If a mother killing her own unborn child isn't wrong, then really, is anything wrong?

There is a human life in the womb. Do you fail to understand that?
So, do you celebrate your birthday or some date 9 months or so before that? If not, why not?

Here comes some cockamamie explanation on why he doesn’t observe birthdays...thus making him more out of step with societal norms and, you know, regular humans.
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It certainly does make sense, if it will kill the mother, without intervention. Her life should be forfeit, simply because a pregnancy went bad? If it was your daughter, you would want her to live. Or are you saying she should live, but go to jail if caught by the state, trying to escape, to someplace she did not have to die for you and your one size fits all law?
So, do you celebrate your birthday or some date 9 months or so before that? If not, why not?

Here comes some cockamamie explanation on why he doesn’t observe birthdays...thus making him more out of step with societal norms and, you know, regular humans.
so you believe he just appeared?
so you believe he just appeared?
No...don’t be stupid.

Just want to see if he walks the walk. If you really believe life begins a conception; your birthday (as we know it) is irrelevant.

It is important because since the census counts the number of people, every pregnant woman has to be counted twice (at least).

And since most of the women who are pregnant today have brown and black skin...its a pretty safe bet that urban districts will pick up about a dozen or so seats in Congress.


I mean, think about it (I know it’s hard for you do that but try). For every 1.8 white kids being born, 4.5 black and Hispanic kids are being born. Then there are the Asians who have a very high rate of attaining higher education--great news for Americans; bad news for MAGA.

I hope we start counting fetuses as humans with the next census...lots more reps from actual cities, lots fewer reps from no-wheres-ville.
No...don’t be stupid.

Just want to see if he walks the walk. If you really believe life begins a conception; your birthday (as we know it) is irrelevant.

It is important because since the census counts the number of people, every pregnant woman has to be counted twice (at least).

And since most of the women who are pregnant today have brown and black skin...its a pretty safe bet that urban districts will pick up about a dozen or so seats in Congress.

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I mean, think about it (I know it’s hard for you do that but try). For every 1.8 white kids being born, 4.5 black and Hispanic kids are being born.
Blacks are 13% if the population in the USA. So how you figure?
I hope we start counting fetuses as humans with the next census...lots more reps from actual cities, lots fewer reps from no-wheres-ville.
Well if women would stop killing them more would get counted
Nope. I really hate busybody statists twats who want to tell other people how to live.
Can't tell if that was a dig at yourself tellling us how to live

"Have women profited from abortion legality? Someone has profited, but not the woman who undergoes an abortion. The abortion industry makes about $500 million per year, and the sale of unborn children’s parts could push that figure into the billions. The average woman does not gain, but loses, when she has an abortion. She loses first the hundreds of dollars cash she must pay to receive the surgery. Second, she must undergo a humiliating procedure, an invasion deeper than rape, as the interior of her uterus is crudely vacuumed to remove every scrap of life. Some women will be haunted by the sound of that vacuum the rest of their lives."
Well Blackrook and other conservatives want to see if the baby is white or black. If they are white, they should be adopted. If they are black or brown they see it as “poisoning” the blood of the “real” Americans.
See, we aren’t for trying to kill off a race like you
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fwiw, you're talking with someone who's partaken in live births, and seen a few that didn't make it.......

I've seen first hand what a woman's body goes through , and quite frankly it's a rather phenomenal feat , perhaps some of you guys might try pulling your bottom lip over your head for starters

but i digress, out here in the sticks none have $$$, so they still do home births

yes i know that's the way it was forever, but they do without , and so do the babies

this doesn't take a world of imagination

Certain issues, like abortion, represent a clear-cut moral issue.

If politicians and judges get it wrong, it is up to us, the American people to make them understand.

We haven't faced a crisis like this since the days of legalized slavery.

There will always be those who will excuse evil in the name of expedience.

Planned parenthood is mostly responsible for abortion as it is today. Don't forget their internal memo laying out their plans.


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