Zone1 I am prepared to call Catholicism a cult


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Based on the Pontiff cult of personality that defies scripture.

The Pope preaches the gospel of Climate change now.

First he calls climate deniers "stupid". Ever hear Jesus call someone stupid? No? Neither have I. Then he shifts gears and go after scientists who challenge the Climate cult teachings as being perverse, unlike gay marriage. Then he calls the lot of them fools.

Trouble with calling someone a fool is, the Bible warns us on using the word as it only uses the term for those who deny God's existence.

Matthew 5:22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca,’ is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.

The Pontiff is the Jim Jones of Catholicism. He wants us all to drink the cool air of Climate change and starve to death as farmers around the world are told not to grow as much food in order to reduce carbon emissions due to fertilizers, as the world starves and deals with higher inflation due to food shortages..
By my definition, a cult is following a cult of personality or group of people and not God. And since the Pontiff has zero charisma in my view, it is just people blindly following a group of people with a heretic as it's leader
The Pontiff is the Jim Jones of Catholicism. He wants us all to drink the cool air of Climate change and starve to death as farmers around the world are told not to grow as much food in order to reduce carbon emissions due to fertilizers, as the world starves and deals with higher inflation due to food shortages..
Catholics follow Christ, not the Pope. My advice to the present Pope is that he should take note of how things turned out when Annas and Caiaphas began mixing politics with religion.
Catholics follow Christ, not the Pope. My advice to the present Pope is that he should take note of how things turned out when Annas and Caiaphas began mixing politics with religion.
He is the leader of your church.

Get rid of him, or continue to be called a cult.

It would be akin to the followers of Jim Jones to remain in the church and turn a blind eye.

Either return to preaching the gospel or turn the Vatican into a Vap shop.

Any Martin Luthers out there?
Popeye Francis is the best thing to happen to the Christian Cultists .

Now they have a P3 Masonic Pope who is a Luciferian
He is the leader of your church.

Get rid of him, or continue to be called a cult.

It would be akin to the followers of Jim Jones to remain in the church and turn a blind eye.

Either return to preaching the gospel or turn the Vatican into a Vap shop.

Any Martin Luthers out there?
How does one get rid of a pope?

he's prepared to call the RCC a cult

I'm glad Votto is not my JUDGE

He doesn't even know what Catholicism is, so yeh... Nonetheless, he can say it is a cult which means Catholics go to Hell..

On the other hand, some of us have actually studied Church history, begun by



Based on the Pontiff cult of personality that defies scripture.

The Pope preaches the gospel of Climate change now.

First he calls climate deniers "stupid". Ever hear Jesus call someone stupid? No? Neither have I. Then he shifts gears and go after scientists who challenge the Climate cult teachings as being perverse, unlike gay marriage. Then he calls the lot of them fools.

Trouble with calling someone a fool is, the Bible warns us on using the word as it only uses the term for those who deny God's existence.

Matthew 5:22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca,’ is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.

The Pontiff is the Jim Jones of Catholicism. He wants us all to drink the cool air of Climate change and starve to death as farmers around the world are told not to grow as much food in order to reduce carbon emissions due to fertilizers, as the world starves and deals with higher inflation due to food shortages..
Good for you.

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