House Republicans Impeach Mayorkas And They Won't Like The Payback!

House Republicans impeaching Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over the open border problem is a completely stupid move and is even worse than that because it will set a precedent that Congress can impeach Cabinet Secretary's over policy differences. Whatever Mayorkas did or did not do in regards to the border issue he was just implementing the policy of President Joe Biden, Full Stop, The Issue Is That Simple! What the hell are you Republicans doing you are going to make our government going forward more dysfunctional as Congress explores and pursues impeaching Cabinet officials in the future. This low standard for impeachment is going to come back to bite the Republicans big-time if Donald Trump wins the Presidency this year because if Democrats win the House and they very much might I think you have forty-nine House Republicans not standing (open seats are harder for possessing Party to hold onto) for reelection with this impeachment tool the Republican are creating the Democrats are going to tie the Trump administration into knots, they are going to paralyze a second Trump administration. A second Trump administration is going to try to shut down the border which anyone that believes in the rule of law knows you can't because these illegal immigrants have a right to asylum so once the Trump appointee makes this move even though the Court system will enjoin this move super quickly, the Secretary will have broken the law so the Democrats can impeach the Secretary and that will impede the Trump administration's effort to do things like mass deportation of illegal immigrants residing throughout the country as the Secretary's time will be full defending the impeachment. What anyone that really knows Trump knows that in his second term he is going to blow away all records in firing Federal government civil servants and federal employees under the auspices that he is saving America from the Deep State, this supposed bureaucracy that fights and ignores the officially elected President's administration and his appointees; if Democrats are on the ball during confirmation hearings they are going to get the cabinet and agency candidates to commit to not doing this government employee purge, the Deep State purge. Now once these Cabinet and Agency officials become installed Trump will go off his rocker that these appointees aren't doing the purge which will boost his reputation as a great Maga President that eliminated the Deep State (the fact that he is eliminating people with irreplaceable experience and talent and making the country weaker doesn't matter) and so Trump will turn the screws on these people and they will begin the purge. Once they cross that line pursuant to the Republican standard on impeachment they can be impeached for being dishonest to Congress they said they wouldn't do a purge but then they did! This will result in the Attorney General, the FBI director, the National Security Advisor being impeached. Further anyone that knows Trump knows the Affordable Care Act ain't surviving a Trump second term, Trump will instruct the Secretary of DHHS to not enforce the ACA mandates against the states let the states offer much cheaper health insurance the fact they do it by giving the shaft to people with a preexisting condition doesn't matter to Trump he campaigned on repealing Obamacare, he hates Obama, Obamacare is getting defacto repealed. Based on the Republican standard of impeachment once the Secretary begins disregarding provisions of the ACA that Secretary can be and will be impeached. Many more scenarios could be listed where Trump's cabinet and officials will not follow the law and pursuant to the new Republican standard an impeachment action will be triggered. If Republicans do this Mayorkas impeachment and Trump wins in November and the Democrats get the House the payback on impeachments will be epic it will make it into the history books!

It is really mind boggling how stupid the Republicans are in impeaching Mayorkas. To ordinary Americans they perceive this situation like this the House Republicans are impeaching Mayorkas for failing to do his job and allowing an open border but the House Republicans have the means to stop this open border and get control of the border in the Senate Bi-partisan Border Protection bill but have rejected it because they want to use the border issue as an election and the Republican presumptive Presidential nominee Trump conveyed his will to House Republicans not to give the Democrat presumptive nominee Joe Biden a legislative win this year which passing the bipartisan border bill would do. The Republicans with this impeachment move are just highlighting they are putting Party over country! House Republicans are dumb on another front if they impeach Mayorkas Senate Democrat Majority leader could make a big spectacle of his impeachment trial in the Senate and its been my observation that most Senators both Republicans and Democrats have a high regard for the rule of law which in the area requires that to have an impeachment the official has to have committed a high crime or misdemeanor which Mayorkas didn't, the real issue here is a policy difference and most Republican Senators recognize this. The results of a Senate trial could leave seventy-five Senators voting against impeachment and this would leave House Republicans looking really bad.

