Farm Credit, Corruption, Rogue Agency, Farms Stolen


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2021
There is a Federal agency designed to assist farmers of all types with low cost loans to assist them with the contract farming costs associated with large scale farming of things like chickens, beef, and etc.

This is what assists companies like Monsanto, Tyson, and etc to have groceries to process to put on our tables and supply restaurants.

The trouble started in 2017 with Farm Credit lending money to other companies (like Verizon) in spite of their corporate charter, government tax breaks, and subsidies.

Now that we have high inflation and an economic crisis Tyson, Monsanto and other food providers are restructuring, Upgrading or closing processing plants.

Meaning that independent farmers are out of contracts and out of business with millions of dollars in loans for now worthless farms.

Meanwhile others are offering $$(not enough for loans) to buy the farms for pennies on the dollar IF they sign a non-disclosure agreement....(most people are smelling the stench at this point)

There is plenty more....

Ultimately Farm Credit is run by a joint effort between President (Biden) appointing the board (which he hasn't done) and congress for subsidies, tax breaks, funding, and oversight.

I'm thinking that congress is too busy with insider trading tips for payoffs coming from corporate America and Biden just not caring or being too incompetent to do his job.

There are literally hundreds of billions on the hook here and your groceries coming groceries from someone other than fellow citizens deciding whether you get to eat or not.
The gub'mit and all it's standards were the death of the family farms John. One either grew to industrial size, or folded starting somewhere back in the 50's, the subsidies granted never kept up.

Socializing any industry always ends up the same.

Fast forward to the new millennium's inflation, and we've an era of new family farms , all of which exist under the fed's radar

They just call themselves preppers now

The gub'mit and all it's standards were the death of the family farms John. One either grew to industrial size, or folded starting somewhere back in the 50's, the subsidies granted never kept up.

Socializing any industry always ends up the same.

Fast forward to the new millennium's inflation, and we've an era of new family farms , all of which exist under the fed's radar

They just call themselves preppers now

The Farm Credit act was a way to save the farms. No subsidies because subsidies get abused way too much.
Basically subsidies are a paid vacation for a farmer.
So Farm Credit lending was low cost irregular loans to farmers so they could get farms to industrial size and make money again. A chicken farm costs roughly 500k per barn with an average of 4 barns per Farm. Then the tractors and equipment to run the thing and it's a few million dollars of equipment, barns, and land for someone to make a 60k/yr income. The average chicken farmer raises around a million birds every year. Add eggs to the mix and it's more.

Nobody in their right mind does this. But a few do so you can get cellophane wrapped chickens for under $2/lb at the grocery store.

Tyson and ConAgra/Monsanto process the meat by contracts with the farmers in highly automated processing plants. It's an almost hands free process. What hands are used are the lowest paid labor available. (Often illegal immigrants)

This is ALL very rural land. Chicken farms do meat processing plants. Very much out of sight and smell of the cities...and that's where the corruption begins...because it's out of visual range of people.

Farm Credit is a cooperative....owned by those taking out the loans. Funded by subsidies (tax dollars) and exempt from taxes. Oversight is by Congress. Managed by a board of directors appointed by the President....Directors have term limits of 6 years.

Trump's nominees were blocked. Biden tried to put more Obama corrupt bankers once and is replacing one board member but there is another who has been on the board after his term expired 6 years ago! (The entire term limit for a board member and completely corrupt to begin with).

This is not political but they have made it that way. With Blackrock companies getting loans instead of farmers? With CCP illegal immigrants getting loans? Calling loans due 20 years early or face foreclosure even when payments are made on time anyway? NDAs required for "3rd parties" to purchase farms without contracts for pennies on the dollar?

It's a swamp and citizens are being kicked to the curb for corporations and foreign interests. The shepherds aren't fleecing the flock, they are eating them.
This show is fun...and apparently we are following the EU model of starvation. Brazil cannot feed the whole world. We can't all rely upon Brazil raising enough groceries to feed every nation. They have coffee and sugar to grow. India as well is becoming more polluted as time goes by. Meaning their groceries are being contaminated. We need to stop this madness of corruption for our basic necessities.


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