Ever Experience Deja Vu?

Interesting i have had many dreams about Aliens. A dream that God and his angels were aliens and they visited me from a mother ship. I also had a dream about being kidnapped by aliens and being abducted on their ship and them inserting small objects under my skin.

I dream of past and parrell worlds all the time. In my dreams I am sometimes someone else in a different world. I have been in futuristic worlds sometimes in my dreams way more advanced than our own. Sometimes I am the same person but in a completely different place, or time, or future.
Very interesting ScorpioRising007! I highly recommend reading Dolores Cannon's books to get the answers to your questions about these experiences you've had. you can order her books at www.ozarkmt.com
Yes, I have already experienced a déjà -vu a few years ago when I moved it happen when I arrived in front of the house it is as if I had already experienced it but a person who was present told me that he felt the same way and I never understood what had happened?
Deja-vu is a glitch in the brain's memory processing system

Anyone experience deja vu in their life?

I have many times in my life and it has been like freaking. I will like dream of visiting some place or dream of something happening and then like later in life I do visit this place or what I dreamed about does happen. I have dreamed about meeting new people and then later in life I actually meet that person in my dreams. I will dream about a new job then later in life I am working at that job. I have even dreamed of bad things happening to me like a car accident and then later in life that same exact car accident I dreamed about happens to me! I have dreamed about someone dieing and then guess what they die! It is so weird.
I was 17, I was shipping off to boot camp in the morning, so this was the last night I would sleep in the house I grew up in. I was really curious where the heck I'd be in a year. I was excited and had trouble sleeping, so I just kept repeating to myself, "where will I be a year from now," until I fell asleep.

I had a strange dream that I was seated in a long room with a carpeted path down the middle, and multiple rows of chairs lined up along both sides. A pretty woman wearing light colored blouse was slowly moving towards me while pushing a cart. There was a man next to me who coughed, and blew his nose. Two girls to my right were giggling over something. I turned to look at the woman with the cart, and she was looking to her right, and was slowly starting to look in my direction, but her hands were already moving. Before she'd turned completely in my direction she accidentally knocked the napkins off the cart, falling onto the floor. I picked them up and handed them back to her. Then she asked my what I wanted to drink. I asked for 7-up, and she said all they had was Sprite. That was all i could remember about that weird dream.

I thought nothing of it, because I had seen movies with airline stewardess before, so the dream must have been influenced by the fact that I was excited about flying in a commercial jet for the first time that day. So of course I'd dream about what I was going to be doing.

However, a year later, give or take a week or so, I was flying home from a naval training base. I was dosing off a bit, and heard the chimes signaling refreshments. I opened my eyes and saw the stewardess in a beige blouse coming down the isle with her cart. She had been wearing a short reddish jacket earlier. This seemed oddly familiar. then I realized, the woman in my dream was wearing that. I thought, oh no, now this guy next to me will start coughing and blow his nose. Two seconds later he did just that.

That was when I felt the blood rush to my face because I knew this was my dream. As I looked to my right I just knew those girls will giggle, and when they did, it felt like everything slowed down. I thought to myself, this is exactly like my dream. and as i slowly looked towards the stewardess I felt a sort of dread because the stewardess looking right and her hands were already in motion, reaching for the cart. I thought OMG, she's going to knock over her napkins. I was already reaching out for them just as she knocked them off, but I had already caught them. I handed them back and said "I'll take a Sprite, cuz you don't have 7-up, right?" and she said kind of woodenly "no, we do not have 7-up.

That freaked me out for the rest of the day. The only part that changed from my dream, was the wide-eyed look the stewardess gave me when she saw the way I was able to catch the napkins so deftly.

The only other time I had some weird premonition, was a few weeks ago when I was driving to my son's house for a party. On the drive over I was wondering to myself if my son had ever revisited his thoughts about getting a Tesla. Then I drove into his driveway and saw a shiny red Tesla in his garage and was dumbfounded that he just brought the car home the day before. This just seems like a one in a million coincidence, but the plane episode was truly epic.
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