Game is afoot in WI

May 20, 2014
There's almost nothing outside the Milwaukee-Madtown axis that is shitlib....Not surprising at all that the peeps in Wausau rejected a moonat for mayor.

No Zuckerbux ....No "democracy in the park"....No drop boxes...No more abusing the "indefinitely confined" status...Stalinist cheatery will be much tougher up here in '24.
There's almost nothing outside the Milwaukee-Madtown axis that is shitlib....Not surprising at all that the peeps in Wausau rejected a moonat for mayor.

No Zuckerbux ....No "democracy in the park"....No drop boxes...No more abusing the "indefinitely confined" status...Stalinist cheatery will be much tougher up here in '24.
All eyes will be on zuckerpunk this time around....
2020 had that "Claire" creature working the counting room un-attended Midnight to 6AM. Vote spikes came in. She rec'd congratulatory messages from known commee Leftist cheats for "pushing it over the edge singlehandedly". Medal of honor from Obiden along with Rubys' BLM crew and others. All you need to know. //
2020 had that "Claire" creature working the counting room un-attended Midnight to 6AM. Vote spikes came in. She rec'd congratulatory messages from known commee Leftist cheats for "pushing it over the edge singlehandedly". Medal of honor from Obiden along with Rubys' BLM crew and others. All you need to know. //
Suck my balls.
More fake news from the OP.

The Wausau mayors race is non-partisan, the party affiliation is not listed on the ballot anywhere and neither candidate claims a political party.

  1. The original ballot images in “about 70 counties” had been destroyed in spite of the laws requiring they be maintained
  2. Analysis of Fulton County ballot images were electronically altered before the certification in 2020, which has still not been properly investigated
  3. There were at least 8,000 double-copied ballots in Chatham County
  4. There were 8,000 double-scanned ballots statewide (Favorito admits this may not be fraud, but rather could be errors or a mixture of fraud and errors, but that “we have no way of knowing until that is investigated)
Counsel for the ODC interrupts Favorito at that point and asks specifically for examples of fraud that is “in the public record” and “not something [he has] investigated and uncovered.”

Favorito responds that there were mail-in ballots that were not folded from being mailed nor were they printed on the correct paper stock. They were marked with toner (from a printer) rather than a writing instrument, according to senior poll-managers’ sworn affidavits being used in court cases “right now”. Favorito points out that these were known not just before January 3rd, but before December 3rd (2020).
From recent GA court hearings//
Favorito responds:

No one knows how many ballots [there] were because we’ve spend three years in court trying to get those ballots [as] public record. We actually appealed our case to the Georgia Supreme Court. We won the case in the Georgia Supreme Court. They declared we had standing all along and the Superior Court had made a complete error. That case went back down. He then passed it off to another judge who we believed was too impartial. We filed a motion to recuse. So after three years, we have still not gotten to see the ballots that there were six sworn affidavits for that were counterfeit. That is not the appropriate way to investigate. And, the Secretary of State’s Office filed an amicus brief against us to try to prevent us from looking at the ballots.
What kind of a Secretary of State would have done that?”
This is where the proverbial mic-drop occurs. Remember, “Never ask a question to which you don’t already know the answer.” In a moment of bewilderment perhaps, to the question of “What kind of Secretary of State would have done that”, ODC counsel responds:
“A corrupt one, I guess.”
Favorito immediately fires back, “That’s your opinion, not mine.”
  1. The original ballot images in “about 70 counties” had been destroyed in spite of the laws requiring they be maintained
  2. Analysis of Fulton County ballot images were electronically altered before the certification in 2020, which has still not been properly investigated
  3. There were at least 8,000 double-copied ballots in Chatham County
  4. There were 8,000 double-scanned ballots statewide (Favorito admits this may not be fraud, but rather could be errors or a mixture of fraud and errors, but that “we have no way of knowing until that is investigated)
Counsel for the ODC interrupts Favorito at that point and asks specifically for examples of fraud that is “in the public record” and “not something [he has] investigated and uncovered.”

Favorito responds that there were mail-in ballots that were not folded from being mailed nor were they printed on the correct paper stock. They were marked with toner (from a printer) rather than a writing instrument, according to senior poll-managers’ sworn affidavits being used in court cases “right now”. Favorito points out that these were known not just before January 3rd, but before December 3rd (2020).
From recent GA court hearings//
Raffensperger is in on the grift....His result from MTG's district in the last election is the tell.
I have applied to be a poll observer in my county... I have the time....
Over 78,000 people registered to vote. However, voter turnout was only at 40%. This was likely due to the timing of the Winter Storm Warning and deteriorating road conditions after work.

Dems will blame the climate change hoax. ;)
Over 78,000 people registered to vote. However, voter turnout was only at 40%. This was likely due to the timing of the Winter Storm Warning and deteriorating road conditions after work.

Dems will blame the climate change hoax. ;)
Given that Wisco's registration rolls are still filled with the dead and others not eligible, that number is definitely higher....Not terrible turnout in an off-off year election.

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