For many Jews, “Never Again!” trumps “Never Trump!”

No one is trying to drive the Juden out of America.
We are just hoping y'all will perform Aliyah to the land you stole.

Stolen? Britain controlled the area of Palestine. They can do as they wish and they did so via the UN. Game over. Sorry, you lost. Get over it like every other country(Palestine isn’t a country) that has lost a war as done throughout history. The reality is that the only reason they are so peeved is because the people they were forced to split with are not Muslim. Muslims are notoriously intolerant, particularly of other religions.
Stolen? Britain controlled the area of Palestine. They can do as they wish and they did so via the UN. Game over. Sorry, you lost. Get over it like every other country(Palestine isn’t a country) that has lost a war as done throughout history. The reality is that the only reason they are so peeved is because the people they were forced to split with are not Muslim. Muslims are notoriously intolerant, particularly of other religions.

It didn't belong to Britain. The Arabs fought with the British to expel the Ottomans from Palestine..

Muslims are very tolerant. Arab Jews an Arab Christians lived with them in sleepy apolitical Palestine for a thousand years.
The UN voted to divide the area of Palestine and give the Jewish people an area called Israel. The UN’s proposal was a 2 state solution, to which the Arab’s disagreed. Britain controlled the region of Palestine prior to the resolution. To the victors go the spoils or are we now to denounce all land divisions resulting from all wars? Regardless of where you THINK is the Jewish people’s homeland, in what reality can we go back to place all people in their original locations based on their DNA? At any rate, following the 1947 resolution, Israel formed a state. The Arabs disagreed and started a war with the newly formed state of Israel in 1948. They lost. They have been starting wars ever since. At some point, they have to accept their loss and move on. This ”occupation” nonsense could be applied in some way to nearly every country in the entire world. It is an unrealistic position.

1) The UN had no business giving away Palestinian Land.
2) If I take half your stuff, are you going to be cool with that? No? Then why should the Palestinians?
3) No one said anything about DNA, guy.
4) Given you guys are absolutely shitting yourselves over a few Mexicans wanting to move here and do menial jobs, you are really in no position to criticize the Palestinians. Mexicans have a better claim to the South West than European Jews have over Palestine.

How many times has Israel offered a two state solution since 1947? Why have none of those offers been accepted? Is Palestine a country? Has it ever been a country? If Israel is attempting to commit genocide, why Is it taking them so long? They have the power to kill everyone in Gaza very quickly and yet they don’t.

Isn't that like saying if Hitler really committed genocide, why are there any Jews left?

Okay, here's the problem with a two-state solution. Some squatters move into your imaginary mansion. A judge rules that they have squatter's rights, but they will let you live in the unheated garage with no plumbing.

Again, I doubt you'd accept this "solution", so why should the Palestinians?

Why do you think so many European Jews fled to Israel following WWII? You know, it isn’t hard. Anti-semitism is still a problem today, particularly in Western Europe. They attempt to disguise it much like liberals in this country, but it exists nonetheless. You have said they should go back to Europe. Why on earth would they want to go back to a place that perpetuated such horrors against them?

Maybe they shouldn't cheat and swindle people no matter where they go. Then they might even be welcome. If they can't get on with their fellow Europeans, that's THEIR problem, not the people of Palestine.

Your arguments align with radical Arabs and western children on this issue. We can’t rewrite all of history just to appease your radical and childish nature.

Who is rewriting history. Stealing Palestinian land because the west felt a sad because of the Holocaust wasn't right.
Stolen? Britain controlled the area of Palestine. They can do as they wish and they did so via the UN. Game over. Sorry, you lost. Get over it like every other country(Palestine isn’t a country) that has lost a war as done throughout history. The reality is that the only reason they are so peeved is because the people they were forced to split with are not Muslim. Muslims are notoriously intolerant, particularly of other religions.
Actually, you are a little confused.

Instead of heading the Ottoman Sultan's call for Jihad, the Muslims of Palestine fought alongside the British to liberate their land from the Ottomans on the promise that they would get their own country.

Instead, the British offered Palestine to the Jews, hoping that would keep Russia in the war after the Jewish socialists overthrew the Tsar.

It was a damned, dirty trick that frankly, screwed everyone.

Of course by 1930, the British realized this was a terrible idea and stopped allowing Jewish immigration to Palestine. This is too bad because Hitler's original plan for the Jews of Europe was to send them to Palestine. Killing them all was Plan B. But after the war, the world felt a big sad and let all these people from Europe relocate there.
Biden’s horrible betrayal of Israel, in obstructing her determination to exterminate the HAMAS savages (done of course to win over Muslim votes), has some Jews who had sworn “Never Trump!” rethinking their position.

