Grocery prices in New York City will shock you!?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022


Here is the number one concern for Americans. It’s quality of life and the cost-of-living. That is everything. That’s where everything starts. And we are going through a real tough time now. Yet I’ve seen Biden supporters Continue to claim “the economy is doing wonderful”. They even pointed the stock market of which about 50% of Americans don’t own any stocks. And it’s only a few companies that are carrying the S&P 500 anyway so people who own stocks hopefully ownthe right ones.

What I have seen from a few Biden supporters is blatant disregard for working class people or it is based on a drug addiction where their minds are not thinking appropriately …and They are living in poverty perhaps they’re living in a box, playing video games using drugs all the time and that’s happiness for them. I’ve seen a few Biden supporters say it’s so wonderful that the equity of my home has gone up, which is obvious trolling and disregard for the truth. That really means little because if they actually sell their home, they will then have to get a jacked up mortgage rate and find another home that will cost a ton.

We have work to do in this country. We need better leadership. We need a clean country with safe streets. We need beautiful architecture… we are the wealthiest country in the world and we give away 100s of billions of dollars to foreign countries for their wars that serve no purpose for the American citizens. We are misrepresented by the politicians, including Republicans. Wasn’t Like this back in the day. But with positive belief and hard work n we will get America back to its glory days.🙂
Part of the problem is being weak on crime. Having filth in the United States. Our politicians including some Republicans instilling anti-American ideals In other words the pro BLM ideology into the minds of the youth… that creates an idea among thieves that they are entitled to steal just as one BLM leader said looting is a form of reparations.

Weak on crime and anti-Americanism from Democrats are playing a role in raising the prices in the USA. Because when people, loot stores in large numbers and drive the prices up. That’s a fact it’s not just inflation from the coronavirus from the printing of trillions of dollars which was another horrendous decision. Part of the problem would be American politicians who are weak on crime, and who are instilling hateful anti-American ideologies into our youth.

Such filth and degradation does not occur in much of the eastern world. As has been pointed out by many times on this US message board by many posters. Even in improvers countries where there is a high-level of poverty like Cambodia people don’t go around stealing because they have better values than what we currently have in the USA. We had a better culture in the middle 20th century in the USA. Even with segregation which was wrong We had a much better middle class for black and whites. Obviously racism and slavery was always an issue all over the World not just the USA … the mass school shootings and flash mob looting did not exist in the American past. Segregation was wrong but we did a lot of other things right in the USA.

Plenty of countries have a very diverse population, such as Singapore home to four languages, and about three main religions. They are the safest, and perhaps most prosperous country in the entire world. So the problems in the USA are not due to white people or Black people, but due to poor leadership. At least, when Trump was in office we had reasonable prices for homes , much lower grocery prices, and much lower gas prices. We still had school shootings and flash mob looting . … we would have to go back to 75 years ago to find a much cleaner and more prosperous America. But again at least under Trump prices were better.
We continue to see trolling and total disregard for fellow Americans by Democrats. They might say

“I’m doing wonderful. My stocks are through the roof. I am paying less for gas than those in Los Angeles.”

None of that takes away from the fact that we are going through one of the worst economic times in our countries history. Home prices are through the roof everywhere in the country. Everywhere in the country the price of a loan has gone up.

I mean obviously when Herbert Hoover was president and Americans were living in Hooverville shacks he still had supporters. So even today Biden still has supporters. They got their BLM flags their waving flags of foreign countries supporting giving away taxpayer dollars to foreign countries for their wars which has zero effect in America.

Note the little substance or no substance at all from Democrats on the US message board. It’s usually a few words or at most one sentence in response to serious topics such as this.. They never bring anything to the table so they resort to trolling…. They are saying to the black woman in the video in the original post that we don’t give a darn about you. That black woman who had to spend $30 on a few grocery items and is now figuring out how to get to the next week.

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Here is the number one concern for Americans. It’s quality of life and the cost-of-living. That is everything. That’s where everything starts. And we are going through a real tough time now. Yet I’ve seen Biden supporters Continue to claim “the economy is doing wonderful”. They even pointed the stock market of which about 50% of Americans don’t own any stocks. And it’s only a few companies that are carrying the S&P 500 anyway so people who own stocks hopefully ownthe right ones.

What I have seen from a few Biden supporters is blatant disregard for working class people or it is based on a drug addiction where their minds are not thinking appropriately …and They are living in poverty perhaps they’re living in a box, playing video games using drugs all the time and that’s happiness for them. I’ve seen a few Biden supporters say it’s so wonderful that the equity of my home has gone up, which is obvious trolling and disregard for the truth. That really means little because if they actually sell their home, they will then have to get a jacked up mortgage rate and find another home that will cost a ton.

We have work to do in this country. We need better leadership. We need a clean country with safe streets. We need beautiful architecture… we are the wealthiest country in the world and we give away 100s of billions of dollars to foreign countries for their wars that serve no purpose for the American citizens. We are misrepresented by the politicians, including Republicans. Wasn’t Like this back in the day. But with positive belief and hard work n we will get America back to its glory days.🙂

How are grocery prices in Moscow?
Just watch mayhem develop quickly these next 3-4 months .

Stagflation equals street fighting .

Eventually a few Normies might start to wake up and connect a few dots .
But too late
Walmarts have been banned from Urban Hell Holes like New York City, in addition, there is no protection from shoplifting and looting. The police don't respond.

Prices are a lot less here in Mercer County Pennsylvania, because your ass will land in jail for theft if you are caught.

