Happiness is the absence of misery


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
I heard this quote on Alone. I agree. The contestants are happy until the snow comes. Suddenly they are miserable.

This site disagrees

Happiness is not the absence of suffering; it’s the ability to rebound from it. And happiness is not the same as joy or ecstasy; happiness includes contentment, well-being, and the emotional flexibility to experience a full range of emotions.

But I disagree. As long as I'm not suffering in some way, I'm happy.
How can one escape all suffering in a world full of it?

How can one escape all suffering in a world full of it?

The world is also full of beauty. How can one escape that?

In the end, we all run into suffering. Hopefully it's brief. But we will all end up suffering. Hopefully not in a submarine trapped with 5 other guys like sardines.
Same thing with 2 and under children
If you aren't suffering, you are not happy? That's childish?

Here is another example. The bitch controller at my company quit. Suddenly I'm happy. I was "suffering" her while she was here. Happy now that she's gone.
If you aren't suffering, you are not happy? That's childish?

Here is another example. The bitch controller at my company quit. Suddenly I'm happy. I was "suffering" her while she was here. Happy now that she's gone.

I don't allow others to make me unhappy.

You seem a lil simple minded.
I don't allow others to make me unhappy.

You seem a lil simple minded.
I can't believe you are trying to pick a fight with me in this thread. It's not political. So what the fuck is your problem? You are an energy vampire. You can't drain someone's energy as efficiently over the net like you can in person but still you can feed/snack off of us here on USMB.

So if a love one dies, you don't get unhappy?
Hinduism ... desire is the reason for all misery ... happiness is the absence of desire ...

"You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor." -- Exd 20:17 ...

I want I want I want
That's all I ever think about
I want I want

Give it to me now !!!
Happiness is a decision to rise above and nothing more.

Put this into context for me in my personal situation. I'm on my boat or up north in the woods. The temperature is perfect. I'm healthy. No worries on my mind. This is when I feel happy.

What does rising above have anything to do with what I'm doing or me being happy?
Hinduism ... desire is the reason for all misery ... happiness is the absence of desire ...

"You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor." -- Exd 20:17 ...

I want I want I want
That's all I ever think about
I want I want

Give it to me now !!!
You can have it all,
if you go to college.
Sign here kid.
Hinduism ... desire is the reason for all misery ... happiness is the absence of desire ...

"You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor." -- Exd 20:17 ...

I want I want I want
That's all I ever think about
I want I want

Give it to me now !!!

That's a good point. When I'm happy I don't desire anything. I feel like I have everything I want/need.

But sometimes I also start dreaming about what else I want. Like, more toys, maybe I want to retire so I can have MORE free time? I'm happy but I still have desires. Maybe I'm thinking about this new neighbor who we seem to be getting along. So I'm desiring her while I'm up north happy.

It seems like people will make more out of it than necessary. That's why I love this quote. Happiness is the absense of misery. Seriously, if nothing is making me miserable, I'm happy.
I can't believe you are trying to pick a fight with me in this thread. It's not political. So what the fuck is your problem? You are an energy vampire. You can't drain someone's energy as efficiently over the net like you can in person but still you can feed/snack off of us here on USMB.

So if a love one dies, you don't get unhappy?

Hmmm... I DO have a lot of energy...

You're easily rattled too, aintcha?
That's a good point. When I'm happy I don't desire anything. I feel like I have everything I want/need.

But sometimes I also start dreaming about what else I want. Like, more toys, maybe I want to retire so I can have MORE free time? I'm happy but I still have desires. Maybe I'm thinking about this new neighbor who we seem to be getting along. So I'm desiring her while I'm up north happy.

It seems like people will make more out of it than necessary. That's why I love this quote. Happiness is the absense of misery. Seriously, if nothing is making me miserable, I'm happy.

I was exposed to Beserkely's form of Zen Buddhism as a youth ... not that this was actual Buddhism mind you ... some authors you might want to check out: Alan Watts and Suzuki ... kinda "out there" like Brautigan or Vonnegut ...

I did look deeper into the matter and "end desire for true happiness" is common throughout the whole of the Hindu circle of faith ... just look for the denomination that suits your own lifestyle the best ... and then wire-transfer all your money to them ... happiness is the absence of money (or technically, the desire for money) ...

[giggle] ...
Great topic Sealy.
A state of joy is happiness, it is the definition of happiness. I can have stress and problems but I can still be happy. It is a state of being, an attitude and comes from within, not external. If people are persecuted an are standing up for what the believe in, they can be still be happy. People that are terminally ill can be happy. That is my experience.

I do like this topic, thanks.
I don't allow others to make me unhappy.

You seem a lil simple minded.
I look at most of your posts and it seems like liberals make you unhappy.

Did you ask someone Why ya gotta be a dick?
I don't allow others to make me unhappy.

You seem a lil simple minded.
I have unko blocked. I wonder how he is seeing my posts? He's supposed to have me blocked too. Not for a day, week, month or year. For good.
You can have it all,
if you go to college.
Sign here kid.

My nephews go to the most expensive private schools and most of their friends are going off to college. You don't pay all that money for private schools K-12 and have your kid not go to college to become something. In fact most of those kids already have their college paid for.

And yes, most of them will graduate and become your bosses. I mean the kids who didn't go to college.

Now I do understand not everyone needs to go to college but by deciding you are not going to college, you are deciding to settle. Or make the path to success harder for yourself. And the chances of you becoming successful are lower if you don't have a degree.

Are there Americans who got college degrees and never put them to use? Sure. But they are the exception not the norm.

And are there people who don't have a degree who are more successful than me? Sure. The President of my company doesn't have a degree. Rare though right?

But I just love people who are negative towards college. College is still worth $1 million dollars you know. On average that's what college kids make more than people who didn't graduate college. Over 30 years they will make $1 million more. What is that a year $30K? On average a college grad makes $30K more a year than someone who doesn't.

And that makes me happy.

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