If the House Republicans impeach Mayorkas the underlying facts on the border issue will make the Republicans look real bad. I have heard that the Department under Mayorkas has turned away and deported more illegal immigrants at the border in three years than Trump did during his whole term. The country of Mexico has come out publicly and said that they are not accepting and will not in the future accept illegal immigrants with asylum claim for America back in their country to wait to have their asylum claim heard! If Mayorkas tried to shut down the Border, asylum advocates would run to the federal court and have that shut down enjoined within three weeks.
In the beginning of this Impeach Mayorkas campaign I heard a lot of House Republicans claim Mayorkas lied to Congress when he said his Department has operational control of the border and so he must be impeached for this statement; members of Congress should have the highest regard for the law the way the law defines operational control is that it is an extremely high standard honestly if there are any people illegally emigrating to America through the nation's border the Department does not have operational control of the border meaning any Secretary in the last fifty years that made a representation that the U.S. government has operational control on the border lied since the President Ronald Reagan years immigrants have continually illegally entered America through our southern Border; selective impeachment is unfair and probably violates the U.S. Constitution.
Kinda forgetting one widdle thingy ... Bubba Boy.
Mayorkas Swore an Oath of office.He was caught Lying multiple
times about the Border being Secure.
He also denied border issues and security when before
Ted Cruz effectively not only called him out before
the Senate investigating his role but proved him a liar
and unwilling to cooperate with straightforward questions
while under oath.
The Democrats started this foolishness by impeaching Trump twice.
If there was justice in America everybody in the Potatohead Administration would be imprisoned for treason. If not imprisoned then at least tarred and feathered and run out of DC on a rail.
Drawing and quartering is an attractive option.
mayorkas' job is NOT " to implement the policies of president biden." mayorkas' job is to enforce the laws as written and precedents as set: iow the policies of the united states of america.

that is the problem with a trump administration. too much personal servitude, not enough following the law.
We don't "follow" the law, we MAKE it.
The Democrats started this foolishness by impeaching Trump twice.
The Republicans took little steps with this impeachment. They need to move higher and higher as the Progs do. It is sad they have to become like them if we are to survive. It is not going to be nice if we do and with them doing it also. Progs need to pull back and stop this garbage.
The Republicans took little steps with this impeachment. They need to move higher and higher as the Progs do. It is sad they have to become like them if we are to survive. It is not going to be nice if we do and with them doing it also. Progs need to pull back and stop this garbage.
Leftest Revolutionists like the Democrat filth never pull back on anything. They are hell bent on making this country a Socialist Shitole and they will lie, cheat and steal to achieve their Socialist goals of raiding the Treasury.

Democrats let in millions of goddamn Illegals. The Illegals join the Moon Bats and welfare Negroes to elect Democrats. Democrats use their power and access to the Treasury to give all their special interest free shit. They don't worry about how it fucks up a country or what happens when the money runs out or about the enormous debt it creates. We have seen this mindset destroy countries all over the world. America is in the first stage of being destroyed. These Illegals that the piece of shit Mayorkas illegally allowed to flood in will help to create the next stage.
Until someone does it to you.

Big mouth cry baby bullies are all the same.
No one will ever do that to me, asshole.

Cause I don't run around letting TERRORISTS into the country.

What a bunch of dumbass retards you left wingers are.

Or maybe you just like those little latinas.

What are they, 13? Maybe 14?
Is this an... oxy-moron??

You claim Mayorkas job is to enforce laws and precedent set within policy --but then you demonize Trump Admin for EXACTLY enforcing the laws when regarding protecting the border.
was tru7mp "enforcing the law?" or was he doing what you wan ted him to do no matter the law?
What planet are you from OP? He is FULLY responsible for all the millions of illegals coming through. What exactly did this LOSER do to STOIP it in 3 years? NOTHING!!! Him and RETARD Biden. :adoreheart:

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