And there is a good chance that you'll be caught. On FB all the time, shoplifters are caught on camera and the public is asked to identify them around here so they can be rounded up.
Walmarts have been banned from Urban Hell Holes like New York City, in addition, there is no protection from shoplifting and looting. The police don't respond.

Prices are a lot less here in Mercer County Pennsylvania, because your ass will land in jail for theft if you are caught.

And there is a good chance that you'll be caught. On FB all the time, shoplifters are caught on camera and the public is asked to identify them around here so they can be rounded up.

Or perhaps things are cheaper there due to the whole county having less people that even the smallest NY borough
Or perhaps things are cheaper there due to the whole county having less people that even the smallest NY borough

Hardly. Actually, having a big population leads to having the economics of scale.

Cheaper to drop off one huge load of merchandise in one location, rather than to send smaller orders to dozens of small locations.

Theoretically things should be cheaper in some place like New York.
Hardly. Actually, having a big population leads to having the economics of scale.

Cheaper to drop off one huge load of merchandise in one location, rather than to send smaller orders to dozens of small locations.

Theoretically things should be cheaper in some place like New York.

You cannot be this stupid?

Prices are always higher in more populated areas due to the higher demand. Using your logic prices should be higher in Red Bud ll than in Chicago.

View attachment 939868

Here is the number one concern for Americans. It’s quality of life and the cost-of-living. That is everything. That’s where everything starts. And we are going through a real tough time now. Yet I’ve seen Biden supporters Continue to claim “the economy is doing wonderful”. They even pointed the stock market of which about 50% of Americans don’t own any stocks. And it’s only a few companies that are carrying the S&P 500 anyway so people who own stocks hopefully ownthe right ones.

What I have seen from a few Biden supporters is blatant disregard for working class people or it is based on a drug addiction where their minds are not thinking appropriately …and They are living in poverty perhaps they’re living in a box, playing video games using drugs all the time and that’s happiness for them. I’ve seen a few Biden supporters say it’s so wonderful that the equity of my home has gone up, which is obvious trolling and disregard for the truth. That really means little because if they actually sell their home, they will then have to get a jacked up mortgage rate and find another home that will cost a ton.

We have work to do in this country. We need better leadership. We need a clean country with safe streets. We need beautiful architecture… we are the wealthiest country in the world and we give away 100s of billions of dollars to foreign countries for their wars that serve no purpose for the American citizens. We are misrepresented by the politicians, including Republicans. Wasn’t Like this back in the day. But with positive belief and hard work n we will get America back to its glory days.🙂

The "do something" part she mentions starts with voting out the people who let this happen.
Or perhaps things are cheaper there due to the whole county having less people that even the smallest NY borough
Theft is driving up prices in places like New York City. That’s why the prices are higher there compared to rural areas. Reporters and Stores in New York City will tell you this.

For example a lot of stores now in NYC are having to lock up their merchandise or put it behind encasements. Of course by default this is going to raise the price. Somebody has to pay for those devices that lock up the items.
Part of the problem is being weak on crime. Having filth in the United States. Our politicians including some Republicans instilling anti-American ideals In other words the pro BLM ideology into the minds of the youth… that creates an idea among thieves that they are entitled to steal just as one BLM leader said looting is a form of reparations.

Weak on crime and anti-Americanism from Democrats are playing a role in raising the prices in the USA. Because when people, loot stores in large numbers and drive the prices up. That’s a fact it’s not just inflation from the coronavirus from the printing of trillions of dollars which was another horrendous decision. Part of the problem would be American politicians who are weak on crime, and who are instilling hateful anti-American ideologies into our youth.

Such filth and degradation does not occur in much of the eastern world. As has been pointed out by many times on this US message board by many posters. Even in improvers countries where there is a high-level of poverty like Cambodia people don’t go around stealing because they have better values than what we currently have in the USA. We had a better culture in the middle 20th century in the USA. Even with segregation which was wrong We had a much better middle class for black and whites. Obviously racism and slavery was always an issue all over the World not just the USA … the mass school shootings and flash mob looting did not exist in the American past. Segregation was wrong but we did a lot of other things right in the USA.

Plenty of countries have a very diverse population, such as Singapore home to four languages, and about three main religions. They are the safest, and perhaps most prosperous country in the entire world. So the problems in the USA are not due to white people or Black people, but due to poor leadership. At least, when Trump was in office we had reasonable prices for homes , much lower grocery prices, and much lower gas prices. We still had school shootings and flash mob looting . … we would have to go back to 75 years ago to find a much cleaner and more prosperous America. But again at least under Trump prices were better.

Those pictures are shocking but all too common
No,. It is all caused by Democrats.

Exactly. Its what they call "Bidflation"

And next year, if Sleepy Joe retains power, the Trump Tax Cuts will disappear. And the lie that they were only "for the rich" will disappear.

The Middle Class, should they choose wrong in November, will be subjected to the biggest Financial Assrapery in history.
Exactly. Its what they call "Bidflation"

And next year, if Sleepy Joe retains power, the Trump Tax Cuts will disappear. And the lie that they were only "for the rich" will disappear.

The Middle Class, should they choose wrong in November, will be subjected to the biggest Financial Assrapery in history.
True. And the biggest LIE is raising "Corporate Tax". Corporations pay no Tax. They pass it on to the Customers.
Or perhaps things are cheaper there due to the whole county having less people that even the smallest NY borough
Also real estate prices are through the roof now in this country and that’s raising costs. The more in rent that a shop owner has to pay the higher that their prices will be.

Prices ares higher Thanks to the unnecessary printing of trillions of dollars during the lockdowns(republicans approved of this as well to be fair) but other factories as well such as the inability for the Biden administration to address this issue properly through various means.

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