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Game 3 Development: The Greatest Detective?

I don't think we're ready yet, either, for an advanced theme game with intricate mechanics. We should stick with the bare-bone basics for now, and slowly introduce other general roles, like the Tracker, Watcher, the Masons, and the Mafia Strongman and Mafia Traitor.

1) I would probably start with a one-shot vigilante and make all the PR's on both sides limited use so people have to be more deliberate and cooperative, and do a light theme game first. Even doing a quick game in a closed set up with a single serial killer and maybe a couple one-shot vigs would be a good transition or no knowledge of roles outside the individual's PM maybe.

2) I agree with your assessment about not being ready yet. I haven't played a ton, but I always played with hard-core types who, when you would send up a simple flare with the message hold off you are working on something, they would hold off on the lynch. I think putting people none of whom can work as a team into a heavy theme game will be a disaster that will make the work on your part not worth it.
Closed sounds interesting. There is a little more to it, I imagine, when you have no idea what the actual roles are and weather or not that player is being hones when they out their role.

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