Evolving nations & cultures = mixed DNA


Gold Member
May 6, 2019
As we all know, USA is a "melting pot" of various races and ethnicities. Other progressive countries are also evolving, especially in Europe.
Even Japan!
The new Miss Japan has no Japanese DNA, but culturally, she is "Japanese". She immigrated to Japan from Ukraine at an early age.

Anything wrong with that?

Nothing wrong with it but if we become too homogeneous, we could be inviting biological trouble, so maybe being a mutt is good for the species in the long run.
Nothing wrong with it but if we become too homogeneous, we could be inviting biological trouble, so maybe being a mutt is good for the species in the long run.
I agree, I never accepted that "Melting Pot" philosophy. As you stated, to much mixing and matching, could cause a genetic catastrophe. Many ethnicities, tend to respect their own cultures, and mate among themselves. Especially the Japanese, and many Black African tribes.
And then we have this focus now on genetic testing, and screening now.!? I prefer the pure breed mentality myself. There is beauty in our genetic differences, and uniqueness.
I agree, I never accepted that "Melting Pot" philosophy. As you stated, to much mixing and matching, could cause a genetic catastrophe. Many ethnicities, tend to respect their own cultures, and mate among themselves. Especially the Japanese, and many Black African tribes.
And then we have this focus now on genetic testing, and screening now.!? I prefer the pure breed mentality myself. There is beauty in our genetic differences, and uniqueness.

I am Irish/English, German, and Native American all rolled into one. The Native American is closer to today than the others in my family tree. I get somewhat regular inquiries or comments based on assumption about my mixed heritage. Some think I am eastern european looking. I had a black woman stumped last year cause she felt I wasn't in the hispanic pool though she thought I could be and I wasn't Asian pool though she thought I could be but I definitely wasn't black because of my blue/gray eyes. My genes are basically dominant from the Irish/German part but that Native American gene kicks in when I am in the sunlight--it doesn't take much time in the sun until I start browning up. Almost never burn. I do have a tone I peak at though I can't tan darker than no matter how much time I spend in the sun after I reach it.
I agree, I never accepted that "Melting Pot" philosophy. As you stated, to much mixing and matching, could cause a genetic catastrophe. Many ethnicities, tend to respect their own cultures, and mate among themselves. Especially the Japanese, and many Black African tribes. ....
Needless to say - bullshit.


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