Gaddhafi's letter of congratulations to Obama leaked


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Dear Mr. President Obama,

I have the pleasure to send a congratulation note for the first time to an American president, and on behalf of all Africa, and of Cen-Sad, the base of the African pyramid, and on behalf of the Arab Maghreb Union, and in the name of all Arab leaders as I am their dean.

Cable Viewer

Interesting stuff.

We hope that you lead the United States of America on the path of good and respect peoples' sovereignty and observe the policy of neutrality.

So much for that.
"Since relations are resumed between our two countries, we have
the right to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
because you are the son of Africa. " - You almost wonder what he may have known.
The main point is that Blacks shall not have an inferiority
complex and imitate the Yankees.

They have to prove that they are partners to the whites and
sharing the same continent; that the Whites themselves are not
indigenous, but that they have come from overseas; that the
black man is not less competent than the white man; and that the
black color shall prevail in the world as predicted by the Green

Funny, I never saw a black man in his ranks, but he was laying the hooka to a very hot white nurse.

I just love irony

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