of his signature bibles that he will never sign legislation banning the practice at the Federal Level.

Who sees the problem with that? I see a few hands. That’s right. Trump’s supporters will be furious. And his opponents won’t believe him anyway. It probably won’t pick up enough votes to offset those he alienates.

Then there are the court cases. And those are no help.

The poll questions and answers are there. Biden is barely more popular than Herpes. But Trump is only a hair more popular than that. As bad as Biden is doing any Candidate should be well into the lead running against him.

The poll shows Trump screwed up again. He should have gotten those cases out of the way. It is probable that the people would have forgotten. But now it is heading into full campaign season. And the delaying tactics succeeded in delaying the cases just enough to insure that he has to deal with it in the middle of the campaign.

More unforced errors from Trump.
I was just looking at the overall results from the primaries. There is absolutely no legit reason for it but it appears that Biden is ahead.

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The total number of nominating delegates for the DNC and the GOP are different.

Republican delegate rules, 2024​

". . . In 2024, there are an estimated 2,429 delegates: 2,325 pledged delegates and 104 unpledged delegates.

To win the Republican nomination, a presidential candidate must receive support from a majority of delegates—an estimated 1,215 delegates.[1]

Click here to learn more about 2020 Republican Party delegate rules by state.. . . "

Democratic delegate rules, 2024​

". . . In 2024, there are an estimated 4,672 delegates: 3,933 pledged delegates and 739 automatic delegates—more commonly known as superdelegates.[1][2]

To win the Democratic nomination, a presidential candidate needs to receive support from a majority of the pledged delegates on the first ballot: an estimated 1,968 pledged delegates.[3][1][2]. . . "
Biden somehow got 81,283.501 votes in 2020.....
Trump got 74,283.501 votes in 2020....
Biden will need at least that amount to win again and he will need to win all of the swing states...
I don't see that happening....
Biden somehow got 81,283.501 votes in 2020.....
Trump got 74,283.501 votes in 2020....
Biden will need at least that amount to win again and he will need to win all of the swing states...
I don't see that happening....
Meh....it shouldn't have happened the first time but it did. A Dem will sit on the ground and take a piss shower from Dem politicians standing round with zippers down and hoses out....then get up and go right to the polling station and vote for more.
Even in the Trump era?
Trump only gets my vote because both corrupt parties hate him. Otherwise, he was nothing special and couldn't stop the spending spree.

Even if he wins, it's just going to be another four years of Congress stop gap spending and we will still be deeper into the hole. Along with the fact he will be blocked every step of the way on any agenda.
But if he wins...the memes are going to be epic.
Biden is just simply Biden, and still a definite NO. Just no.

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