Why? Because if there‘s anything that scares never-Trump Jews more than the prospect of another Trump term, it’s the prospect of another Holocaust - or something approaching that. With antisemitic protests tolerated, if not outright supported, by leftists on college campuses, and Biden’s unwillingness to condemn the nightmarish treatment of Jews, Jews who were “never Trumpers” are considering a vote for Trump.

(Or, at least, “Never Biden!”)

How many remains to be seen, but if it’s even 10% in swing states, or even blue states!, it can spell the difference in the election.

TO simple of an explanation, Just a blatant swing at BIDEN.
No, it kind of made the point.

The last thing people like Lisa want is for an open discussion about Israel and Palestine, because it should be obvious, we are on the side of the oppressors, not the oppressed.

This brings me back to the Star Wars criticism. The fans had a lot of valid criticism of the Sequel Trilogy—poor characterizations, illogical plots, and a general bastardization of George Lucas's original vision.

Instead of taking those criticisms to heart, Disney pointed to the one idiot who made a racist comment about the actress who played Rose Tico and said, "All the critics are racist!!!" (They then quietly wrote that character out of the next movie because she didn't generate the huge Chinese fanbase they were looking for.)

Conversely (and I know you are a little slow and dishonest), we have a colonizing group who are oppressing indigenous people, all on our tax dollars. The rest of the world has condemned it. Brave college students are protesting it. But it's easier to one person who made a stupid comment than to address the underlying complaints. We are on the wrong side of this conflict.
Again, irrelevant. My post was in response to Sunni Man’s question to Lisa. I never said a word about the Israel/Gaza conflict nor did I say anything in defense of Israel.

I have no intention of debating the issue with you and will not be drawn into one.
Never again should really focus more on voting out Benji rather than Biden.

What did Benji ever do to you?

For those with TDS, the reelection of Trump is worse than the holocaust because it means the destruction of the entire planet.
Have you watched any of those videos that show a montages of dems on TV, spouting the most crazy predictions of what they think Trump will do if he gets back in office? Most of their scary predictions are just things the dems and Biden's DOJ are doing right now. None of them stop to recall that Trump was president for four years and never did even close to any of those things.

Here's one of these:

It's horrible that the Biden administration just shipped Israel $1,000,000,000.00 worth of weapons.

How could he abandon Israel like this?
I think it's because Biden flip-flops. He's insincere, unreliable, and erratic. Biden is seen as playing both sides, folding to these critics, and pandering to those critics, and he is seen a a liar, a coward, a snake and a back stabbing self-serving weasel of a man. They probably feel he has betrayed them, that's why they are furious with him.
Again, irrelevant. My post was in response to Sunni Man’s question to Lisa. I never said a word about the Israel/Gaza conflict nor did I say anything in defense of Israel.

I have no intention of debating the issue with you and will not be drawn into one.
Your concession is duly noted. I can get that you don't like the ass-whuppins I regularly inflict on your sophistry and gaslighting.
Have you watched any of those videos that show a montages of dems on TV, spouting the most crazy predictions of what they think Trump will do if he gets back in office? Most of their scary predictions are just things the dems and Biden's DOJ are doing right now. None of them stop to recall that Trump was president for four years and never did even close to any of those things.

He didn't do those things because the people who knew what they were doing stopped him. This time, he's only going to appoint lackeys and yes-men.

Biden's DOJ isn't pro-active enough. Trump should have been charged with Treason the day after inauguration.
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1) The UN had no business giving away Palestinian Land.
2) If I take half your stuff, are you going to be cool with that? No? Then why should the Palestinians?
3) No one said anything about DNA, guy.
4) Given you guys are absolutely shitting yourselves over a few Mexicans wanting to move here and do menial jobs, you are really in no position to criticize the Palestinians. Mexicans have a better claim to the South West than European Jews have over Palestine.

Isn't that like saying if Hitler really committed genocide, why are there any Jews left?

Okay, here's the problem with a two-state solution. Some squatters move into your imaginary mansion. A judge rules that they have squatter's rights, but they will let you live in the unheated garage with no plumbing.

Again, I doubt you'd accept this "solution", so why should the Palestinians?

Maybe they shouldn't cheat and swindle people no matter where they go. Then they might even be welcome. If they can't get on with their fellow Europeans, that's THEIR problem, not the people of Palestine.

Who is rewriting history. Stealing Palestinian land because the west felt a sad because of the Holocaust wasn't right.

The UN never gave away any Pal’istanian land as there was never any sovereign Pal’istanian land to be given away.

Identify what Pal’istanian land was stolen.

Rather than mindlessly copying and pasting slogans, present some facts which are completely absent in your usual Jew rants.
The UN had no business giving away Palestinian Land.

