Free Will

We do not know what reality is because we do not see the actual world we see what our limited sensory organs translate into chemical and electrical impulses that our brains give us an interpretation of.

Reality is nothing but shades of gray and human behavior is nothing but more shades of gray.

We don't really know how the brain works anymore than we know the universe and all we understand about the universe is about 5% of all the matter and energy in it.
I couldn't disagree more. Reality is. You can see it if you want to. But you must be objective.
I couldn't disagree more. Reality is. You can see it if you want to. But you must be objective.


consciousness is an hallucination

There is no light or sound inside your brain what you see hear and feel is nothing but the brain's best guess at what the electrical and chemical information coming from sensory organs represents.

You perception can be drastically altered by any number of things
No. When we remove our preference for an outcome. Which we can do.


I have no preference when i look at a tree. I do not see the tree . I see what my brain interprets as a tree based on my experiences of similar sensory inputs. These inputs and the brain's interpretation of them can be altered drastically by many different means.

consciousness is an hallucination

There is no light or sound inside your brain what you see hear and feel is nothing but the brain's best guess at what the electrical and chemical information coming from sensory organs represents.

You perception can be drastically altered by any number of things
You live in a strange universe.

I have no preference when i look at a tree. I do not see the tree . I see what my brain interprets as a tree based on my experiences of similar sensory inputs. These inputs and the brain's interpretation of them can be altered drastically by many different means.
You totally missed the point with that analogy.
You can't.
That's an emotional response. Anyone can. It would be unusual if someone went through life never once being objective about anything. Hence you saying that I can't be objective is an emotional response and not an objective response.
That's an emotional response. Anyone can. It would be unusual if someone went through life never once being objective about anything. Hence you saying that I can't be objective is an emotional response and not an objective response.
No it is a response based on every single post I have traded with you.
No it is a response based on every single post I have traded with you.
That sounds very much like a bias to me. Rather than judging the statement I made based upon the merit of the statement, you have judged me instead.

So let me restate it one more time… anyone can be objective if they remove bias. It would be unusual if someone lived their entire life without being objective about anything. So it is possible to be objective.
That sounds very much like a bias to me. Rather than judging the statement I made based upon the merit of the statement, you have judged me instead.

So let me restate it one more time… anyone can be objective if they remove bias. It would be unusual if someone lived their entire life without being objective about anything. So it is possible to be objective.
Your bias has been illustrated in more than just this one statement you are fixated on.
How so?

I noticed you didn’t disagree with anything I wrote in post #74 concerning objectivity.
You cannot remove your subconscious therefore you cannot remove all bias.

You do not actually see "reality" through your sensory organs so any information you use to form a conclusion about "reality" is flawed

We could both look at the same tree and your brain will not project the exact same image my brain projects to me therefore your "reality" and mine are not the same.
You cannot remove your subconscious therefore you cannot remove all bias.

You do not actually see "reality" through your sensory organs so any information you use to form a conclusion about "reality" is flawed

We could both look at the same tree and your brain will not project the exact same image my brain projects to me therefore your "reality" and mine are not the same.
Reality exists. It is what it is. Anyone can see it if they remove their biases. You are confusing perception of reality with reality itself. Based on your logic no one can see reality ever. Based upon my logic people can see reality if they remove their bias which can cloud their perception of reality.
Reality exists. It is what it is. Anyone can see it if they remove their biases. You are confusing perception of reality with reality itself. Based on your logic no one can see reality ever. Based upon my logic people can see reality if they remove their bias which can cloud their perception of reality.

No one actually sees "reality"

because our sensory organs and brain by which we "see" only giving us approximations and best guesses

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