First year after Roe v Wade overturned: Abortions reach a 10 year HIGH.

Sorry but we don’t get to CHOOSE to ignore the consequences of our other choices in life. It’s exactly that idea… that we should be able to abort the consequences of our decisions that us destroying this nation and our world in general.
How nice for you.

Now live your life that way and mind your own goddamn business.
Unfortunately while my moral life doesn’t negatively impact your immoral life; you immoral life definitely DOES negatively impact my ability to live a moral life.
No it doesn't, cry baby.

Stop trying to enforce your fetishes and neuroses at the end of a gun.
Yes it does. I’m having to change banks again because the local branch of ny current bank no longer has any male employees to do business with.
No, that stretch won't work.

Sorry. You aren't going to gish gallop to another topic, anti choicer.
No. I am anti-abortion. The ONLY circumstance where I believe it’s even questionable is in the case of PROVABLE (and legally actionable) RAPE. Other than that I believe it should be a capital offense to knowingly attempt to terminate a pregnancy.
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Given it's already dead so only dangerous to the pregnant woman, how do you find terminating such a pregnancy immoral?
True, but what it did was to force a much higher percentage of people to take a stand, one way or another on the topic, which helps root out the folks who were clandestine abortion supporters for ridicule (and possibly more).

Who are these people? Name a couple.
Given it's already dead so only dangerous to the pregnant woman, how do you find terminating such a pregnancy immoral?
If it’s already dead, that’s not a pregnancy anymore. Thats removal of excess tissue. However, if it’s alive, that’s a totally different issue, even if deformed in some way.

In 1945 my grandmother gave birth to a boy without a fully formed skeleton. He lived two hours. I was born with a serious birth defect myself in 1974. My brother and his first wife lost a baby to a rare genetic issue about 20 years ago. These things happen. Deal with it.
Who are these people? Name a couple
I’m not talking about polite or celebrities. I’m talking about the average people who, now that this has become a State level issue (and many states are acting on it, one way or another) are being forced into conversations they would rather avoid.

They were able to avoid them for years by simply saying “it’s a settled issue”, but now they can’t hide behind Roe v Wade anymore.

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