That is your opinion. Who should rightfully be there is a long discussion that goes back many thousands of years. The fact remains that it did happeN, via a vote of many other nations.

If I take half your stuff, are you going to be cool with that? No? Then why should the Palestinians?

No, I wouldn’t be happy about it, but if the government mandated it for some reason and it went through the courts, I would have to accept it or risk being jailed for continually uprising against the rule of law. It would be pretty stupid of me not to accept a solution that would allow me to at least keep the basement because they would eventually take that as well. How do you think it would go over if I supported armed rebellion against the government for what I saw was wrong? Rule of law means something, but you only seem to care about that when it suits your agenda du jour.

Isn't that like saying if Hitler really committed genocide, why are there any Jews left?

Not at all. Hitler was attempting to kill all Jews, but they weren’t as easily assembled. If Hitler was Netanyahu and he wanted to kill all Palestinians in Gaza, he would have heavily bombed the entire region then had troops walking down every street shooting anything that moved. Israel hasn’t done anything of the sort and you know it.

Okay, here's the problem with a two-state solution. Some squatters move into your imaginary mansion. A judge rules that they have squatter's rights, but they will let you live in the unheated garage with no plumbing.

Ironically, your analogy is supported by left-wingnuts. Maybe you didn’t know. This is happening In some blue nut states and cities. In fact, people have been arrested attempting to remove squatters from their own properties. Your side is a ok with it in this instance.

Maybe they shouldn't cheat and swindle people no matter where they go.

It seems as though you are ok making a blanked statement about Jewish people but if someone even thinks about doing such with any of the protected classes you support, you are the first to scream racism, sexism, etc. Democrats wouldn’t be anything if they weren’t hypocrites.

Who is rewriting history. Stealing Palestinian land because the west felt a sad because of the Holocaust wasn't right.

Jesus, a pretty well known Jew, was born in Bethlehem of Judea, NOT Palestine. Palestine didn’t even exist during Jesus’ life. The Romans disbursed the Jews and named the area Palestine. There are Christian Arabs that are in favor of a two state solution, but terrorists anti any religion or people other than their own, Hamas, runs the show in Gaza.

But after the war, the world felt a big sad and let all these people from Europe relocate there.

I can see you are heartbroken. The way you present yourself on this site makes me believe that you would have been on Hitlers side during WWII.
That is your opinion. Who should rightfully be there is a long discussion that goes back many thousands of years. The fact remains that it did happeN, via a vote of many other nations.

Sorry, a book of fairy tales with talking snakes and Giants isn't a valid claim.

No, I wouldn’t be happy about it, but if the government mandated it for some reason and it went through the courts, I would have to accept it or risk being jailed for continually uprising against the rule of law. It would be pretty stupid of me not to accept a solution that would allow me to at least keep the basement because they would eventually take that as well. How do you think it would go over if I supported armed rebellion against the government for what I saw was wrong? Rule of law means something, but you only seem to care about that when it suits your agenda du jour.
I don't know, isn't this why you crazies say that we all need AR-15's?

The thing is, Palestine never went "through the courts". There was no court to be had.

Not at all. Hitler was attempting to kill all Jews, but they weren’t as easily assembled. If Hitler was Netanyahu and he wanted to kill all Palestinians in Gaza, he would have heavily bombed the entire region then had troops walking down every street shooting anything that moved. Israel hasn’t done anything of the sort and you know it.

They've killed 40,000 Palestinians in six months. I'd call that genocide. So would the UN by its own definition.

Ironically, your analogy is supported by left-wingnuts. Maybe you didn’t know. This is happening In some blue nut states and cities. In fact, people have been arrested attempting to remove squatters from their own properties. Your side is a ok with it in this instance.

And you are okay with the Palestinians being chased off their own land by the Jews.

It seems as though you are ok making a blanked statement about Jewish people but if someone even thinks about doing such with any of the protected classes you support, you are the first to scream racism, sexism, etc. Democrats wouldn’t be anything if they weren’t hypocrites.

When decent Jews start saying, "This is wrong", I'll be the first to praise them.

Jesus, a pretty well known Jew, was born in Bethlehem of Judea, NOT Palestine. Palestine didn’t even exist during Jesus’ life. The Romans disbursed the Jews and named the area Palestine. There are Christian Arabs that are in favor of a two state solution, but terrorists anti any religion or people other than their own, Hamas, runs the show in Gaza.

Jesus never existed.

Judea was just ONE KINGDOM in the Levant, which the Roman's renamed Palestine.

I can see you are heartbroken. The way you present yourself on this site makes me believe that you would have been on Hitlers side during WWII.

No, I just don't see the Holocaust as an excuse for bad behavior by people who weren't involved. I don't see gays or Gypsies acting like perpetual assholes because "Hitler".

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