How far do BLM/Woke people want to take things?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
A small percentage of Americans are complaining about racism against blacks when we live in a country where universities, companies, the Oscars and sports organizations have racial hiring quotas where they must hire some number of black folks. Cancel culture removing movies or certain products from the grocery store that are deemed to be “racist” against blacks.

Major celebrities or comedians getting canceled for making a perceived racist comment from 30 years ago. Nobody wants to see this happen except for fanatical pro BLM people. Including BLM leaders who make millions of dollars off of their antics.

Not to mention a media that glorifies talking about the extremely rare instance of a white cop shooting a black. Make the white cop look out to be a racist even though in pretty much everyone of the national cases of a white cop killing a black victim the white cop was perhaps justified. I mean you would think according to the far left narrative that every day in this country blacks are hung from trees randomly. Couldn’t be any further from that though.

It’s all coinciding with a terrible economy. Out of control of crime.

When is it going to stop? When will it be enough for this tiny percentage of pro BLM people? . Obviously the BLM narrative is 100% wrong. America is not uniquely Evil, Black people in Africa Also owned slaves.

It’s blatantly obvious that pro blm people don’t care about history, they don’t care about equality they just want power and money at the expense of the equality. I’m sure for them reparations isn’t even enough. So again when will it stop for these types of people ?

Wokeness has gone on for too long and it is going to cost Democrats big-time in 2024. Though there is something Democrats might have up their pocket, cheating.

I’m thankful that the countries population is coming together. Wokeness is on the way out , equality is prevailing.

The next step is to have major companies, television networks, sports organizations, and universities, reject the BLM narratives and embrace equality and meritocracy.
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This doesn't end or even improve until both ends of the issue start being honest and begin holding their own side accountable.

(This is where both ends say "Accountable for what! We're not doing anything wrong! It's all the other guys!")
So you probably need to be more specific
A small percentage of Americans are complaining about racism against blacks when we live in a country where universities, companies, the Oscars and sports organizations have racial hiring quotas where they must hire some number of black folks. Cancel culture removing movies or certain products from the grocery store that are deemed to be “racist” against blacks.

Major celebrities or comedians getting canceled for making a perceived racist comment from 30 years ago. Nobody wants to see this happen except for fanatical pro BLM people. Including BLM leaders who make millions of dollars off of their antics.

Not to mention a media that glorifies talking about the extremely rare instance of a white cop shooting a black. Make the white cop look out to be a racist even though in pretty much everyone of the national cases of a white cop killing a black victim the white cop was perhaps justified. I mean you would think according to the far left narrative that every day in this country blacks are hung from trees randomly. Couldn’t be any further from that though.

It’s all coinciding with a terrible economy. Out of control of crime.

When is it going to stop? When will it be enough for this tiny percentage of pro BLM people? . Obviously the BLM narrative is 100% wrong. America is not uniquely Evil, Black people in Africa Also owned slaves.

It’s blatantly obvious that pro blm people don’t care about history, they don’t care about equality they just want power and money at the expense of the equality. I’m sure for them reparations isn’t even enough. So again when will it stop for these types of people ?

Wokeness has gone on for too long and it is going to cost Democrats big-time in 2024. Though there is something Democrats might have up their pocket, cheating.

I’m thankful that the countries population is coming together. Wokeness is on the way out , equality is prevailing.

The next step is to have major companies, television networks, sports organizations, and universities, reject the BLM narratives and embrace equality and meritocracy.

How far will they go? BLM will go as far as it takes until someone gives them some money.

That's what most bums do until you tell them to fuck off.
It’s basically the far left I’m talking about., Woke people, pro BLM people, pro-antifa folks.
I assume they are all in jail for overthrowing an election ... oh wait, that's almost all members of the government propaganda media (PBS, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX(Yep), MSNBC, CNN, etc ... Only old ladies that farted near washington DC (Dick *****) are subjected to that I guess.
More money and political and social clout the more Black racism and Americas slave and Jim Crow history are discussed and perpetuated by the BLM and other shake-down organizations. You never hear these people celebrate the progress US has made over the last 50 years. These people would rather relive slavery anecdotes of their distant ancestors as opposed to ending slavery of Black children in Africa mining for cobalt for weathy liberal elites’ electric vehicles. Oh, and the BLM organization’s reality position on the concept of “black lives matter” is that they would rather ignore the heavy weekly statistics of Blacks killing Blacks and choose to focus on the statistically rare instance of a white cop shooting a black criminal.
I assume they are all in jail for overthrowing an election ... oh wait, that's almost all members of the government propaganda media (PBS, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX(Yep), MSNBC, CNN, etc ... Only old ladies that farted near washington DC (Dick *****) are subjected to that I guess.
I can't say *****?
More money and political and social clout the more Black racism and Americas slave and Jim Crow history are discussed and perpetuated by the BLM and other shake-down organizations. You never hear these people celebrate the progress US has made over the last 50 years. These people would rather relive slavery anecdotes of their distant ancestors as opposed to ending slavery of Black children in Africa mining for cobalt for weathy liberal elites’ electric vehicles. Oh, and the BLM organization’s reality position on the concept of “black lives matter” is that they would rather ignore the heavy weekly statistics of Blacks killing Blacks and choose to focus on the statistically rare instance of a white cop shooting a black criminal.

The way the BLM-supporters and the left talks about racism, slavery, and the Klan, I think they miss those days or something. There wouldn't be any perceived "racism" in this country if they'd quit reminiscing about it.
A small percentage of Americans are complaining about racism against blacks when we live in a country where universities, companies, the Oscars and sports organizations have racial hiring quotas where they must hire some number of black folks. Cancel culture removing movies or certain products from the grocery store that are deemed to be “racist” against blacks.

Major celebrities or comedians getting canceled for making a perceived racist comment from 30 years ago. Nobody wants to see this happen except for fanatical pro BLM people. Including BLM leaders who make millions of dollars off of their antics.

Not to mention a media that glorifies talking about the extremely rare instance of a white cop shooting a black. Make the white cop look out to be a racist even though in pretty much everyone of the national cases of a white cop killing a black victim the white cop was perhaps justified. I mean you would think according to the far left narrative that every day in this country blacks are hung from trees randomly. Couldn’t be any further from that though.

It’s all coinciding with a terrible economy. Out of control of crime.

When is it going to stop? When will it be enough for this tiny percentage of pro BLM people? . Obviously the BLM narrative is 100% wrong. America is not uniquely Evil, Black people in Africa Also owned slaves.

It’s blatantly obvious that pro blm people don’t care about history, they don’t care about equality they just want power and money at the expense of the equality. I’m sure for them reparations isn’t even enough. So again when will it stop for these types of people ?

Wokeness has gone on for too long and it is going to cost Democrats big-time in 2024. Though there is something Democrats might have up their pocket, cheating.


I’m thankful that the countries population is coming together. Wokeness is on the way out , equality is prevailing.

The next step is to have major companies, television networks, sports organizations, and universities, reject the BLM narratives and embrace equality and meritocracy.

And we have the Trump loons with LOSER argument, and unaffiiateed wins in a plurality
1. Some people think that lax laws that cater to African Americans will eventually end when Hispanic Americans become the majority of Americans sometime in the next century (or earlier).

2. Hispanic Americans do not have a guilty conscience about slavery, so they do not feel that African Americans deserve special treatment.

3. For the rest of this century, as long as Caucasian liberals control many state governments and have control of the federal government, the laws on violent crime will continue to be very lax, and violent crime will simply be a danger for everyone, except for the wealthy, who can afford bodyguards, chauffeured cars, and private jets.

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