If you have a pre-existing condition and ins at work, you had best get


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
learn to eat crow at your job. :lol: So many thought Trump would make healthcare better, you lose. I hope this goes through quickly , it will be wonderful for the 2018 elections. :lol: There is a song about you don't know what you have till its gone.

The Justice Department wrote in a filing Friday that it would not defend ObamaCare's protections for people with pre-existing conditions, siding in large part with a challenge to the law brought by a coalition of Republican-led states.

The states, and the Justice Department, argue that Congress's repeal of the tax penalty associated with ObamaCare's individual mandate makes the law's protections for people with pre-existing conditions unconstitutional.

House Dems demand answers from HHS on DOJ's ObamaCare decision

Forcing people to purchase a product from a private business or be taxed should be illegal.



Forcing people to purchase a product from a private business or be taxed should be illegal.



Get a job and if you don't want to pay your share for ins, talk to them not me.
This is about pre-existing conditions, not the mandate.

So you don't like to pay taxes, good I don't either, let all congressmen and the military go without pay, that goes for state workers too. We can live like the stone age people.
I always buy car insurance after the crash ... I save a fortune.

I always buy car insurance after the crash ... I save a fortune.


I always buy home insurance after my home burns down, I save a fortune. When they mandated the ACA, they should of made a stipulation, no Medicaid, ACA or ins, NO ER.
learn to eat crow at your job. :lol: So many thought Trump would make healthcare better, you lose. I hope this goes through quickly , it will be wonderful for the 2018 elections. :lol: There is a song about you don't know what you have till its gone.

The Justice Department wrote in a filing Friday that it would not defend ObamaCare's protections for people with pre-existing conditions, siding in large part with a challenge to the law brought by a coalition of Republican-led states.

The states, and the Justice Department, argue that Congress's repeal of the tax penalty associated with ObamaCare's individual mandate makes the law's protections for people with pre-existing conditions unconstitutional.

House Dems demand answers from HHS on DOJ's ObamaCare decision
/----/ I bought a used car with pre existing body damage and now my lousy, stinking, evil, greedy insurance company refuses to repair the car. Time for single payer car insurance. Bummer.
I always buy car insurance after the crash ... I save a fortune.


I always buy home insurance after my home burns down, I save a fortune. When they mandated the ACA, they should of made a stipulation, no Medicaid, ACA or ins, NO ER.

EMTALA? Come on. You don't give a shit about the cost-shifting of that law. If you did, you'd fight to have it repealed. You love the cost shifting. That's what ACA is all about. So stow the fake arguments.
/----/ I bought a used car with pre existing body damage and now my lousy, stinking, evil, greedy insurance company refuses to repair the car. Time for single payer car insurance. Bummer.

Only a complete idiot compares health to a car...

Only delusional morons think insurance can magically become something it isn't by government mandate.

Forcing people to purchase a product from a private business or be taxed should be illegal.



Get a job and if you don't want to pay your share for ins, talk to them not me.
This is about pre-existing conditions, not the mandate.

So you don't like to pay taxes, good I don't either, let all congressmen and the military go without pay, that goes for state workers too. We can live like the stone age people.


I have a business also so you should be forced to either purchase from me or pay a tax to the government that way I can afford the outrageous insurance costs you're demanding I pay.

If healthcare is so important to you then nationalize the damn health care industry and put all the employees on the military/government pay scale.


/----/ I bought a used car with pre existing body damage and now my lousy, stinking, evil, greedy insurance company refuses to repair the car. Time for single payer car insurance. Bummer.

Only a complete idiot compares health to a car...

Only delusional morons think insurance can magically become something it isn't by government mandate.

Forcing people to purchase a product from a private business or be taxed should be illegal.



Why do have to purchase car insurance then. WHere were you on that? Go to jail and get fined for that!

/——/ The insurance you have to buy is liability for those you may injure. The Comprehensive is what you’re required to have if you lease or have a car loan. Once you own the car outright you can drop the comprehensive. You really need to get some life experience.

Forcing people to purchase a product from a private business or be taxed should be illegal.



Why do have to purchase car insurance then. WHere were you on that? Go to jail and get fined for that!


We don't licence people to live.



It is being forced by law to purchase, justy like health care. Either you should not be forced by law to make a purchase or not.
/----/ I bought a used car with pre existing body damage and now my lousy, stinking, evil, greedy insurance company refuses to repair the car. Time for single payer car insurance. Bummer.

Only a complete idiot compares health to a car...

Only delusional morons think insurance can magically become something it isn't by government mandate.

Forcing people to purchase a product from a private business or be taxed should be illegal.



Why do have to purchase car insurance then. WHere were you on that? Go to jail and get fined for that!

/——/ The insurance you have to buy is liability for those you may injure. The Comprehensive is what you’re required to have if you lease or have a car loan. Once you own the car outright you can drop the comprehensive. You really need to get some life experience.

Either way still forced by law to purchase. Is it wrong or not!

Forcing people to purchase a product from a private business or be taxed should be illegal.



Why do have to purchase car insurance then. WHere were you on that? Go to jail and get fined for that!


We don't licence people to live.



It is being forced by law to purchase, justy like health care. Either you should not be forced by law to make a purchase or not.


Then let's force everyone to purchase car insurance also or be fined/taxed by the government so the cost is driven down. After all there's always that possibility that the person who doesn't own a car may need to drive.



Forcing people to purchase a product from a private business or be taxed should be illegal.



Why do have to purchase car insurance then. WHere were you on that? Go to jail and get fined for that!


We don't licence people to live.



It is being forced by law to purchase, justy like health care. Either you should not be forced by law to make a purchase or not.


Then let's force everyone to purchase car insurance also or be fined/taxed by the government so the cost is driven down. After all there's always that possibility that the person who doesn't own a car may need to drive.



Simple question is being forced to buy wrong or not. I guess it is only wrong when you say it is!

Forcing people to purchase a product from a private business or be taxed should be illegal.



Why do have to purchase car insurance then. WHere were you on that? Go to jail and get fined for that!


We don't licence people to live.



It is being forced by law to purchase, justy like health care. Either you should not be forced by law to make a purchase or not.


Then let's force everyone to purchase car insurance also or be fined/taxed by the government so the cost is driven down. After all there's always that possibility that the person who doesn't own a car may need to drive.



Simple question is being forced to buy wrong or not. I guess it is only wrong when you say it is!


Being forced to do anything is always wrong. However...

No one's forcing you to purchase car insurance unless you purchase a car.

Are we now forcing people to purchase a license to live?


Why do have to purchase car insurance then. WHere were you on that? Go to jail and get fined for that!


We don't licence people to live.



It is being forced by law to purchase, justy like health care. Either you should not be forced by law to make a purchase or not.


Then let's force everyone to purchase car insurance also or be fined/taxed by the government so the cost is driven down. After all there's always that possibility that the person who doesn't own a car may need to drive.



Simple question is being forced to buy wrong or not. I guess it is only wrong when you say it is!


Being forced to do anything is always wrong. However...

No one's forcing you to purchase car insurance unless you purchase a car.

Are we now forcing people to purchase a license to live?



I get it my kid has no car so he does not have to purchase insurance! Oh ya, he does not have to purchase health insurance either I pay for it. I agree with you being forced is wrong. On both counts!

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